calcurse Test Suite =================== This directory holds of a couple of test cases and some helpers to simplify the task of creating new tests. Test cases are intended to test a specified set of behaviors and to avoid reintroduction of bugs that have already been fixed. The idea is that a new test should be added for each bug report that is received and for each bug that is fixed in the development branch. Running tests ------------- The easiest way to run tests is running `make check`. This will prepare and compile all needed components and start all test cases. A summary is displayed when all tests are finished. You can also run tests manually. Test cases are usually shell scripts or binaries. To run an individual test, just invoke the corresponding executable. Note that some tests require the `CALCURSE` and `DATA_DIR` environment variables to be set, where `CALCURSE` should point to a valid calcurse binary and `DATA_DIR` should point to a valid data directory. We usually use the data directory `data/`, which is contained in the `test/` directory, for test cases: $ CALCURSE=../src/calcurse DATA_DIR=data/ ./ Running ./ ok Passing another data directory might cause some failures since many tests are adapted for the `test/` directory provided by the test suite: $ CALCURSE=../src/calcurse DATA_DIR="$HOME/.calcurse/" ./ Running ./ FAIL Writing tests ------------- Writing test cases is as simple as creating a new shell script and adding some test code. Success and failure are reported by setting the exit status. Setting the exit status to `0` indicates success, a non-zero value indicates failure (which reflects the usual exit code semantics of POSIX systems). To enable a test, just add it to the `TESTS` variable in `test/`. If your test case is written in a non-interpretable language, you may need to add some compilation directives as well. Please note that we only accept POSIX-compatible shell scripts and C in mainline, so please avoid using other languages if you plan to get your test case integrated upstream. If your test case invokes the calcurse binary, please continue reading the following sections, also. The `run-test` helper --------------------- The `run-test` helper is a simple C program that makes writing script-based test cases much easier. Tests for the calcurse command line interface usually invoke the calcurse binary with some special command line options and compare the output with a hardcoded set of expected results. Unfortunately, comparing the output of two commands is not exactly easy in POSIX shell: this is where the `run-test` helper comes in handy. If you run the `run-test` helper, you can pass one or more executable files as parameters. The helper then invokes each of the specified scripts twice: Once passing `actual` as a command line parameter and once passing `expected`. It then compares the outputs of both invocations and checks if they are equal or not. If the `actual`/`expected` outputs differ for one of the programs passed to `run-test`, if displays `FAIL` and exits with a non-zero exit status. It returns success otherwise. Here is a simple example on how to use `run-test`: #!/bin/sh if [ "$1" = 'actual' ]; then echo 'obrocodobro' | sed 's/o/a/g' elif [ "$1" = 'expected' ]; then echo 'abracadabra' else ./run-test "$0" fi If the script is run without any parameters, it simply invokes `run-test`, passing itself as a command line parameter (see the `else` branch). `run-test` then reruns the script, passing `actual` as the first parameter. This starts the actual test (see the `if` branch). It reruns the script a second time, passing `expected` as the first parameter which results in the script printing the expected result for this test (see the `elif` branch). Finally, `run-test` compares both outputs, prints a message indicating whether they are equal and sets the exit status accordingly. This exit status is then passed on to the original instance of the test script and returned since `./run-test "$0"` is the last command that is run if the script is invoked without any parameters. You should stick to this strategy whenever you want to check the output of a non-interactive calcurse instance in a test. Check the following tests for some more examples: * `` * `` * `` Using libfaketime ----------------- Some tests might require faking current date and time. We currently use libfaketime to achieve this. Check the following files for examples: * `` * `` * `` * `` * `` NOTE: Please do not forget to check for libfaketime presence at the beginning of your test. Otherwise, your test is likely to fail on systems that are not supported by libfaketime. Additional notes ---------------- Most tests, that invoke the calcurse binary, pass the `--read-only` parameter to make sure the data directory is not modified by calcurse, preventing unexpected side effects. Please follow this guideline if you plan to submit your patch upstream.