path: root/doc
diff options
authorFrederic Culot <calcurse@culot.org>2008-12-09 21:09:17 +0000
committerFrederic Culot <calcurse@culot.org>2008-12-09 21:09:17 +0000
commitbd286546f42bbeb568e2a003882e78bf4f1ae831 (patch)
tree3ef19b6d45551b43779846f39b5fd82a65a6657c /doc
parentdd9f739d8a0f03ef4059a6380deaadd02181f869 (diff)
manual and manpage updated for 2.4
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
6 files changed, 357 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/doc/manual_de.html b/doc/manual_de.html
index 90790c5..4101c4a 100755
--- a/doc/manual_de.html
+++ b/doc/manual_de.html
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
- * $calcurse: manual_de.html,v 1.20 2008/09/21 14:08:59 culot Exp $
+ * $calcurse: manual_de.html,v 1.21 2008/12/09 21:09:17 culot Exp $
* Calcurse - text-based organizer
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Frederic Culot
@@ -96,9 +96,10 @@ well as the way one can contribute to <code>calcurse</code> development.
<li><a href="#options">5. Optionen</a>
<li><a href="#options_general">5.1 Allgemeine Optionen</a></li>
- <li><a href="#options_colors">5.2 Einstellen der Terminalfarben</a></li>
- <li><a href="#options_layout">5.3 Einstellen des Layouts</a></li>
- <li><a href="#options_notify">5.4 Einstellen der Benachrichtigungszeile</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#options_keys"><span class="todo">5.2 Key bindings</span></a>
+ <li><a href="#options_colors">5.3 Einstellen der Terminalfarben</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#options_layout">5.4 Einstellen des Layouts</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#options_notify">5.5 Einstellen der Benachrichtigungszeile</a></li>
<li><a href="#known_bugs">6. Bekannte Fehler</a></li>
<li><a href="#bugs">7. Mitteilung von Fehlern und Anregungen</a></li>
@@ -188,7 +189,9 @@ bedeutet, dass eine komplette Onlinehilfe im Programm zu Verf&uuml;gung
steht, sowie alle m&ouml;gliche Aktionen jederzeit in einer Statuszeile
ersichtlich sind. Das Benutzer-Interface ist ebenfalls
einstellbar. Ebenso kann man verschiedene Textfarben und Layouts
-w&auml;hlen. Ein konfigurierbares Notizsystem erinnert den Benutzer
+<span class="todo">Key bindings are also configurable, to fit everyone's needs.</span>
+Ein konfigurierbares Notizsystem erinnert den Benutzer
an bevorstehende Termine.
@@ -238,7 +241,7 @@ laden:</p>
<h2>3.2 Installationsprozess<a name="install_process"></a></h2>
Als erstes m&uuml;ssen die Dateien entpackt werden:</p>
-<pre>tar zxvf calcurse-2.3.tar.gz</pre>
+<pre>tar zxvf calcurse-2.4.tar.gz</pre>
Ist diese Voraussetzung erf&uuml;llt und das Archiv entpackt,
sind nur noch die drei &uuml;blichen Schritte erforderlich:</p>
@@ -427,6 +430,14 @@ und alle Termine des heutigen Tages beim Logon anzeigen zu lassen.</p>
<h3>4.2.2 Interaktiver Modus<a name="basics_interface_interactive"></a></h3>
+<div class="todo">
+ <p class="rq"><span class="valorise">Note:</span>
+ Key bindings that are indicated in this manual correspond to
+ the default ones, defined when <code>calcurse</code> is launched
+ for the first time. If those key bindings do not suit user's needs,
+ it is possible to change them within the keys configuration menu
+ (see <a href="#options_keys">key bindings</a>).</p>
Wird keine, oder nur Option -c angegeben, startet
<code>calcurse</code> im interaktiven Modus. In diesem Modus erh&auml;lt
@@ -544,6 +555,7 @@ wenn <code>calcurse</code> das erste Mal gestartet wird:</p>
+ |___keys
@@ -555,37 +567,14 @@ $HOME/.calcurse/
unique, but with no relation with the corresponding item's description.</span></dd>
<dd>Datei enth&auml;lt die Informationen zur Benutzerkonfiguration.</dd>
+ <dt><code>keys</code>:</dt>
+ <dd><span class="todo">this file contains the user-defined key bindings</span></dd>
<dd>Datei enth&auml;lt alle Termine.</dd>
<dd>Datei enth&auml;lt die todo-Liste.</dd>
-<h2>4.3 <code>calcurse</code> files<a name="basics_files"></a></h2>
- The following structure is created in your <code>$HOME</code>
- directory (or in the directory you specified with the -D option)
- the first time <code>calcurse</code> is run :</p>
- <pre>
- |___notes/
- |___conf
- |___apts
- |___todo
- </pre>
- <dl class="compact">
- <dt><code>notes/</code>:</dt>
- <dd>this subdirectory contains descriptions of the notes
- which are attached to appointments, events or todos. One text file is
- created per note, whose name is built using mkstemp(3) and should be
- unique, but with no relation with the corresponding item's description.</dd>
- <dt><code>conf</code>:</dt>
- <dd>this file contains the user configuration</dd>
- <dt><code>apts</code>:</dt>
- <dd>this file contains all of the events and user's appointments</dd>
- <dt><code>todo</code>:</dt>
- <dd>this file contains the todo list</dd>
- </dl>
<div class="todo">
<h2>4.4 Import/Export capabilities<a name="basics_import_export"></a></h2>
@@ -656,7 +645,10 @@ Daraufhin erscheint ein Untermen&uuml; mit vier weiteren Wahlm&ouml;glichkeiten:
Das erneute Bet&auml;tigen von 'C' f&uuml;hrt Sie zu den Farbeinstellungen und
&uuml;ber 'L' gelangen Sie in ein Untermen&uuml;, in dem Sie die Anordnung der
drei Panel &auml;ndern k&ouml;nnen. Dr&uuml;cken Sie 'G' um ins Auswahlmen&uuml;
-der allgemeinen Optionen zu gelangen. Zu guter Letzt k&ouml;nnen Sie die
+der allgemeinen Optionen zu gelangen.
