/* $calcurse: utils.c,v 1.27 2007/04/04 19:42:43 culot Exp $ */ /* * Calcurse - text-based organizer * Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Frederic Culot * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Send your feedback or comments to : calcurse@culot.org * Calcurse home page : http://culot.org/calcurse * */ #include <ncurses.h> #include <time.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <math.h> #include "i18n.h" #include "utils.h" #include "custom.h" #include "vars.h" static unsigned status_page; /* * Print a message in the status bar. * Message texts for first line and second line are to be provided. */ void status_mesg(char *mesg_line1, char *mesg_line2) { erase_window_part(swin, 0, 0, col, 2); custom_apply_attr(swin, ATTR_HIGHEST); mvwprintw(swin, 0, 0, mesg_line1); mvwprintw(swin, 1, 0, mesg_line2); custom_remove_attr(swin, ATTR_HIGHEST); } /* * Erase part of a window */ void erase_window_part(WINDOW *win, int first_col, int first_row, int last_col, int last_row) { int c, r; for (r = first_row; r <= last_row; r++){ for (c = first_col; c <= last_col; c++){ mvwprintw(win, r, c, " "); } } wnoutrefresh(win); } /* draws a popup window */ WINDOW * popup(int pop_row, int pop_col, int pop_y, int pop_x, char *pop_lab) { char *txt_pop = _("Press any key to continue..."); char label[BUFSIZ]; WINDOW *popup_win; popup_win = newwin(pop_row, pop_col, pop_y, pop_x); custom_apply_attr(popup_win, ATTR_HIGHEST); box(popup_win, 0, 0); snprintf(label, BUFSIZ, "%s", pop_lab); win_show(popup_win, label); mvwprintw(popup_win, pop_row - 2, pop_col - (strlen(txt_pop) + 1), "%s", txt_pop); custom_remove_attr(popup_win, ATTR_HIGHEST); wnoutrefresh(popup_win); doupdate(); return popup_win; } /* prints in middle of a panel */ void print_in_middle(WINDOW * win, int starty, int startx, int width, char *string) { int length, x, y; float temp; if (win == NULL) win = stdscr; getyx(win, y, x); if (startx != 0) x = startx; if (starty != 0) y = starty; if (width == 0) width = 80; length = strlen(string); temp = (width - length) / 2; x = startx + (int) temp; custom_apply_attr(win, ATTR_HIGHEST); mvwprintw(win, y, x, "%s", string); custom_remove_attr(win, ATTR_HIGHEST); } /* Delete a character at the given position in string. */ void del_char(int pos, char *str) { str += pos; for (; *str; ++str) *str = *(str + 1); *str = 0; } /* Add a character at the given position in string. */ char *add_char(int pos, int ch, char *str) { int len; str += pos; len = strlen(str) + 1; memmove(str + 1, str, len); *str = ch; return (str += len); } /* * Draw the cursor at the correct position in string. * As echoing is not set, we need to know the string we are working on to * handle display correctly. */ void showcursor(WINDOW *win, int y, int pos, char *str, int l, int offset) { char *nc; nc = str + pos; wmove(win, y, pos - offset); (pos >= l) ? waddch(win, SPC|A_REVERSE) : waddch(win, *nc|A_REVERSE); } /* Print the string at the desired position. */ void showstring(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, char *str, int len, int pos) { const int rec = 30, border = 3; const int max_col = col - border, max_len = max_col - rec; int page, max_page, offset, c = 0; char *orig; orig = str; max_page = (len - rec) / max_len; page = (pos - rec) / max_len; offset = page * max_len; str += offset; mvwaddnstr(win, y, x, str, MIN(len, max_col)); wclrtoeol(win); if (page > 0 && page < max_page) { c = '*'; } else if (page > 0) { c = '<'; } else if (page < max_page) { c = '>'; } else c = 0; mvwprintw(win, y, col - 