# # Calcurse configuration file # # This file sets the configuration options used by Calcurse. These # options are usually set from within Calcurse. A line beginning with # a space or tab is considered to be a continuation of the previous line. # For a variable to be unset its value must be blank, followed by an # empty line. To set a variable to the empty string its value should be "". # Lines beginning with "#" are comments, and ignored by Calcurse. # If this option is set to yes, automatic save is done when quitting general.autosave=yes # If this option is set to yes, the GC is run automatically when quitting general.autogc=no # If not null, perform automatic saves every 'periodic_save' minutes general.periodicsave=0 # If this option is set to yes, confirmation is required before quitting general.confirmquit=yes # If this option is set to yes, confirmation is required before deleting an event general.confirmdelete=yes # If this option is set to yes, messages about loaded and saved data will not be displayed general.systemdialogs=no # If this option is set to yes, progress bar appearing when saving data will not be displayed general.progressbar=no # Default calendar view (0)monthly (1)weekly: appearance.calendarview=monthly # If this option is set to yes, monday is the first day of the week, else it is sunday general.firstdayofweek=monday # This is the color theme used for menus : appearance.theme=red on default # This is the layout of the calendar : appearance.layout=1 # Width ( percentage, 0 being minimun width, fp) of the side bar : appearance.sidebarwidth=1 # If this option is set to yes, notify-bar will be displayed : appearance.notifybar=yes # Format of the date to be displayed inside notify-bar : format.notifydate=%a %F # Format of the time to be displayed inside notify-bar : format.notifytime=%T # Warn user if he has an appointment within next 'notify-bar_warning' seconds : notification.warning=300 # Command used to notify user of an upcoming appointment : notification.command=printf '\a' # Notify all appointments instead of flagged ones only notification.notifyall=no # Format of the date to be displayed in non-interactive mode : format.outputdate=%D # Format to be used when entering a date (1)mm/dd/yyyy (2)dd/mm/yyyy (3)yyyy/mm/dd) (4)yyyy-mm-dd: format.inputdate=1 # If this option is set to yes, calcurse will run in background to get notifications after exiting daemon.enable=no # If this option is set to yes, activity will be logged when running in background daemon.log=no