+<span class="todo">pressing 'K' opens the key bindings configuration
+Zu guter Letzt k&ouml;nnen Sie die
Einstellungen der Benachrichtigungszeile &auml;ndern, indem Sie die Taste 'N'
@@ -724,11 +716,42 @@ allgemeines Verhalten.</p>
+<div class="todo">
+<h2>5.2 Key bindings<a name="options_keys"></a></h2>
+ One can define it's own keybindings within the 'Keys' configuration
+ menu. The default keys look like the one used by the <code>vim</code>
+ editor, especially the displacement keys. Anyway, within this
+ configuration menu, users can redefine all of the keys available from
+ within calcurse's user interface.</p>
+ To define new keybindings, first highlight the action to which it will
+ apply. Then, delete the actual key binding if necessary, and add a new
+ one. You will then be asked to press the key corresponding to the new
+ binding. It is possible to define more than one key binding for a single
+ action.</p>
+ An automatic check is performed to see if the new key binding
+ is not already set for another action. In that case, you will be asked
+ to choose a different one. Another check is done when exiting from this
+ menu, to make sure all possible actions have a key associated with it.</p>
+ The following keys can be used to define bindings:
+ <ul>
+ <li>lower-case, upper-case letters and numbers, such as 'a', 'Z', '0'</li>
+ <li>CONTROL-key followed by one of the above letters</li>
+ <li>escape, horizontal tab, and space keys</li>
+ <li>arrow keys (up, down, left, and right)</li>
+ </ul> </p>
+ While inside the key configuration menu, an online help is available for
+ each one of the available actions. This help briefly describes what the
+ highlighted action is used for.</p>
-<h2>5.2 Textfarben einstellen<a name="options_colors"></a></h2>
+<h2>5.3 Textfarben einstellen<a name="options_colors"></a></h2>
<code>calcurse</code> Textfarben k&ouml;nnen nach eigenen
Vorlieben eingestellt werden. Um die Standartfarben zu wechseln,
@@ -755,7 +778,7 @@ auch den Eintrag f&uuml;r die Standartfarben des Terminals.</p>
(etwa <span class="emp">xterm-xfree86</span>).
-<h2>5.3 Layout einstellen<a name="options_layout"></a></h2>
+<h2>5.4 Layout einstellen<a name="options_layout"></a></h2>
Das Layout bezieht sich auf die Positionen der einzelnen Panel. Das
Standard-Layout zeigt das Kalender-Panel in der oberen linken Ecke des
@@ -768,7 +791,7 @@ Erscheinungsbild von <code>calcurse</code> seinen eigenen W&uuml;nschen
entsprechend anpassen.</p>
-<h2>5.4 Benachrichtigungszeile einstellen<a name="options_notify"></a></h2>
+<h2>5.5 Benachrichtigungszeile einstellen<a name="options_notify"></a></h2>
Folgende Optionen &auml;ndern das Verhalten der Benachrichtigungszeile:</p>
@@ -1118,7 +1141,7 @@ Benutzer, die mir Ihr Feedback mitgeteilt haben.</p>
Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Fr�d�ric Culot<br>
German translation by Michael Schulz
<code>&lt;bloodshower .at. web .dot. de&gt;</code>, and Chris.<br>
- Calcurse version 2.3 - Last change: September 21, 2008<br>
+ Calcurse version 2.4 - Last change: December 09, 2008<br>
diff --git a/doc/manual_en.html b/doc/manual_en.html
index 62598d7..39c647b 100755
--- a/doc/manual_en.html
+++ b/doc/manual_en.html
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
- * $calcurse: manual_en.html,v 1.20 2008/09/21 14:08:59 culot Exp $
+ * $calcurse: manual_en.html,v 1.21 2008/12/09 21:09:17 culot Exp $
* Calcurse - text-based organizer
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Frederic Culot
@@ -93,9 +93,10 @@ well as the way one can contribute to <code>calcurse</code> development.
<li><a href="#options">5. Options</a>
<li><a href="#options_general">5.1 General options</a></li>
- <li><a href="#options_colors">5.2 Color themes</a></li>
- <li><a href="#options_layout">5.3 Layout configuration</a></li>
- <li><a href="#options_notify">5.4 Notify-bar settings</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#options_keys">5.2 Key bindings</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#options_colors">5.3 Color themes</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#options_layout">5.4 Layout configuration</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#options_notify">5.5 Notify-bar settings</a></li>
<li><a href="#known_bugs">6. Known bugs</a></li>
<li><a href="#bugs">7. Reporting bugs and feedback</a></li>
@@ -180,8 +181,9 @@ All of the commands are documented within an online help system.
in mind, and tends to be as friendly as possible. This means
a complete on-line help system, together with having all of
the possible actions displayed at any time inside a status bar.
- The user interface is also configurable, and one can choose
+ The user interface is configurable, and one can choose
between several color and layout combinations.
+ Key bindings are also configurable, to fit everyone's needs.
Last, a configurable notification system reminds user of upcoming
@@ -236,7 +238,7 @@ All of the commands are documented within an online help system.
