/* * Calcurse - text-based organizer * * Copyright (c) 2004-2023 calcurse Development Team <misc@calcurse.org> * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Send your feedback or comments to : misc@calcurse.org * Calcurse home page : http://calcurse.org * */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include "calcurse.h" #define SCREEN_ACQUIRE \ pthread_cleanup_push(screen_cleanup, (void *)NULL); \ screen_acquire(); #define SCREEN_RELEASE \ screen_release(); \ pthread_cleanup_pop(0); /* Variables to handle calcurse windows. */ struct window win[NBWINS]; struct scrollwin sw_cal; struct listbox lb_apt; struct listbox lb_todo; /* User-configurable side bar width. */ static unsigned sbarwidth_perc; static enum win slctd_win; static int layout; /* * The screen_mutex mutex and wins_refresh(), wins_wrefresh(), wins_doupdate() * functions are used to prevent concurrent updates of the screen. * It was observed that the display could get screwed up when multiple threads * tried to refresh the screen at the same time. * * Note (2010-03-21): * Since recent versions of ncurses (5.7), rudimentary support for threads are * available (use_screen(), use_window() for instance - see curs_threads(3)), * but to remain compatible with earlier versions, it was chosen to rely on a * screen-level mutex instead. */ static pthread_mutex_t screen_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static unsigned screen_acquire(void) { if (pthread_mutex_lock(&screen_mutex) != 0) return 0; else return 1; } static void screen_release(void) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&screen_mutex); } static void screen_cleanup(void *arg) { screen_release(); } /* * FIXME: The following functions currently lock the whole screen. Use both * window-level and screen-level mutexes (or use use_screen() and use_window(), * see curs_threads(3)) to avoid locking too much. */ unsigned wins_nbar_lock(void) { return screen_acquire(); } void wins_nbar_unlock(void) { screen_release(); } void wins_nbar_cleanup(void *arg) { wins_nbar_unlock(); } unsigned wins_calendar_lock(void) { return screen_acquire(); } void wins_calendar_unlock(void) { screen_release(); } void wins_calendar_cleanup(void *arg) { wins_calendar_unlock(); } int wins_refresh(void) { int rc; SCREEN_ACQUIRE; rc = refresh(); SCREEN_RELEASE; return rc; } int wins_wrefresh(WINDOW * win) { int rc; if (!win) return ERR; SCREEN_ACQUIRE; rc = wrefresh(win); SCREEN_RELEASE; return rc; } int wins_doupdate(void) { int rc; SCREEN_ACQUIRE; rc = doupdate(); SCREEN_RELEASE; return rc; } int wins_redrawwin(WINDOW *win) { int rc; SCREEN_ACQUIRE; rc = redrawwin(win); SCREEN_RELEASE; return rc; } /* Get the current layout. */ int wins_layout(void) { return layout; } /* Set the current layout. */ void wins_set_layout(int nb) { layout = nb; } /* Get the current side bar width. */ unsigned wins_sbar_width(void) { if (sbarwidth_perc > SBARMAXWIDTHPERC) { return col * SBARMAXWIDTHPERC / 100; } else { unsigned sbarwidth = (unsigned)(col * sbarwidth_perc / 100); return (sbarwidth < SBARMINWIDTH) ? SBARMINWIDTH : sbarwidth; } } /* * Return the side bar width in percentage of the total number of columns * available in calcurse's screen. */ unsigned wins_sbar_wperc(void) { return sbarwidth_perc > SBARMAXWIDTHPERC ? SBARMAXWIDTHPERC : sbarwidth_perc; } /* * Set side bar width (unit: number of characters) given a width in percentage * of calcurse's screen total width. * The