/* $Id: wins.c,v 1.6 2007/08/19 13:15:18 culot Exp $ */ /* * Calcurse - text-based organizer * Copyright (c) 2007 Frederic Culot * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Send your feedback or comments to : calcurse@culot.org * Calcurse home page : http://culot.org/calcurse * */ #include <stdlib.h> #include "i18n.h" #include "notify.h" #include "utils.h" #include "todo.h" #include "custom.h" #include "wins.h" static window_e slctd_win; static window_t win[NBWINS]; static int layout; /* Get the current layout. */ int wins_layout(void) { return (layout); } /* Set the current layout. */ void wins_set_layout(int nb) { layout = nb; } /* Initialize the selected window in calcurse's interface. */ void wins_slctd_init(void) { wins_slctd_set(CALENDAR); } /* Returns an enum which corresponds to the window which is selected. */ window_e wins_slctd(void) { return (slctd_win); } /* Sets the selected window. */ void wins_slctd_set(window_e window) { slctd_win = window; } /* TAB key was hit in the interface, need to select next window. */ void wins_slctd_next(void) { if (slctd_win == TODO) slctd_win = CALENDAR; else slctd_win++; } /* Return one property of the given window. */ int wins_prop(window_e window, winprop_e property) { int prop = 0; switch (property) { case WIDTH: prop = (int)win[window].w; break; case HEIGHT: prop = (int)win[window].h; break; case XPOS: prop = win[window].x; break; case YPOS: prop = win[window].y; break; default: ierror(_("FATAL ERROR in wins_prop: property unknown\n")); /* NOTREACHED */ } return (prop); } /* Create all the windows. */ void wins_init(void) { char label[BUFSIZ]; /* * Create the three main windows plus the status bar and the pad used to * display appointments and event. */ cwin = newwin(CALHEIGHT, CALWIDTH, win[CALENDAR].y, win[CALENDAR].x); snprintf(label, BUFSIZ, _("Calendar")); wins_show(cwin, label); awin = newwin(win[APPOINTMENT].h, win[APPOINTMENT].w, win[APPOINTMENT].y, win[APPOINTMENT].x); snprintf(label, BUFSIZ, _("Appointments")); wins_show(awin, label); apad->width = win[APPOINTMENT].w - 3; apad->ptrwin = newpad(apad->length, apad->width); twin = newwin(win[TODO].h, win[TODO].w, win[TODO].y, win[TODO].x); snprintf(label, BUFSIZ, _("ToDo")); wins_show(twin, label); swin = newwin(win[STATUS].h, win[STATUS].w, win[STATUS].y, win[STATUS].x); /* Enable function keys (i.e. arrow keys) in those windows */ keypad(swin, TRUE); keypad(twin, TRUE); keypad(awin, TRUE); keypad(cwin, TRUE); } /* * Delete the existing windows and recreate them with their new * size and placement. */ void wins_reinit(void) { delwin(swin); delwin(cwin); delwin(awin); delwin(apad->ptrwin); delwin(twin); wins_get_config(); wins_init(); if (notify_bar()) notify_reinit_bar(win[NOTIFY].h, win[NOTIFY].w, win[NOTIFY].y, win[NOTIFY].x); } /* Show the window with a border and a label. */ void wins_show(WINDOW * win, char *label) { int startx, starty, height, width; getbegyx(win, starty, startx); getmaxyx(win, height, width); box(win, 0, 0); mvwaddch(win, 2, 0, ACS_LTEE); mvwhline(win, 2, 1, ACS_HLINE, width - 2); mvwaddch(win, 2, width - 1, ACS_RTEE); print_in_middle(win, 1, 0, width, label); } /* * Get the screen size and recalculate the windows configurations. */ void wins_get_config(void) { /* Get the screen configuration */ getmaxyx(stdscr, row, col); /* fixed values for status, notification bars and calendar */ win[STATUS].h = STATUSHEIGHT; win[STATUS].w = col; win[STATUS].y = row - win[STATUS].h; win[STATUS].x = 0; if (notify_bar()) { win[NOTIFY].h = 1; win[NOTIFY].w = col; win[NOTIFY].y = win[STATUS].y - 1; win[NOTIFY].x = 0; } else { win[NOTIFY].h = 0; win[NOTIFY].w = 0; win[NOTIFY].y = 