<h2>3.2 Install process<a name="install_process"></a></h2>
First you need to gunzip and untar the source archive:</p>
- <pre>tar zxvf calcurse-2.3.tar.gz</pre>
+ <pre>tar zxvf calcurse-2.4.tar.gz</pre>
Once you meet the requirements and have extracted the archive,
the install process is quite simple, and follows the standard
@@ -433,7 +435,14 @@ All of the commands are documented within an online help system.
<h3>4.2.2 Interactive mode<a name="basics_interface_interactive"></a></h3>
- When called without any argument or only with the
+ <p class="rq"><span class="valorise">Note:</span>
+ Key bindings that are indicated in this manual correspond to
+ the default ones, defined when <code>calcurse</code> is launched
+ for the first time. If those key bindings do not suit user's needs,
+ it is possible to change them within the keys configuration menu
+ (see <a href="#options_keys">key bindings</a>).</p>
+ <p>When called without any argument or only with the
<code>-c</code> option, <code>calcurse</code> is started in
interactive mode. In this mode, you are shown an interface
containing three different panels which you can browse using
@@ -551,6 +560,7 @@ All of the commands are documented within an online help system.
+ |___keys
@@ -562,6 +572,8 @@ $HOME/.calcurse/
unique, but with no relation with the corresponding item's description.</dd>
<dd>this file contains the user configuration</dd>
+ <dt><code>keys</code>:</dt>
+ <dd>this file contains the user-defined key bindings</dd>
<dd>this file contains all of the events and user's appointments</dd>
@@ -632,13 +644,13 @@ $HOME/.calcurse/
All of the <code>calcurse</code> parameters are configurable from the
Configuration menu available when pressing 'C'. You are then
- driven to a submenu with four possible choices : pressing 'C'
+ driven to a submenu with five possible choices : pressing 'C'
again will lead you to the Color scheme configuration,
pressing 'L' allows you to choose the layout of the main
<code>calcurse</code> screen (in other words, where to put the three
different panels on screen), pressing 'G' permits you to choose between
- different general options, and last you can modify the notify-bar
- settings by pressing 'N'.</p>
+ different general options, pressing 'K' opens the key bindings configuration
+ menu, and last you can modify the notify-bar settings by pressing 'N'.</p>
<h2>5.1 General options<a name="options_general"></a></h2>
@@ -711,7 +723,39 @@ $HOME/.calcurse/
-<h2>5.2 Color themes<a name="options_colors"></a></h2>
+<h2>5.2 Key bindings<a name="options_keys"></a></h2>
+ One can define it's own keybindings within the 'Keys' configuration
+ menu. The default keys look like the one used by the <code>vim</code>
+ editor, especially the displacement keys. Anyway, within this
+ configuration menu, users can redefine all of the keys available from
+ within calcurse's user interface.</p>
+ To define new keybindings, first highlight the action to which it will
+ apply. Then, delete the actual key binding if necessary, and add a new
+ one. You will then be asked to press the key corresponding to the new
+ binding. It is possible to define more than one key binding for a single
+ action.</p>
+ An automatic check is performed to see if the new key binding
+ is not already set for another action. In that case, you will be asked
+ to choose a different one. Another check is done when exiting from this
+ menu, to make sure all possible actions have a key associated with it.</p>
+ The following keys can be used to define bindings:
+ <ul>
+ <li>lower-case, upper-case letters and numbers, such as 'a', 'Z', '0'</li>
+ <li>CONTROL-key followed by one of the above letters</li>
+ <li>escape, horizontal tab, and space keys</li>
+ <li>arrow keys (up, down, left, and right)</li>
+ </ul> </p>
+ While inside the key configuration menu, an online help is available for
+ each one of the available actions. This help briefly describes what the
+ highlighted action is used for.</p>
+<h2>5.3 Color themes<a name="options_colors"></a></h2>
<code>calcurse</code> color theme can be customized to suit user's
needs. To change the default theme, the configuration page
@@ -738,7 +782,7 @@ $HOME/.calcurse/
-<h2>5.3 Layout configuration<a name="options_layout"></a></h2>
+<h2>5.4 Layout configuration<a name="options_layout"></a></h2>
The layout corresponds to the position of the panels inside
<code>calcurse</code> screen. The default layout makes the
@@ -753,7 +797,7 @@ $HOME/.calcurse/
his needs by placing the different panels where needed.</p>
-<h2>5.4 Notify-bar settings<a name="options_notify"></a></h2>
+<h2>5.5 Notify-bar settings<a name="options_notify"></a></h2>
The following options are used to modify the notify-bar behavior:</p>
@@ -1126,7 +1170,7 @@ msgid ""
<div class="footer">
Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Fr�d�ric Culot<br>
- Calcurse version 2.3 - Last change: September 21, 2008<br>
+ Calcurse version 2.4 - Last change: December 09, 2008<br>
diff --git a/doc/manual_es.html b/doc/manual_es.html
index 2624051..2a89d1b 100755
--- a/doc/manual_es.html
+++ b/doc/manual_es.html
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
- * $calcurse: manual_es.html,v 1.17 2008/09/21 14:08:59 culot Exp $
+ * $calcurse: manual_es.html,v 1.18 2008/12/09 21:09:17 culot Exp $
* Calcurse - text-based organizer
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Frederic Culot
@@ -96,9 +96,10 @@ well as the way one can contribute to <code>calcurse</code> development.