side bar could not have a width representing more than 50% of the screen, * and could not be less than SBARMINWIDTH characters. */ void wins_set_sbar_width(unsigned perc) { sbarwidth_perc = perc; } /* Change the width of the side bar within acceptable boundaries. */ void wins_sbar_winc(void) { if (sbarwidth_perc < SBARMAXWIDTHPERC) sbarwidth_perc++; } void wins_sbar_wdec(void) { if (col * sbarwidth_perc / 100 > SBARMINWIDTH) sbarwidth_perc--; } /* Returns an enum which corresponds to the window which is selected. */ enum win wins_slctd(void) { return slctd_win; } /* Sets the selected window. */ void wins_slctd_set(enum win window) { slctd_win = window; } /* TAB key was hit in the interface, need to select next window. */ void wins_slctd_next(void) { if (slctd_win == TOD) slctd_win = CAL; else slctd_win++; } /* Shift-TAB key was hit in the interface, need to select previous window. */ void wins_slctd_prev(void) { if (slctd_win == CAL) slctd_win = TOD; else slctd_win--; } static void wins_init_panels(void) { wins_scrollwin_init(&sw_cal, win[CAL].y, win[CAL].x, CALHEIGHT + (conf.compact_panels ? 2 : 4), wins_sbar_width(), _("Calendar")); listbox_init(&lb_apt, win[APP].y, win[APP].x, win[APP].h, win[APP].w, _("Appointments"), ui_day_row_type, ui_day_height, ui_day_draw); ui_day_load_items(); listbox_init(&lb_todo, win[TOD].y, win[TOD].x, win[TOD].h, win[TOD].w, _("TODO"), ui_todo_row_type, ui_todo_height, ui_todo_draw); ui_todo_load_items(); } /* Create all the windows. */ void wins_init(void) { wins_init_panels(); win[STA].p = newwin(win[STA].h, win[STA].w, win[STA].y, win[STA].x); win[KEY].p = newwin(1, 1, 1, 1); keypad(win[STA].p, TRUE); keypad(win[KEY].p, TRUE); /* Notify that the curses mode is now launched. */ ui_mode = UI_CURSES; } /* * Create a new window and its associated pad, which is used to make the * scrolling faster. */ void wins_scrollwin_init(struct scrollwin *sw, int y, int x, int h, int w, const char *label) { EXIT_IF(sw == NULL, "null pointer"); sw->y = y; sw->x = x; sw->h = h; sw->w = w; sw->win = newwin(h, w, y, x); sw->inner = newpad(BUFSIZ, w); sw->line_num = sw->line_off = 0; sw->label = label; } /* Resize a scrolling window. */ void wins_scrollwin_resize(struct scrollwin *sw, int y, int x, int h, int w) { EXIT_IF(sw == NULL, "null pointer"); sw->y = y; sw->x = x; sw->h = h; sw->w = w; delwin(sw->inner); delwin(sw->win); sw->win = newwin(h, w, y, x); sw->inner = newpad(BUFSIZ, w); wins_scrollwin_set_pad(sw, sw->line_num); } /* * Set the number of lines (pad size) and the line offset * (the part of the pad to be displayed in the viewport). */ void wins_scrollwin_set_pad(struct scrollwin *sw, unsigned lines) { int inner_h = sw->h - (conf.compact_panels ? 2 : 4); sw->line_num = lines; if (lines > inner_h) { /* pad partly displayed in viewport */ if (sw->line_off > lines - inner_h) /* offset too big */ sw->line_off = lines - inner_h; } else sw->line_off = 0; } /* Free an already created scrollwin. */ void wins_scrollwin_delete(struct scrollwin *sw) { EXIT_IF(sw == NULL, "null pointer"); delwin(sw->inner); delwin(sw->win); } /* Draw window border and label. */ void wins_scrollwin_draw_deco(struct scrollwin *sw, int hilt) { if (hilt) custom_apply_attr(sw->win, ATTR_HIGHEST); box(sw->win, 0, 0); if (!conf.compact_panels) { mvwaddch(sw->win, 2, 0, ACS_LTEE); mvwhline(sw->win, 2, 1, ACS_HLINE, sw->w - 2); mvwaddch(sw->win, 2, sw->w - 1, ACS_RTEE); } if (hilt) custom_remove_attr(sw->win, ATTR_HIGHEST); if (!conf.compact_panels) print_in_middle(sw->win, 1, 0, sw->w, sw->label); } /* Display a scrolling window. */ void wins_scrollwin_display(struct scrollwin *sw, int hilt) { int inner_y = sw->y + (conf.compact_panels ? 