1, "%c", c); showcursor(win, y, pos, orig, len, offset); } /* * Getstring allows to get user input and to print it on a window, * even if noecho() is on. This function is also used to modify an existing * text (the variable string can be non-NULL). * We need to do the echoing manually because of the multi-threading * environment, otherwise the cursor would move from place to place without * control. */ int getstring(WINDOW *win, char *str, int l, int x, int y) { int ch, newpos, len = 0; char *orig; orig = str; custom_apply_attr(win, ATTR_HIGHEST); for (; *str; ++str, ++len); newpos = x + len; showstring(win, y, x, orig, len, newpos); while ((ch = wgetch(win)) != '\n') { switch (ch) { case KEY_BACKSPACE: /* delete one character */ case 330: case 127: case CTRL('H'): if (len > 0) { --newpos; --len; if (newpos >= x + len) --str; else /* to be deleted inside string */ del_char(newpos, orig); } break; case CTRL('D'): /* delete next character */ if (newpos != (x + len)) { --len; if (newpos >= x + len) --str; else del_char(newpos, orig); } else printf("\a"); break; case CTRL('K'): /* delete to end-of-line */ str = orig + newpos; *str = 0; len -= (len - newpos); break; case CTRL('A'): /* go to begginning of string */ newpos = x; break; case CTRL('E'): /* go to end of string */ newpos = x + len; break; case KEY_LEFT: /* move one char backward */ case CTRL('B'): if (newpos > x) newpos--; break; case KEY_RIGHT: /* move one char forward */ case CTRL('F'): if (newpos < len) newpos++; break; case ESCAPE: /* cancel editing */ return GETSTRING_ESC; break; default: /* insert one character */ if (len < l - 1) { if (newpos >= len) *str++ = ch; else // char is to be inserted inside string str = add_char(newpos, ch, orig); ++len; ++newpos; } } showstring(win, y, x, orig, len, newpos); doupdate(); } *str = 0; custom_remove_attr(win, ATTR_HIGHEST); return (len == 0 ? GETSTRING_RET : GETSTRING_VALID); } /* Update an already existing string. */ int updatestring(WINDOW *win, char **str, int x, int y) { char *newstr; int escape, len = strlen(*str) + 1; newstr = (char *) malloc(BUFSIZ); (void)memcpy(newstr, *str, len); escape = getstring(win, newstr, BUFSIZ, x, y); if (!escape) { len = strlen(newstr) + 1; if ((*str = (char *) realloc(*str, len)) == NULL) { /* NOTREACHED */ fputs(_("FATAL ERROR in updatestring: out of memory\n"), stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else (void)memcpy(*str, newstr, len); } free(newstr); return escape; } /* checks if a string is only made of digits */ int is_all_digit(char *string) { int digit, i; int all_digit; digit = 0; all_digit = 0; for (i = 0; i <= strlen(string); i++) if (isdigit(string[i]) != 0) digit++; if (digit == strlen(string)) all_digit = 1; return all_digit; } /* draw panel border in color */ void border_color(WINDOW *window) { int color_attr = A_BOLD; int no_color_attr = A_BOLD; if (colorize) { wattron(window, color_attr | COLOR_PAIR(COLR_CUSTOM)); box(window, 0, 0); } else { wattron(window, no_color_attr); box(window, 0, 0); } if (colorize) { wattroff(window, color_attr | COLOR_PAIR(COLR_CUSTOM)); } else { wattroff(window, no_color_attr); } wnoutrefresh(window); } /* draw panel border without any color */ void border_nocolor(WINDOW *window) { int color_attr = A_BOLD; int no_color_attr = A_DIM; if (colorize) { wattron(window, color_attr | COLOR_PAIR(COLR_DEFAULT)); } else { wattron(window, no_color_attr); } box(window, 0, 0); if (colorize) { wattroff(window, color_attr | COLOR_PAIR(COLR_DEFAULT)); } else { wattroff(window, no_color_attr); } wnoutrefresh(window); } /* * Draws