<li><a href="#options">5. Opciones</a>
<li><a href="#options_general">5.1 Opciones generales</a></li>
- <li><a href="#options_colors">5.2 Color (temas)</a></li>
- <li><a href="#options_layout">5.3 Configuraci�n de la disposici�n</a></li>
- <li><a href="#options_notify">5.4 Ajustes de la barra de notificaciones</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#options_keys"><span class="todo">5.2 Key bindings</span></a>
+ <li><a href="#options_colors">5.3 Color (temas)</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#options_layout">5.4 Configuraci�n de la disposici�n</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#options_notify">5.5 Ajustes de la barra de notificaciones</a></li>
<li><a href="#known_bugs">6. Bugs conocidos</a></li>
<li><a href="#bugs">7. Informar de bugs y comentarios</a></li>
@@ -185,6 +186,7 @@ well as the way one can contribute to <code>calcurse</code> development.
las posibles acciones visualizadas en todo momento en la barra de
estado. La interfaz de usuario tambi�n es configurable y uno puede
elegir entre combinaciones de colores y disposiciones.
+<span class="todo">Key bindings are also configurable, to fit everyone's needs.</span>
Finalmente, un sistema de notificacion recuerda al usuario sus proximas citas.
@@ -236,7 +238,7 @@ well as the way one can contribute to <code>calcurse</code> development.
<h2>3.2 Proceso de instalaci�n<a name="install_process"></a></h2>
Primero necesitas descomprimir ( gunzip y untar) el archivo fuente:</p>
- <pre>tar zxvf calcurse-2.3.tar.gz</pre>
+ <pre>tar zxvf calcurse-2.4.tar.gz</pre>
Una vez has resuelto los requisitos y has extra�do el archivo,
el proceso de instalaci�n es muy simple y sigue los tres pasos habituales:
@@ -435,6 +437,14 @@ well as the way one can contribute to <code>calcurse</code> development.
programadas para el d�a actual.</p>
<h3>4.2.2 Modo interactivo<a name="basics_interface_interactive"></a></h3>
+<div class="todo">
+ <p class="rq"><span class="valorise">Note:</span>
+ Key bindings that are indicated in this manual correspond to
+ the default ones, defined when <code>calcurse</code> is launched
+ for the first time. If those key bindings do not suit user's needs,
+ it is possible to change them within the keys configuration menu
+ (see <a href="#options_keys">key bindings</a>).</p>
Cuando es llamado sin ning�n argumento o solo con la opci�n
<code>-c</code>, <code>calcurse</code> arranca en modo interactivo.
@@ -556,6 +566,7 @@ well as the way one can contribute to <code>calcurse</code> development.
+ |___keys
@@ -567,6 +578,8 @@ $HOME/.calcurse/
unique, but with no relation with the corresponding item's description.</span></dd>
<dd>contiene la configuraci�n del usuario.</dd>
+ <dt><code>keys</code>:</dt>
+ <dd><span class="todo">this file contains the user-defined key bindings</span></dd>
<dd>contiene todos los eventos y citas del usuario.</dd>
@@ -643,7 +656,10 @@ $HOME/.calcurse/
pulsando 'C' de nuevo, te lleva a la configuraci�n del esquema de colores.
Pulsando 'L' te permite elegir la disposici�n de la pantalla principal
de <code>calcurse</code> (en otras palabras, donde colocar los tres diferentes
- paneles en pantalla), y finalmente puedes elegir entre diferentes opciones
+ paneles en pantalla),
+ <span class="todo">pressing 'K' opens the key bindings configuration
+ menu,</span>
+ y finalmente puedes elegir entre diferentes opciones
generales pulsando 'G'.
@@ -723,7 +739,40 @@ $HOME/.calcurse/
-<h2>5.2 Color (temas)<a name="options_colors"></a></h2>
+<div class="todo">
+<h2>5.2 Key bindings<a name="options_keys"></a></h2>
+ One can define it's own keybindings within the 'Keys' configuration
+ menu. The default keys look like the one used by the <code>vim</code>
+ editor, especially the displacement keys. Anyway, within this
+ configuration menu, users can redefine all of the keys available from
+ within calcurse's user interface.</p>
+ To define new keybindings, first highlight the action to which it will
+ apply. Then, delete the actual key binding if necessary, and add a new
+ one. You will then be asked to press the key corresponding to the new
+ binding. It is possible to define more than one key binding for a single
+ action.</p>
+ An automatic check is performed to see if the new key binding
+ is not already set for another action. In that case, you will be asked
+ to choose a different one. Another check is done when exiting from this
+ menu, to make sure all possible actions have a key associated with it.</p>
+ The following keys can be used to define bindings:
+ <ul>
+ <li>lower-case, upper-case letters and numbers, such as 'a', 'Z', '0'</li>
+ <li>CONTROL-key followed by one of the above letters</li>
+ <li>escape, horizontal tab, and space keys</li>
+ <li>arrow keys (up, down, left, and right)</li>
+ </ul> </p>
+ While inside the key configuration menu, an online help is available for
+ each one of the available actions. This help briefly describes what the
+ highlighted action is used for.</p>
+<h2>5.3 Color (temas)<a name="options_colors"></a></h2>
El tema de color de <code>calcurse</code> puede se configurado para
cubrir las necesidades del usuario. Para cambiar el tema por defecto, la
@@ -751,7 +800,7 @@ $HOME/.calcurse/
a otro valor. (como por ejemplo <span class="emp">xterm-xfree86</span>).
