/* * Calcurse - text-based organizer * * Copyright (c) 2004-2011 calcurse Development Team <misc@calcurse.org> * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Send your feedback or comments to : misc@calcurse.org * Calcurse home page : http://calcurse.org * */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "calcurse.h" llist_t todolist; static int hilt = 0; static int todos = 0; static int first = 1; static char *msgsav; /* Returns a structure containing the selected item. */ static struct todo * todo_get_item (int item_number) { return LLIST_GET_DATA (LLIST_NTH (&todolist, item_number - 1)); } /* Sets which todo is highlighted. */ void todo_hilt_set (int highlighted) { hilt = highlighted; } void todo_hilt_decrease (int n) { hilt -= n; } void todo_hilt_increase (int n) { hilt += n; } /* Return which todo is highlighted. */ int todo_hilt (void) { return hilt; } /* Return the number of todos. */ int todo_nb (void) { return todos; } /* Set the number of todos. */ void todo_set_nb (int nb) { todos = nb; } /* Set which one is the first todo to be displayed. */ void todo_set_first (int nb) { first = nb; } void todo_first_increase (int n) { first += n; } void todo_first_decrease (int n) { first -= n; } /* * Return the position of the hilghlighted item, relative to the first one * displayed. */ int todo_hilt_pos (void) { return hilt - first; } /* Return the last visited todo. */ char * todo_saved_mesg (void) { return msgsav; } /* Request user to enter a new todo item. */ void todo_new_item (void) { int ch = 0; char *mesg = _("Enter the new ToDo item : "); char *mesg_id = _("Enter the ToDo priority [1 (highest) - 9 (lowest)] :"); char todo_input[BUFSIZ] = ""; status_mesg (mesg, ""); if (getstring (win[STA].p, todo_input, BUFSIZ, 0, 1) == GETSTRING_VALID) { while ((ch < '1') || (ch > '9')) { status_mesg (mesg_id, ""); ch = wgetch (win[STA].p); } todo_add (todo_input, ch - '0', NULL); todos++; } } static int todo_cmp_id (struct todo *a, struct todo *b) { /* * As of version 2.6, todo items can have a negative id, which means they * were completed. To keep them sorted, we need to consider the absolute id * value. */ int abs_a = abs (a->id); int abs_b = abs (b->id); return abs_a < abs_b ? -1 : (abs_a == abs_b ? 0 : 1); } /* * Add an item in the todo linked list. */ struct todo * todo_add (char *mesg, int id, char *note) { struct todo *todo; todo = mem_malloc (sizeof (struct todo)); todo->mesg = mem_strdup (mesg); todo->id = id; todo->note = (note != NULL && note[0] != '\0') ? mem_strdup (note) : NULL; LLIST_ADD_SORTED (&todolist, todo, todo_cmp_id); return todo; } void todo_write (struct todo *todo, FILE *f) { if (todo->note) fprintf (f, "[%d]>%s %s\n", todo->id, todo->note, todo->mesg); else fprintf (f, "[%d] %s\n", todo->id, todo->mesg); } /* Delete a note previously attached to a todo item. */ static void todo_delete_note_bynum (unsigned num) { llist_item_t *i = LLIST_NTH (&todolist, num); if (!i) EXIT (_("no such todo")); struct todo *todo = LLIST_TS_GET_DATA (i); if (!todo->note) EXIT (_("no note attached")); erase_note (&todo->note); } /* Delete an item from the todo linked list. */ static void todo_delete_bynum (unsigned num) { llist_item_t *i = LLIST_NTH (&todolist, num); if (!i) EXIT (_("no such todo")); struct todo *todo = LLIST_TS_GET_DATA (i); LLIST_REMOVE (&todolist, i); mem_free (todo->mesg); erase_note (&todo->note); mem_free (todo); } /* * Flag a todo item (for now on, only the 'completed' state is available). * Internally, a completed item keeps its priority, but it becomes negative. * This way, it is easy to retrive its original priority if the user decides * that in fact it was not completed. */ void todo_flag (void) { struct todo *t; t = todo_get_item (hilt); t->id = -t->id; } /* Delete an item from the ToDo list. */ void todo_delete (void) { char *choices = "[y/n] "; char *del_todo_str = _("Do you really want to delete this task ?"); char *erase_warning = _("This item has a note attached to it. " "Delete (t)odo or just its (n)ote ?"); char *erase_choice = _("[t/n] "); int answer, has_note; if (conf.confirm_delete) { status_mesg (del_todo_str, choices); answer = wgetch (win[STA].p); if ((answer != 'y') || (todos <= 0)) { wins_erase_status_bar (); return; } } else if (todos <= 0) { wins_erase_status_bar (); return; } answer = -1; has_note = (todo_get_item (hilt)->note != NULL) ? 