the status bar. * To add a keybinding, insert a new binding_t item, add it in the *binding * table, and update the NB_CAL_CMDS, NB_APP_CMDS or NB_TOD_CMDS defines in * utils.h, depending on which panel the added keybind is assigned to. */ void status_bar(int which_pan, int nc_bar, int nl_bar) { int cmd_length, space_between_cmds, start, end, i, j = 0; const int pos[NB_PANELS + 1] = {0, NB_CAL_CMDS, NB_CAL_CMDS + NB_APP_CMDS, TOTAL_CMDS}; binding_t help = { " ?", _("Help") }; binding_t quit = { " Q", _("Quit") }; binding_t save = { " S", _("Save") }; binding_t export = { " X", _("Export") }; binding_t add = { " A", _("Add Item") }; binding_t del = { " D", _("Del Item") }; binding_t edit = { " E", _("Edit Itm") }; binding_t flag = { " !", _("Flag Itm") }; binding_t day = { "H/L", _("-+1 Day") }; binding_t week = { "K/J", _("-+1 Week") }; binding_t updn = { "K/J", _("Up/Down") }; binding_t rept = { " R", _("Repeat") }; binding_t prio = { "+/-", _("Priority") }; binding_t tab = { "Tab", _("Chg View") }; binding_t togo = { " G", _("Go to") }; binding_t conf = { " C", _("Config") }; binding_t view = { " V", _("View") }; binding_t draw = { " ^R", _("Redraw") }; binding_t appt = { " ^A", _("Add Appt") }; binding_t todo = { " ^T", _("Add Todo") }; binding_t eday = { "^HL", _("-+1 Day") }; binding_t ewek = { "^KJ", _("-+1 Week") }; binding_t othr = { " O", _("OtherCmd") }; binding_t *binding[TOTAL_CMDS] = { /* calendar keys */ &help, &quit, &save, &export, &day, &week, &tab, &togo, &appt, &todo, &conf, &othr, &eday, &ewek, &draw, &othr, /* appointment keys */ &help, &quit, &save, &export, &add, &del, &edit, &view, &rept, &updn, &flag, &othr, &conf, &togo, &appt, &todo, &eday, &ewek, &tab, &draw, &othr, /* todo keys */ &help, &quit, &save, &export, &add, &del, &edit, &view, &prio, &updn, &tab, &othr, &conf, &togo, &appt, &todo, &eday, &ewek, &draw, &othr }; /* Total length of a command. */ cmd_length = KEY_LENGTH + LABEL_LENGTH; space_between_cmds = floor(col / CMDS_PER_LINE - cmd_length); cmd_length += space_between_cmds; /* Drawing the keybinding with attribute and label without. */ erase_window_part(swin, 0, 0, nc_bar, nl_bar); start = pos[which_pan] + 2*CMDS_PER_LINE*(status_page - 1); end = MIN(start + 2*CMDS_PER_LINE, pos[which_pan + 1]); for (i = start; i < end; i += 2) { custom_apply_attr(swin, ATTR_HIGHEST); mvwprintw(swin, 0, j*cmd_length, binding[i]->key); if (i + 1 != end) mvwprintw(swin, 1, j*cmd_length, binding[i+1]->key); custom_remove_attr(swin, ATTR_HIGHEST); mvwprintw(swin,0,j*cmd_length+KEY_LENGTH,binding[i]->label); if (i + 1 != end) mvwprintw(swin,1,j*cmd_length+KEY_LENGTH,binding[i+1]->label); j++; } wnoutrefresh(swin); } long date2sec(unsigned year, unsigned month, unsigned day, unsigned hour, unsigned min) { struct tm start, *lt; time_t tstart, t; t = time(NULL); lt = localtime(&t); start = *lt; start.tm_mon = month; start.tm_mday = day; start.tm_year = year; start.tm_hour = hour; start.tm_min = min; start.tm_sec = 0; start.tm_isdst = -1; start.tm_year -= 1900; start.tm_mon--; tstart = mktime(&start); if (tstart == -1) { fputs(_("FATAL ERROR in date2sec: failure in mktime\n"), stderr); fprintf(stderr, "%u %u %u %u %u\n", year, month, day, hour, min); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return tstart; } /* Return a string containing the hour of a given date in seconds. */ char *date_sec2hour_str(long sec) { const int TIME_LEN = 6; struct tm *lt; time_t t; char *timestr; t = sec; lt = localtime(&t); timestr = (char *) malloc(TIME_LEN); snprintf(timestr, TIME_LEN, "%02u:%02u", lt->tm_hour, lt->tm_min); return timestr; } /* Return a string containing the date, given a date in seconds. */ char * date_sec2date_str(long sec) { const int DATELEN = 11; struct tm *lt; time_t t; char *datestr; datestr = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * DATELEN); if (sec == 0) snprintf(datestr, DATELEN, "0"); else { t = sec; lt = localtime(&t); snprintf(datestr, DATELEN, "%02u/%02u/%04u", lt->tm_mon + 1, lt->tm_mday, lt->tm_year + 1900); } return (datestr); } /* * Return a string containing an iCal date, given a date in * seconds. This is used to build all-day long iCal VEVENT * (calcurse event equivalent). */ void date_sec2ical_date(long sec, char *ical_date) { #define DATELENGTH 9 struct tm *lt; time_t t; t = sec; lt = localtime(&t); strftime(ical_date, DATELENGTH, "%Y%m%d", lt); } /* * Return a string containing an iCal date-time, given a date in * seconds. This is used to build iCal VEVENT (calcurse appointment equivalent). */ void date_sec2ical_datetime(long sec, char *ical_datetime) { #define DATETIMELENGTH 16 struct tm *lt; time_t t; t = sec; lt = localtime(&t); strftime(ical_datetime, DATETIMELENGTH, "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S", lt); } /* * Return a long containing the date which is updated taking into account * the new time and date entered by the user. */ long update_time_in_date(long date, unsigned hr, unsigned mn) { struct tm *lt; time_t t, new_date; t = date; lt = localtime(&t); lt->tm_hour = hr; lt->tm_min = mn; new_date = mktime(lt); if (new_date == -1) { /* NOTREACHED */ fputs( _("FATAL ERROR in update_time_in_date: failure in mktime\n"), stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return new_date; } /* * Returns the date in seconds from year 1900. * If no date is entered, current date is chosen. */ long get_sec_date(int year, int month, int day) { struct tm *ptrtime; time_t timer; long long_date; char current_day[3], current_month[3] ,current_year[5]; if (year == 0 && month == 0 && day == 0) { timer = time(NULL); ptrtime = localtime(&timer); strftime(current_day, 3, "%d", ptrtime); strftime(current_month, 3, "%m", ptrtime); strftime(current_year, 5, "%Y", ptrtime); month = atoi(current_month); day = atoi(current_day); year = atoi(current_year); } long_date = date2sec(year, month, day, 0, 0); return long_date; } long min2sec(unsigned minutes) { return (minutes * MININSEC); } /* * Checks if a time has a good format. * The format could be either HH:MM or H:MM or MM, and we should have: * 0 <= HH <= 24 and 0 <= MM < 999. * This function returns 1 if the entered time is correct and in * [h:mm] or [hh:mm] format, and 2 if the entered time is correct and entered * in [mm] format. */ int check_time(char *string) { int ok = 0; char hour[] = " "; char minutes[] = " "; if (((strlen(string) == 2) || (strlen(string) == 3)) && (isdigit(string[0]) != 0) && (isdigit(string[1]) != 0)) { strncpy(minutes, string, 2); if (atoi(minutes) >= 0) ok = 2; /* [MM] format */ } else if ((strlen(string) == 4) && (isdigit(string[0]) != 0) && (isdigit(string[2]) != 0) && (isdigit(string[3]) != 0) && (string[1] == ':')) { strncpy(hour, string, 1); strncpy(minutes, string + 2, 2); if ((atoi(hour) <= 24) && (atoi(hour) >= 0) && (atoi(minutes) < MININSEC) && (atoi(minutes) >= 0)) ok = 1; /* [H:MM] format */ } else if ((strlen(string) == 5) && (isdigit(string[0]) != 0) && (isdigit(string[1]) != 0) && (isdigit(string[3]) != 0) && (isdigit(string[4]) != 0) && (string[2] == ':')) { strncpy(hour, string, 