-<h2>5.3 Configuraci�n de la disposici�n<a name="options_layout"></a></h2>
+<h2>5.4 Configuraci�n de la disposici�n<a name="options_layout"></a></h2>
La disposici�n corresponde a la posici�n de los paneles
dentro de la pantalla de <code>calcurse</code>. La disposici�n por defecto
@@ -764,7 +813,7 @@ $HOME/.calcurse/
modificar la apariencia de <code>calcurse</code> que mejor se adapte a sus
necesidades colocando los diferentes paneles donde los necesite.</p>
-<h2>5.4 Ajustes de la barra de notificaciones<a name="options_notify"></a></h2>
+<h2>5.5 Ajustes de la barra de notificaciones<a name="options_notify"></a></h2>
Las siguientes opciones se usan para modificar el comportamiento de la barra de notificaciones:</p>
@@ -1110,7 +1159,7 @@ msgid ""
Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Fr�d�ric Culot<br>
Traducido al Espa�ol por Jos� L�pez
<code>&lt;testinground .at. gmail .dot. com&gt;</code><br>
- Calcurse version 2.3 - Last change: September 21, 2008<br>
+ Calcurse version 2.4 - Last change: December 09, 2008<br>
diff --git a/doc/manual_fr.html b/doc/manual_fr.html
index a1cea1e..21cb305 100755
--- a/doc/manual_fr.html
+++ b/doc/manual_fr.html
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
- * $calcurse: manual_fr.html,v 1.21 2008/09/21 14:08:59 culot Exp $
+ * $calcurse: manual_fr.html,v 1.22 2008/12/09 21:09:17 culot Exp $
* Calcurse - text-based organizer
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Frederic Culot
@@ -96,9 +96,10 @@ pour faire remonter les bogues et pour contribuer au d�veloppement de
<li><a href="#options">5. Options</a>
<li><a href="#options_general">5.1 Options g�n�rales</a></li>
- <li><a href="#options_colors">5.2 Th�mes graphiques</a></li>
- <li><a href="#options_layout">5.3 Disposition des panneaux</a></li>
- <li><a href="#options_notify">5.4 R�glages de la barre de notification</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#options_keys">5.2 Raccourcis clavier</a>
+ <li><a href="#options_colors">5.3 Th�mes graphiques</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#options_layout">5.4 Disposition des panneaux</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#options_notify">5.5 R�glages de la barre de notification</a></li>
<li><a href="#known_bugs">6. Bogues connus</a></li>
<li><a href="#bugs">7. Rapporter les bogues et commentaires</a></li>
@@ -198,7 +199,9 @@ disponibles.
possibles dans la barre de status. L'interface utilisateur
est �galement configurable, et l'on peut choisir parmi de
nombreuses combinaisons possibles de couleurs et de positions
- des fen�tres. Enfin, le syst�me de notification est
+ des fen�tres. Les raccourcis clavier peuvent �tre d�finis aussi
+ par l'utilisateur, pour correspondre aux besoins de chacun.
+ Enfin, le syst�me de notification est
enti�rement configurable, l'utilisateur peut donc choisir la
mani�re dont il veut �tre pr�venu de l'approche d'un
@@ -264,7 +267,7 @@ disponibles.
Vous devez tout d'abord d�compresser l'archive source de la
mani�re suivante :</p>
- <pre>tar zxvf calcurse-2.3.tar.gz</pre>
+ <pre>tar zxvf calcurse-2.4.tar.gz</pre>
Une fois que vous remplissez tous les pr�-requis n�cessaires �
l'installation, le processus de compilation est simple et suit
@@ -475,6 +478,14 @@ disponibles.
<h3>4.2.2 Mode interactif<a name="basics_interface_interactive"></a></h3>
+<div class="todo">
+ <p class="rq"><span class="valorise">Note:</span>
+ Key bindings that are indicated in this manual correspond to
+ the default ones, defined when <code>calcurse</code> is launched
+ for the first time. If those key bindings do not suit user's needs,
+ it is possible to change them within the keys configuration menu
+ (see <a href="#options_keys">key bindings</a>).</p>
Lorsqu'il est appel� sans aucun argument ou uniquement avec
l'option <code>'-c'</code>, <code>calcurse</code> est lanc�
@@ -602,6 +613,7 @@ disponibles.
+ |___keys
@@ -615,6 +627,8 @@ $HOME/.calcurse/
<dd>ce fichier contient la configuration de l'utilisateur</dd>
+ <dt><code>keys</code>:</dt>
+ <dd>ce fichier contient les raccourcis clavier d�finis par l'utilisateur</dd>
<dd>ce fichier contient tous les �v�nements ainsi que les
rendez-vous de l'utilisateur</dd>
@@ -695,7 +709,9 @@ $HOME/.calcurse/
au menu de s�lection des couleurs de l'interface, appuyer sur
'L' permet de choisir parmi diff�rents emplacements pour les
panneaux de la fen�tre principale de <code>calcurse</code>,
- appuyer sur 'G' vous permet de fixer les options g�n�rales, et enfin
+ appuyer sur 'G' vous permet de fixer les options g�n�rales, 'K'
+ vous permet d'acc�der au menu de configuration des raccourcis clavier,
+ et enfin
les param�tres de la barre de notification peuvent �tre fix�s
en appuyant sur 'N'.</p>
@@ -781,8 +797,40 @@ $HOME/.calcurse/
+<div class="todo">
+<h2>5.2 Key bindings<a name="options_keys"></a></h2>
+ One can define it's own keybindings within the 'Keys' configuration
+ menu. The default keys look like the one used by the <code>vim</code>
+ editor, especially the displacement keys. Anyway, within this
+ configuration menu, users can redefine all of the keys available from
+ within calcurse's user interface.</p>
+ To define new keybindings, first highlight the action to which it will
+ apply. Then, delete the actual key binding if necessary, and add a new
+ one. You will then be asked to press the key corresponding to the new
+ binding. It is possible to define more than one key binding for a single
+ action.</p>
+ An automatic check is performed to see if the new key binding
+ is not already set for another action. In that case, you will be asked
+ to choose a different one. Another check is done when exiting from this
+ menu, to make sure all possible actions have a key associated with it.</p>
+ The following keys can be used to define bindings:
+ <ul>
+ <li>lower-case, upper-case letters and numbers, such as 'a', 'Z', '0'</li>
+ <li>CONTROL-key followed by one of the above letters</li>
+ <li>escape, horizontal tab, and space keys</li>
+ <li>arrow keys (up, down, left, and right)</li>
+ </ul> </p>
+ While inside the key configuration menu, an online help is available for
+ each one of the available actions. This help briefly describes what the
+ highlighted action is used for.</p>
-<h2>5.2 Th�mes graphiques<a name="options_colors"></a></h2>
+<h2>5.3 Th�mes graphiques<a name="options_colors"></a></h2>
Le th�me graphique de <code>calcurse</code> peut �tre adapt� aux besoins de
l'utilisateur. Pour changer les options par d�faut, la page de configuration
@@ -812,7 +860,7 @@ $HOME/.calcurse/
<span class="emp">xterm-xfree86</span>).