1 : 3); int inner_x = sw->x + 1; int inner_h = sw->h - (conf.compact_panels ? 2 : 4); int inner_w = sw->w - 2; if (sw->line_num > inner_h) draw_scrollbar(sw, hilt); wmove(win[STA].p, 0, 0); wnoutrefresh(sw->win); /* (sw->line_off, 0): upper left corner in pad to display; scrolling is achieved by in/decreasing sw->line_off between 0 and line_num - inner.h (Y,X)=(inner_y,inner_x): upper left corner in screen window (Y,X) + (inner_h - 1,inner_w - 1): lower right corner in screen window |-inner_w-| (Y,X)-> +---------+ - | | | | (pad) | inner_h | | | +---------+ <- - */ pnoutrefresh(sw->inner, sw->line_off, 0, inner_y, inner_x, inner_y + inner_h - 1, inner_x + inner_w - 1); wins_doupdate(); } void wins_scrollwin_up(struct scrollwin *sw, int amount) { if ((int)sw->line_off - amount > 0) sw->line_off -= amount; else sw->line_off = 0; } void wins_scrollwin_down(struct scrollwin *sw, int amount) { int inner_h = sw->h - (conf.compact_panels ? 2 : 4); sw->line_off += amount; if ((int)sw->line_off > (int)sw->line_num - inner_h) sw->line_off = sw->line_num - inner_h; } /* Keep 'line' in the viewport of a scrollwindow. */ void wins_scrollwin_in_view(struct scrollwin *sw, unsigned line) { int inner_h = sw->h - (conf.compact_panels ? 2 : 4); if (line < sw->line_off) sw->line_off = line; else if (line > sw->line_off + inner_h - 1) sw->line_off = line - inner_h + 1; } void wins_resize_panels(void) { wins_get_config(); wins_scrollwin_resize(&sw_cal, win[CAL].y, win[CAL].x, CALHEIGHT + (conf.compact_panels ? 2 : 4), wins_sbar_width()); listbox_resize(&lb_apt, win[APP].y, win[APP].x, win[APP].h, win[APP].w); listbox_resize(&lb_todo, win[TOD].y, win[TOD].x, win[TOD].h, win[TOD].w); } /* * Delete the existing windows and recreate them with their new * size and placement. */ void wins_resize(void) { wins_resize_panels(); delwin(win[STA].p); delwin(win[KEY].p); win[STA].p = newwin(win[STA].h, win[STA].w, win[STA].y, win[STA].x); win[KEY].p = newwin(1, 1, 1, 1); keypad(win[STA].p, TRUE); keypad(win[KEY].p, TRUE); if (notify_bar()) notify_reinit_bar(); } /* Show the window with a border and a label. */ void wins_show(WINDOW * win, const char *label) { int width = getmaxx(win); box(win, 0, 0); if (!conf.compact_panels) { mvwaddch(win, 2, 0, ACS_LTEE); mvwhline(win, 2, 1, ACS_HLINE, width - 2); mvwaddch(win, 2, width - 1, ACS_RTEE); print_in_middle(win, 1, 0, width, label); } } /* * Get the screen size and recalculate the windows configurations. */ void wins_get_config(void) { enum win win_master; enum win win_slave[2]; unsigned master_is_left; /* Get the screen configuration */ getmaxyx(stdscr, row, col); /* fixed values for status, notification bars and calendar */ win[STA].h = STATUSHEIGHT; win[STA].w = col; win[STA].y = row - win[STA].h; win[STA].x = 0; if (notify_bar()) { win[NOT].h = 1; win[NOT].w = col; win[NOT].y = win[STA].y - 1; win[NOT].x = 0; } else { win[NOT].h = 0; win[NOT].w = 0; win[NOT].y = 0; win[NOT].x = 0; } win[CAL].h = CALHEIGHT + (conf.compact_panels ? 