#!/bin/sh # Calcurse support of recurrence rules does not include the rule part WKST (weekstart), # but calcurse configuration does allow a choice between Monday and Sunday. . "${TEST_INIT:-./test-init.sh}" if [ "$1" = 'actual' ]; then TMP=tmp mkdir "$TMP" cp "$DATA_DIR"/conf "$TMP" sed -n '/page 131/p' "$DATA_DIR"/rfc5545 > "$TMP"/apts "$CALCURSE" -D "$TMP" -Q --filter-type cal --startday=08/01/1997 --range=31 sed 's/=monday/=sunday/' "$DATA_DIR"/conf > "$TMP"/conf "$CALCURSE" -D "$TMP" -Q --filter-type cal --startday=08/01/1997 --range=31 rm -rf "$TMP" elif [ "$1" = 'expected' ]; then cat < 09:00 page 131: An example where the days generated makes a difference because of weekstart (RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2;COUNT=4;BYDAY=TU,SU) 08/10/97: - 09:00 -> 09:00 page 131: An example where the days generated makes a difference because of weekstart (RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2;COUNT=4;BYDAY=TU,SU) 08/19/97: - 09:00 -> 09:00 page 131: An example where the days generated makes a difference because of weekstart (RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2;COUNT=4;BYDAY=TU,SU) 08/24/97: - 09:00 -> 09:00 page 131: An example where the days generated makes a difference because of weekstart (RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2;COUNT=4;BYDAY=TU,SU) 08/05/97: - 09:00 -> 09:00 page 131: An example where the days generated makes a difference because of weekstart (RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2;COUNT=4;BYDAY=TU,SU) 08/17/97: - 09:00 -> 09:00 page 131: An example where the days generated makes a difference because of weekstart (RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2;COUNT=4;BYDAY=TU,SU) 08/19/97: - 09:00 -> 09:00 page 131: An example where the days generated makes a difference because of weekstart (RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2;COUNT=4;BYDAY=TU,SU) 08/31/97: - 09:00 -> 09:00 page 131: An example where the days generated makes a difference because of weekstart (RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2;COUNT=4;BYDAY=TU,SU) EOD else ./run-test "$0" fi