-<h2>5.3 Disposition des panneaux<a name="options_layout"></a></h2>
+<h2>5.4 Disposition des panneaux<a name="options_layout"></a></h2>
La disposition des panneaux � l'int�rieur de la fen�tre de
<code>calcurse</code> peut �tre param�tr�e. Par d�faut, le
@@ -826,7 +874,7 @@ $HOME/.calcurse/
la fen�tre de <code>calcurse</code>, l'utilisateur peut adapter
� ses besoins l'interface du programme.</p>
-<h2>5.4 R�glages de la barre de notification<a name="options_notify"></a></h2>
+<h2>5.5 R�glages de la barre de notification<a name="options_notify"></a></h2>
Les options suivantes permettent de modifier les r�glages de la
barre de notification:</p>
@@ -1276,7 +1324,7 @@ msgid ""
<div class="footer">
Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Fr�d�ric Culot<br>
- Calcurse version 2.3 - Derni�re modification: 21 Septembre 2008<br>
+ Calcurse version 2.4 - Derni�re modification: 09 D�cembre 2008<br>
diff --git a/doc/manual_it.html b/doc/manual_it.html
index 872d5f4..3f090e4 100755
--- a/doc/manual_it.html
+++ b/doc/manual_it.html
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
- * $calcurse: manual_it.html,v 1.6 2008/09/21 14:08:59 culot Exp $
+ * $calcurse: manual_it.html,v 1.7 2008/12/09 21:09:17 culot Exp $
* Calcurse - text-based organizer
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Frederic Culot
@@ -95,10 +95,11 @@ partecipare allo sviluppo di calcurse.
<li><a href="#options">5. Opzioni</a>
<li><a href="#options_general">5.1 Opzioni generali</a></li>
- <li><a href="#options_colors">5.2 Temi dei colori</a></li>
- <li><a href="#options_layout">5.3 Configurazione dell'interfaccia</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#options_keys"><span class="todo">5.2 Key bindings</span></a>
+ <li><a href="#options_colors">5.3 Temi dei colori</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#options_layout">5.4 Configurazione dell'interfaccia</a></li>
- <a href="#options_notify">5.4 Configurazioni della barra di
+ <a href="#options_notify">5.5 Configurazioni della barra di
@@ -190,6 +191,7 @@ caratteristiche<a name="overview_features"></a></h2>
cui sono elencate tutte le azioni disponibili.
Anche l'interfaccia utente è configurabile permettendo di poter
scegliere fra diverse combinazioni di colori e layout.
+<span class="todo">Key bindings are also configurable, to fit everyone's needs.</span>
Infine un sistema configurabile di allarmi ricorda all'utente
l'avvicinarsi degli appuntamenti.
@@ -252,7 +254,7 @@ caratteristiche<a name="overview_features"></a></h2>
Innanzitutto è necessario scompattare l'archivio contenente i
- <pre>tar zxvf calcurse-2.3.tar.gz</pre>
+ <pre>tar zxvf calcurse-2.4.tar.gz</pre>
Una volta verificati i requisiti e scompattato l'archivio la
procedura d'installazione è piuttosto semplice visto che segue i tre
@@ -479,6 +481,14 @@ d'ambiente<a name="basics_invocation_environment"></a></h3>
degli appuntamenti previsti per la data odierna.</p>
<h3>4.2.2 Modalità interattiva<a name="basics_interface_interactive"></a></h3>
+<div class="todo">
+ <p class="rq"><span class="valorise">Note:</span>
+ Key bindings that are indicated in this manual correspond to
+ the default ones, defined when <code>calcurse</code> is launched
+ for the first time. If those key bindings do not suit user's needs,
+ it is possible to change them within the keys configuration menu
+ (see <a href="#options_keys">key bindings</a>).</p>
Se viene avviato senza argomenti oppure solo con
l'opzione <code>'-c'</code> <code>calcurse</code> si avvia nella modalità
@@ -605,6 +615,7 @@ d'ambiente<a name="basics_invocation_environment"></a></h3>
+ |___keys
@@ -621,6 +632,9 @@ d'ambiente<a name="basics_invocation_environment"></a></h3>
<dd>questo file contiene le configurazioni dell'utente</dd>
+ <dt><code>keys</code>:</dt>
+ <dd><span class="todo">this file contains the user-defined key bindings</span></dd>
<dd>questo file contiene gli eventi e gli appuntamenti
@@ -699,7 +713,10 @@ d'ambiente<a name="basics_invocation_environment"></a></h3>
è possibile scegliere la configurazione dell'interfaccia dello
schermo principale di <code>calcurse</code> (praticamente le posizioni relative
dei tre pannelli); premendo 'G' è possibile modificare alcune
- opzioni generali; ed infine premendo 'N' è possibile modificare le
+ opzioni generali;
+ <span class="todo">pressing 'K' opens the key bindings configuration
+ menu,</span>
+ ed infine premendo 'N' è possibile modificare le
impostazioni della barra di notifica.