2 : 4); if (layout <= 4) { win_master = APP; win_slave[0] = ((layout - 1) % 2 == 0) ? CAL : TOD; win_slave[1] = ((layout - 1) % 2 == 1) ? CAL : TOD; win[TOD].h = row - (win[CAL].h + win[STA].h + win[NOT].h); } else { win_master = TOD; win_slave[0] = ((layout - 1) % 2 == 0) ? CAL : APP; win_slave[1] = ((layout - 1) % 2 == 1) ? CAL : APP; win[APP].h = row - (win[CAL].h + win[STA].h + win[NOT].h); } master_is_left = ((layout - 1) % 4 < 2); win[win_master].x = master_is_left ? 0 : wins_sbar_width(); win[win_master].y = 0; win[win_master].w = col - wins_sbar_width(); win[win_master].h = row - (win[STA].h + win[NOT].h); win[win_slave[0]].x = win[win_slave[1]].x = master_is_left ? win[win_master].w : 0; win[win_slave[0]].y = 0; win[win_slave[1]].y = win[win_slave[0]].h; win[win_slave[0]].w = win[win_slave[1]].w = wins_sbar_width(); } void wins_update_border(int flags) { if (flags & FLAG_CAL) { WINS_CALENDAR_LOCK; wins_scrollwin_draw_deco(&sw_cal, (slctd_win == CAL)); WINS_CALENDAR_UNLOCK; } if (flags & FLAG_APP) listbox_draw_deco(&lb_apt, (slctd_win == APP)); if (flags & FLAG_TOD) listbox_draw_deco(&lb_todo, (slctd_win == TOD)); } void wins_update_panels(int flags) { if (flags & FLAG_APP) ui_day_update_panel(slctd_win == APP); if (flags & FLAG_TOD) ui_todo_update_panel(slctd_win == TOD); if (flags & FLAG_CAL) ui_calendar_update_panel(); } /* * Update all of the three windows and put a border around the * selected window. */ void wins_update(int flags) { wins_update_border(flags); wins_update_panels(flags); if (flags & FLAG_STA) { wins_update_bindings(); wins_status_bar(); } if ((flags & FLAG_NOT) && notify_bar()) notify_update_bar(); wmove(win[STA].p, 0, 0); wins_doupdate(); } /* Reset the screen, needed when resizing terminal for example. */ void wins_reset_noupdate(void) { endwin(); wins_refresh(); curs_set(0); wins_resize(); } /* Reset the screen, needed when resizing terminal for example. */ void wins_reset(void) { wins_reset_noupdate(); wins_update(FLAG_ALL); } /* Prepare windows for the execution of an external command. */ void wins_prepare_external(void) { if (notify_bar()) notify_stop_main_thread(); def_prog_mode(); ui_mode = UI_CMDLINE; clear(); wins_refresh(); endwin(); sigs_ignore(); } /* Restore windows when returning from an external command. */ void wins_unprepare_external(void) { sigs_unignore(); reset_prog_mode(); clearok(curscr, TRUE); curs_set(0); ui_mode = UI_CURSES; wins_refresh(); wins_resize(); if (notify_bar()) notify_start_main_thread(); } /* * While inside interactive mode, launch the external command cmd on the given * file. */ void wins_launch_external(const char *arg[]) { int pid; wins_prepare_external(); if ((pid = shell_exec(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, *arg, arg))) child_wait(NULL, NULL, NULL, pid); wins_unprepare_external(); } static int *bindings; static int bindings_size; static unsigned status_page; /* Sets the current set of key bindings to display in the status bar. */ void wins_set_bindings(int *new_bindings, int size) { bindings = new_bindings; bindings_size = size; } /* * Obtains the set of key bindings to display for the active panel. * * To add a key binding, insert a new binding_t item and add it to the binding * table. */ void wins_update_bindings(void) { static int bindings_cal[] = { KEY_GENERIC_HELP, KEY_GENERIC_QUIT, KEY_GENERIC_SAVE, KEY_GENERIC_RELOAD, KEY_GENERIC_CHANGE_VIEW, KEY_GENERIC_PREV_VIEW, KEY_GENERIC_SCROLL_DOWN, KEY_GENERIC_SCROLL_UP, KEY_MOVE_UP, KEY_MOVE_DOWN, KEY_MOVE_LEFT, KEY_MOVE_RIGHT, KEY_GENERIC_GOTO, KEY_GENERIC_IMPORT, KEY_GENERIC_EXPORT, KEY_START_OF_WEEK, KEY_END_OF_WEEK, KEY_GENERIC_ADD_APPT, KEY_GENERIC_ADD_TODO, KEY_GENERIC_PREV_DAY, KEY_GENERIC_NEXT_DAY, KEY_GENERIC_PREV_WEEK, KEY_GENERIC_NEXT_WEEK, KEY_GENERIC_PREV_MONTH, KEY_GENERIC_NEXT_MONTH, KEY_GENERIC_PREV_YEAR, KEY_GENERIC_NEXT_YEAR, KEY_GENERIC_REDRAW, KEY_GENERIC_GOTO_TODAY, KEY_GENERIC_CONFIG_MENU, KEY_GENERIC_CMD }; static int bindings_apoint[] = { KEY_GENERIC_HELP, KEY_GENERIC_QUIT, KEY_GENERIC_SAVE, KEY_GENERIC_RELOAD, KEY_GENERIC_CHANGE_VIEW, KEY_GENERIC_PREV_VIEW, KEY_GENERIC_IMPORT, KEY_GENERIC_EXPORT, KEY_ADD_ITEM, KEY_DEL_ITEM, KEY_EDIT_ITEM, KEY_VIEW_ITEM, KEY_PIPE_ITEM, KEY_GENERIC_REDRAW, KEY_REPEAT_ITEM, KEY_FLAG_ITEM, KEY_EDIT_NOTE, KEY_VIEW_NOTE, KEY_MOVE_UP, KEY_MOVE_DOWN, KEY_GENERIC_PREV_DAY, KEY_GENERIC_NEXT_DAY, KEY_GENERIC_PREV_WEEK, KEY_GENERIC_NEXT_WEEK, KEY_GENERIC_PREV_MONTH, KEY_GENERIC_NEXT_MONTH, KEY_GENERIC_PREV_YEAR, KEY_GENERIC_NEXT_YEAR, KEY_GENERIC_GOTO, KEY_GENERIC_GOTO_TODAY, KEY_GENERIC_CONFIG_MENU, KEY_GENERIC_ADD_APPT, KEY_GENERIC_ADD_TODO, KEY_GENERIC_COPY, KEY_GENERIC_PASTE, KEY_GENERIC_CMD }; static int bindings_todo[] = { KEY_GENERIC_HELP, KEY_GENERIC_QUIT, KEY_GENERIC_SAVE, KEY_GENERIC_RELOAD, KEY_GENERIC_CHANGE_VIEW, KEY_GENERIC_PREV_VIEW, KEY_GENERIC_SCROLL_DOWN, KEY_GENERIC_SCROLL_UP, KEY_GENERIC_IMPORT, KEY_GENERIC_EXPORT, KEY_ADD_ITEM, KEY_DEL_ITEM, KEY_EDIT_ITEM, KEY_VIEW_ITEM, KEY_PIPE_ITEM, KEY_FLAG_ITEM, KEY_RAISE_PRIORITY, KEY_LOWER_PRIORITY, KEY_EDIT_NOTE, KEY_VIEW_NOTE, KEY_MOVE_UP, KEY_MOVE_DOWN, KEY_GENERIC_PREV_DAY, KEY_GENERIC_NEXT_DAY, KEY_GENERIC_PREV_WEEK, KEY_GENERIC_NEXT_WEEK, KEY_GENERIC_PREV_MONTH, KEY_GENERIC_NEXT_MONTH, KEY_GENERIC_PREV_YEAR, KEY_GENERIC_NEXT_YEAR, KEY_GENERIC_GOTO, KEY_GENERIC_GOTO_TODAY, KEY_GENERIC_CONFIG_MENU, KEY_GENERIC_ADD_APPT, KEY_GENERIC_ADD_TODO, KEY_GENERIC_REDRAW, KEY_GENERIC_CMD }; enum win active_panel = wins_slctd(); switch (active_panel) { case CAL: wins_set_bindings(bindings_cal, ARRAY_SIZE(bindings_cal)); break; case APP: wins_set_bindings(bindings_apoint, ARRAY_SIZE(bindings_apoint)); break; case TOD: wins_set_bindings(bindings_todo, ARRAY_SIZE(bindings_todo)); break; default: EXIT(_("unknown panel")); /* NOTREACHED */ } } /* Draws the status bar. */ void wins_status_bar(void) { int page_base = (KEYS_CMDS_PER_LINE * 2 - 1) * (status_page - 1); int page_size = KEYS_CMDS_PER_LINE * 2; keys_display_bindings_bar(win[STA].p, bindings, bindings_size, page_base, page_size); } /* Erase status bar. */ void wins_erase_status_bar(void) { erase_window_part(win[STA].p, 0, 0, col, STATUSHEIGHT); } /* Update the status bar page number to display other commands. */ void wins_other_status_page() { /* * Determine the number of completely filled pages of key bindings. * There are two lines of bindings and KEYS_CMDS_PER_LINE bindings per * line. On each page (other than the last page), one slot is reserved * for OtherCmd. */ const int slots_per_page = KEYS_CMDS_PER_LINE * 2 - 1; int max_page = bindings_size / slots_per_page; /* * The result of the previous computation might have been rounded down. * In this case, there are some bindings left. If there is exactly one * binding left, it can be squashed onto the last page in place of the * OtherCmd binding. If there are at least two bindings left, we need * to add another page. */ if (bindings_size % slots_per_page > 1) max_page++; status_page = (status_page % max_page) + 1; } /* Reset the status bar page. */ void wins_reset_status_page(void) { status_page = 1; }