2); strncpy(minutes, string + 3, 2); if ((atoi(hour) <= 24) && (atoi(hour) >= 0) && (atoi(minutes) < MININSEC) && (atoi(minutes) >= 0)) ok = 1; /* [HH:MM] format */ } return (ok); } /* * Display a scroll bar when there are so many items that they * can not be displayed inside the corresponding panel. */ void draw_scrollbar(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, int length, int bar_top, int bar_bottom, bool hilt) { mvwvline(win, bar_top, x, ACS_VLINE, bar_bottom - bar_top); if (hilt) custom_apply_attr(win, ATTR_HIGHEST); wattron(win, A_REVERSE); mvwvline(win, y, x, ' ', length); wattroff(win, A_REVERSE); if (hilt) custom_remove_attr(win, ATTR_HIGHEST); } /* * Print an item (either an appointment, event, or todo) in a * popup window. This is useful if an item description is too * long to fit in its corresponding panel window. */ void item_in_popup(char *saved_a_start, char *saved_a_end, char *msg, char *pop_title) { WINDOW *popup_win, *pad; const int margin_left = 4, margin_top = 4; const int winl = row - 5, winw = col - margin_left; const int padl = winl - 2, padw = winw - margin_left; pad = newpad(padl, padw); popup_win = popup(winl, winw, 1, 2, pop_title); if (strncmp(pop_title, _("Appointment"), 11) == 0) { mvwprintw(popup_win, margin_top, margin_left, "- %s -> %s", saved_a_start, saved_a_end); } mvwprintw(pad, 0, margin_left, "%s", msg); wmove(swin, 0, 0); pnoutrefresh(pad, 0, 0, margin_top + 2, margin_left, padl, winw); doupdate(); wgetch(popup_win); delwin(pad); delwin(popup_win); } /* Show the window with a border and a label */ void win_show(WINDOW * win, char *label) { int startx, starty, height, width; getbegyx(win, starty, startx); getmaxyx(win, height, width); box(win, 0, 0); mvwaddch(win, 2, 0, ACS_LTEE); mvwhline(win, 2, 1, ACS_HLINE, width - 2); mvwaddch(win, 2, width - 1, ACS_RTEE); print_in_middle(win, 1, 0, width, label); } /* * Print an item description in the corresponding panel window. */ void display_item(WINDOW *win, int incolor, char *msg, int recur, int len, int y, int x) { char buf[len]; if (incolor == 0) custom_apply_attr(win, ATTR_HIGHEST); if (strlen(msg) < len) { if (recur) mvwprintw(win, y, x, "*%s", msg); else mvwprintw(win, y, x, " %s", msg); } else { strncpy(buf, msg, len - 1); buf[len - 1] = '\0'; if (recur) mvwprintw(win, y, x, "*%s...", buf); else mvwprintw(win, y, x, " %s...", buf); } if (incolor == 0) custom_remove_attr(win, ATTR_HIGHEST); } /* Reset the status bar page. */ void reset_status_page(void) { status_page = 1; } /* Update the status bar page number to display other commands. */ void other_status_page(int panel) { int nb_item, max_page; switch (panel) { case 0: nb_item = NB_CAL_CMDS; break; case 1: nb_item = NB_APP_CMDS; break; case 2: nb_item = NB_TOD_CMDS; break; } max_page = ceil( nb_item / (2*CMDS_PER_LINE) ) + 1; if (status_page < max_page) { status_page++; } else { status_page = 1; } } /* Returns the beginning of current day in seconds from 1900. */ long today(void) { struct tm *lt; time_t current_time; long current_day; int year, month, day; current_time = time(NULL); lt = localtime(¤t_time); month = lt->tm_mon + 1; day = lt->tm_mday; year = lt->tm_year + 1900; current_day = date2sec(year, month, day, 0, 0); return current_day; } /* Returns the current time in seconds. */ long now(void) { time_t current_time; current_time = time(NULL); return current_time; } /* Copy a string */ char *mycpy(const char *src) { char *string = malloc(strlen(src) + 1); if (string != NULL) return strncpy(string, src, strlen(src) + 1); else return NULL; }