@@ -787,8 +804,40 @@ d'ambiente<a name="basics_invocation_environment"></a></h3>
+<div class="todo">
+<h2>5.2 Key bindings<a name="options_keys"></a></h2>
+ One can define it's own keybindings within the 'Keys' configuration
+ menu. The default keys look like the one used by the <code>vim</code>
+ editor, especially the displacement keys. Anyway, within this
+ configuration menu, users can redefine all of the keys available from
+ within calcurse's user interface.</p>
+ To define new keybindings, first highlight the action to which it will
+ apply. Then, delete the actual key binding if necessary, and add a new
+ one. You will then be asked to press the key corresponding to the new
+ binding. It is possible to define more than one key binding for a single
+ action.</p>
+ An automatic check is performed to see if the new key binding
+ is not already set for another action. In that case, you will be asked
+ to choose a different one. Another check is done when exiting from this
+ menu, to make sure all possible actions have a key associated with it.</p>
+ The following keys can be used to define bindings:
+ <ul>
+ <li>lower-case, upper-case letters and numbers, such as 'a', 'Z', '0'</li>
+ <li>CONTROL-key followed by one of the above letters</li>
+ <li>escape, horizontal tab, and space keys</li>
+ <li>arrow keys (up, down, left, and right)</li>
+ </ul> </p>
+ While inside the key configuration menu, an online help is available for
+ each one of the available actions. This help briefly describes what the
+ highlighted action is used for.</p>
- <h2>5.2 Color themes<a name="options_colors"></a></h2>
+ <h2>5.3 Color themes<a name="options_colors"></a></h2>
Il tema del colore di <code>calcurse</code> può essere personalizzato a seconda
delle necessità dell'utente. Nella pagina di configurazione è
@@ -820,7 +869,7 @@ d'ambiente<a name="basics_invocation_environment"></a></h3>
-<h2>5.3 Configurazione del layout<a name="options_layout"></a></h2>
+<h2>5.4 Configurazione del layout<a name="options_layout"></a></h2>
Il layout è la posizione dei pannelli all'interno dello schermo di
<code>calcurse</code>. Il layout predefinito è così disposto: il pannello del
@@ -833,7 +882,7 @@ d'ambiente<a name="basics_invocation_environment"></a></h3>
<code>calcurse</code> a seconda delle necessità.
-<h2>5.4 Impostazioni della barra delle notifiche<a name="options_notify"></a></h2>
+<h2>5.5 Impostazioni della barra delle notifiche<a name="options_notify"></a></h2>
Le seguenti opzioni modificano il comportamento della barra delle
@@ -1353,7 +1402,7 @@ d'ambiente<a name="basics_invocation_environment"></a></h3>
<div class="footer">
Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Fr&eacute;d&eacute;ric Culot<br>
- Calcurse version 2.3 - Last change: September 21, 2008<br>
+ Calcurse version 2.4 - Last change: December 09, 2008<br>
diff --git a/doc/manual_nl.html b/doc/manual_nl.html
index bf5f9bf..4e77b69 100755
--- a/doc/manual_nl.html
+++ b/doc/manual_nl.html
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//NL">
- * $calcurse: manual_nl.html,v 1.13 2008/10/15 16:15:40 culot Exp $
+ * $calcurse: manual_nl.html,v 1.14 2008/12/09 21:09:17 culot Exp $
* Calcurse - text-based organizer
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Frederic Culot
@@ -94,9 +94,10 @@ besproken. Als laatste wordt zowel de procedure van het melden van fouten in
<li><a href="#options">5. Opties</a>
<li><a href="#options_general">5.1 Algemene opties</a></li>
- <li><a href="#options_colors">5.2 Kleurenschema's</a></li>
- <li><a href="#options_layout">5.3 Layout configuratie</a></li>
- <li><a href="#options_notify">5.4 Informatiebalk instellingen</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#options_keys"><span class="todo">5.2 Key bindings</span></a>
+ <li><a href="#options_colors">5.3 Kleurenschema's</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#options_layout">5.4 Layout configuratie</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#options_notify">5.5 Informatiebalk instellingen</a></li>
<li><a href="#known_bugs">6. Bekende bugs</a></li>
<li><a href="#bugs">7. Rapporteren bugs en aanmerkingen</a></li>
@@ -182,8 +183,9 @@ besproken. Als laatste wordt zowel de procedure van het melden van fouten in
mogelijk. Dit betekent dat er een volledige hulp-functie is, en de
beschikbare acties altijd op het scherm staan in de statusbalk. De
gebruikers-interface is ook aan te passen, en men kan tussen
- verschillende kleurenschema's en layout-combinaties kiezen. En als
- laatste, is er het configurabele meldingssysteem, dat gebruikers
+ verschillende kleurenschema's en layout-combinaties kiezen.