0; win[NOTIFY].x = 0; } if (layout <= 4) { /* APPOINTMENT is the biggest panel */ win[APPOINTMENT].w = col - CALWIDTH; win[APPOINTMENT].h = row - (win[STATUS].h + win[NOTIFY].h); win[TODO].w = CALWIDTH; win[TODO].h = row - (CALHEIGHT + win[STATUS].h + win[NOTIFY].h); } else { /* TODO is the biggest panel */ win[TODO].w = col - CALWIDTH; win[TODO].h = row - (win[STATUS].h + win[NOTIFY].h); win[APPOINTMENT].w = CALWIDTH; win[APPOINTMENT].h = row - (CALHEIGHT + win[STATUS].h + win[NOTIFY].h); } /* defining the layout */ switch (layout) { case 1: win[APPOINTMENT].y = 0; win[APPOINTMENT].x = 0; win[CALENDAR].y = 0; win[TODO].x = win[APPOINTMENT].w; win[TODO].y = CALHEIGHT; win[CALENDAR].x = win[APPOINTMENT].w; break; case 2: win[APPOINTMENT].y = 0; win[APPOINTMENT].x = 0; win[TODO].y = 0; win[TODO].x = win[APPOINTMENT].w; win[CALENDAR].x = win[APPOINTMENT].w; win[CALENDAR].y = win[TODO].h; break; case 3: win[APPOINTMENT].y = 0; win[TODO].x = 0; win[CALENDAR].x = 0; win[CALENDAR].y = 0; win[APPOINTMENT].x = CALWIDTH; win[TODO].y = CALHEIGHT; break; case 4: win[APPOINTMENT].y = 0; win[TODO].x = 0; win[TODO].y = 0; win[CALENDAR].x = 0; win[APPOINTMENT].x = CALWIDTH; win[CALENDAR].y = win[TODO].h; break; case 5: win[TODO].y = 0; win[TODO].x = 0; win[CALENDAR].y = 0; win[APPOINTMENT].y = CALHEIGHT; win[APPOINTMENT].x = win[TODO].w; win[CALENDAR].x = win[TODO].w; break; case 6: win[TODO].y = 0; win[TODO].x = 0; win[APPOINTMENT].y = 0; win[APPOINTMENT].x = win[TODO].w; win[CALENDAR].x = win[TODO].w; win[CALENDAR].y = win[APPOINTMENT].h; break; case 7: win[TODO].y = 0; win[APPOINTMENT].x = 0; win[CALENDAR].x = 0; win[CALENDAR].y = 0; win[TODO].x = CALWIDTH; win[APPOINTMENT].y = CALHEIGHT; break; case 8: win[TODO].y = 0; win[APPOINTMENT].x = 0; win[CALENDAR].x = 0; win[APPOINTMENT].y = 0; win[TODO].x = CALWIDTH; win[CALENDAR].y = win[APPOINTMENT].h; break; } } /* draw panel border in color */ static void border_color(WINDOW *window) { int color_attr = A_BOLD; int no_color_attr = A_BOLD; if (colorize) { wattron(window, color_attr | COLOR_PAIR(COLR_CUSTOM)); box(window, 0, 0); } else { wattron(window, no_color_attr); box(window, 0, 0); } if (colorize) { wattroff(window, color_attr | COLOR_PAIR(COLR_CUSTOM)); } else { wattroff(window, no_color_attr); } wnoutrefresh(window); } /* draw panel border without any color */ static void border_nocolor(WINDOW *window) { int color_attr = A_BOLD; int no_color_attr = A_DIM; if (colorize) { wattron(window, color_attr | COLOR_PAIR(COLR_DEFAULT)); } else { wattron(window, no_color_attr); } box(window, 0, 0); if (colorize) { wattroff(window, color_attr | COLOR_PAIR(COLR_DEFAULT)); } else { wattroff(window, no_color_attr); } wnoutrefresh(window); } /* * Update all of the three windows and put a border around the * selected window. */ void wins_update(void) { switch (slctd_win) { case CALENDAR: border_color(cwin); border_nocolor(awin); border_nocolor(twin); break; case APPOINTMENT: border_color(awin); border_nocolor(cwin); border_nocolor(twin); break; case TODO: border_color(twin); border_nocolor(awin); border_nocolor(cwin); break; default: ierror(_("FATAL ERROR in wins_update: no window selected\n")); /* NOTREACHED */ } apoint_update_panel(&win[APPOINTMENT], slctd_win); todo_update_panel(&win[TODO], slctd_win); calendar_update_panel(cwin); status_bar(); if (notify_bar()) notify_update_bar(); wmove(swin, 0, 0); doupdate(); } /* Reset the screen, needed when resizing terminal for example. */ void wins_reset(void) { if (notify_bar()) notify_stop_main_thread(); endwin(); refresh(); curs_set(0); wins_reinit(); if (notify_bar()) { notify_start_main_thread(); notify_check_next_app(); } wins_update(); }