+<span class="todo">Key bindings are also configurable, to fit everyone's needs.</span>
+ En als laatste, is er het configurabele meldingssysteem, dat gebruikers
verwittigt van op handen zijnde afspraken.
@@ -235,7 +237,7 @@ besproken. Als laatste wordt zowel de procedure van het melden van fouten in
Als eerste moet het volgende archief uitgepakt worden met gunzip en
- <pre>tar zxvf calcurse-2.3.tar.gz</pre>
+ <pre>tar zxvf calcurse-2.4.tar.gz</pre>
Zodra de benodigde pakketten ge&iuml;nstalleerd zijn en het archief
uitgepakt is, is de installatieprocedure vrij simpel, via de
@@ -425,6 +427,14 @@ besproken. Als laatste wordt zowel de procedure van het melden van fouten in
<h3>4.2.2 Interactieve modus<a name="basics_interface_interactive"></a></h3>
+<div class="todo">
+ <p class="rq"><span class="valorise">Note:</span>
+ Key bindings that are indicated in this manual correspond to
+ the default ones, defined when <code>calcurse</code> is launched
+ for the first time. If those key bindings do not suit user's needs,
+ it is possible to change them within the keys configuration menu
+ (see <a href="#options_keys">key bindings</a>).</p>
Als <code>calcurse</code> zonder opties of alleen met de
<code>-c</code> optie wordt aangeroepen, wordt <code>calcurse</code>
@@ -546,6 +556,7 @@ besproken. Als laatste wordt zowel de procedure van het melden van fouten in
+ |___keys
@@ -559,6 +570,8 @@ $HOME/.calcurse/
het corresponderende item.</dd>
<dd>bevat de configuratie van de gebruiker.</dd>
+ <dt><code>keys</code>:</dt>
+ <dd><span class="todo">this file contains the user-defined key bindings</span></dd>
<dd>bevat alle gebeurtenissen en afspraken van de gebruiker.</dd>
@@ -632,12 +645,15 @@ $HOME/.calcurse/
<h1>5. Opties<a name="options"></a></h1>
Alle opties van <code>calcurse</code> zijn aan te passen vanuit het
- Configuratie menu. Als je op 'C' drukt, kom je in een submenu met 4
+ Configuratie menu. Als je op 'C' drukt, kom je in een submenu met 5
keuzes: Druk opnieuw 'C' om naar de configuratie van de
kleurenschema's te gaan, druk op 'L' om naar de hoofdindeling van
<code>calcurse</code> te gaan (in andere woorden, waar de 3 panels op
het scherm komen), druk op 'G' om een aantal algemene opties in te
- stellen, en als laatste kan de informatiebalk worden aangepast worden
+ stellen,
+ <span class="todo">pressing 'K' opens the key bindings configuration
+ menu,</span>
+ en als laatste kan de informatiebalk worden aangepast worden
met de toets 'N'.
@@ -713,7 +729,40 @@ $HOME/.calcurse/
-<h2>5.2 Kleurenschema's<a name="options_colors"></a></h2>
+<div class="todo">
+<h2>5.2 Key bindings<a name="options_keys"></a></h2>
+ One can define it's own keybindings within the 'Keys' configuration
+ menu. The default keys look like the one used by the <code>vim</code>
+ editor, especially the displacement keys. Anyway, within this
+ configuration menu, users can redefine all of the keys available from
+ within calcurse's user interface.</p>
+ To define new keybindings, first highlight the action to which it will
+ apply. Then, delete the actual key binding if necessary, and add a new
+ one. You will then be asked to press the key corresponding to the new
+ binding. It is possible to define more than one key binding for a single
+ action.</p>
+ An automatic check is performed to see if the new key binding
+ is not already set for another action. In that case, you will be asked
+ to choose a different one. Another check is done when exiting from this
+ menu, to make sure all possible actions have a key associated with it.</p>
+ The following keys can be used to define bindings:
+ <ul>
+ <li>lower-case, upper-case letters and numbers, such as 'a', 'Z', '0'</li>
+ <li>CONTROL-key followed by one of the above letters</li>
+ <li>escape, horizontal tab, and space keys</li>
+ <li>arrow keys (up, down, left, and right)</li>
+ </ul> </p>
+ While inside the key configuration menu, an online help is available for
+ each one of the available actions. This help briefly describes what the
+ highlighted action is used for.</p>
+<h2>5.3 Kleurenschema's<a name="options_colors"></a></h2>
De kleurenschema's van <code>calcurse</code> zijn aan te passen aan de
wensen van de gebruiker. Om het standaard schema te wijzigen, zijn er
@@ -740,7 +789,7 @@ $HOME/.calcurse/
(zoals bijvoorbeeld <span class="emp">xterm-xfree86</span>)
-<h2>5.3 Layout configuratie<a name="options_layout"></a></h2>
+<h2>5.4 Layout configuratie<a name="options_layout"></a></h2>
De layout stelt de positie van de panels van <code>calcurse</code> in.
Bij de standaard layout is de positie van het kalender panel in de
@@ -752,7 +801,7 @@ $HOME/.calcurse/
gebruiker <code>calcurse</code> zo het beste aan zijn behoeftes
-<h2>5.4 Informatiebalk instellingen<a name="options_notify"></a></h2>
+<h2>5.5 Informatiebalk instellingen<a name="options_notify"></a></h2>
De volgende opties stelt het gedrag van de informatiebalk in:</p>
@@ -1117,7 +1166,7 @@ msgid ""
<div class="footer">
Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Fr�d�ric Culot<br>
- Calcurse version 2.3 - Last change: September 21, 2008<br>
+ Calcurse version 2.4 - Last change: December 09, 2008<br>