1 : 0; if (has_note == 0) answer = 't'; while (answer != 't' && answer != 'n' && answer != KEY_GENERIC_CANCEL) { status_mesg (erase_warning, erase_choice); answer = wgetch (win[STA].p); } switch (answer) { case 't': todo_delete_bynum (hilt - 1); todos--; if (hilt > 1) hilt--; if (todos == 0) hilt = 0; if (hilt - first < 0) first--; break; case 'n': todo_delete_note_bynum (hilt - 1); break; default: wins_erase_status_bar (); return; } } /* * Returns the position into the linked list corresponding to the * given todo item. */ static int todo_get_position (struct todo *needle) { llist_item_t *i; int n = 0; LLIST_FOREACH (&todolist, i) { n++; if (LLIST_TS_GET_DATA (i) == needle) return n; } EXIT (_("todo not found")); return -1; /* avoid compiler warnings */ } /* Change an item priority by pressing '+' or '-' inside TODO panel. */ void todo_chg_priority (int action) { struct todo *backup; char backup_mesg[BUFSIZ]; int backup_id; char backup_note[MAX_NOTESIZ + 1]; backup = todo_get_item (hilt); strncpy (backup_mesg, backup->mesg, strlen (backup->mesg) + 1); backup_id = backup->id; if (backup->note) strncpy (backup_note, backup->note, MAX_NOTESIZ + 1); else backup_note[0] = '\0'; switch (action) { case KEY_RAISE_PRIORITY: if (backup_id > 1) backup_id--; else return; break; case KEY_LOWER_PRIORITY: if (backup_id > 0 && backup_id < 9) backup_id++; else return; break; default: EXIT (_("no such action")); /* NOTREACHED */ } todo_delete_bynum (hilt - 1); backup = todo_add (backup_mesg, backup_id, backup_note); hilt = todo_get_position (backup); } /* Edit the description of an already existing todo item. */ void todo_edit_item (void) { struct todo *i; char *mesg = _("Enter the new ToDo description :"); status_mesg (mesg, ""); i = todo_get_item (hilt); updatestring (win[STA].p, &i->mesg, 0, 1); } /* Display todo items in the corresponding panel. */ static void display_todo_item (int incolor, char *msg, int prio, int note, int width, int y, int x) { WINDOW *w; int ch_note; char buf[width * UTF8_MAXLEN], priostr[2]; int i; w = win[TOD].p; ch_note = (note) ? '>' : '.'; if (prio > 0) snprintf (priostr, sizeof priostr, "%d", prio); else strncpy (priostr, "X", sizeof priostr); if (incolor == 0) custom_apply_attr (w, ATTR_HIGHEST); if (utf8_strwidth (msg) < width) mvwprintw (w, y, x, "%s%c %s", priostr, ch_note, msg); else { for (i = 0; msg[i] && width > 0; i++) { if (!UTF8_ISCONT (msg[i])) width -= utf8_width (&msg[i]); buf[i] = msg[i]; } if (i) buf[i - 1] = 0; else buf[0] = 0; mvwprintw (w, y, x, "%s%c %s...", priostr, ch_note, buf); } if (incolor == 0) custom_remove_attr (w, ATTR_HIGHEST); } /* Updates the ToDo panel. */ void todo_update_panel (int which_pan) { llist_item_t *i; int len = win[TOD].w - 8; int num_todo = 0; int y_offset = 3, x_offset = 1; int t_realpos = -1; int title_lines = 3; int todo_lines = 1; int max_items = win[TOD].h - 4; int incolor = -1; /* Print todo item in the panel. */ erase_window_part (win[TOD].p, 1, title_lines, win[TOD].w - 2, win[TOD].h - 2); LLIST_FOREACH (&todolist, i) { struct todo *todo = LLIST_TS_GET_DATA (i); num_todo++; t_realpos = num_todo - first; incolor = (which_pan == TOD) ? num_todo - hilt : num_todo; if (incolor == 0) msgsav = todo->mesg; if (t_realpos >= 0 && t_realpos < max_items) { display_todo_item (incolor, todo->mesg, todo->id, (todo->note != NULL) ? 1 : 0, len, y_offset, x_offset); y_offset = y_offset + todo_lines; } } /* Draw the scrollbar if necessary. */ if (todos > max_items) { float ratio = ((float) max_items) / ((float) todos); int sbar_length = (int) (ratio * (max_items + 1)); int highend = (int) (ratio * first); unsigned hilt_bar = (which_pan == TOD) ? 1 : 0; int sbar_top = highend + title_lines; if ((sbar_top + sbar_length) > win[TOD].h - 1) sbar_length = win[TOD].h - 1 - sbar_top; draw_scrollbar (win[TOD].p, sbar_top, win[TOD].w - 2, sbar_length, title_lines, win[TOD].h - 1, hilt_bar); } wnoutrefresh (win[TOD].p); } /* Attach a note to a todo */ void todo_edit_note (char *editor) { struct todo *i = todo_get_item (hilt); edit_note (&i->note, editor); } /* View a note previously attached to a todo */ void todo_view_note (char *pager) { struct todo *i = todo_get_item (hilt); view_note (i->note, pager); } /* Pipe a todo item to an external program. */ void todo_pipe_item (void) { char cmd[BUFSIZ] = ""; int pout; int pid; FILE *fpout; struct todo *todo; status_mesg (_("Pipe item to external command:"), ""); if (getstring (win[STA].p, cmd, BUFSIZ, 0, 1) != GETSTRING_VALID) return; wins_prepare_external (); if ((pid = shell_exec (NULL, &pout, cmd))) { fpout = fdopen (pout, "w"); todo = todo_get_item (hilt); todo_write (todo, fpout); fclose (fpout); child_wait (NULL, &pout, pid); press_any_key (); } wins_unprepare_external (); } void todo_free (struct todo *todo) { mem_free (todo->mesg); erase_note (&todo->note); mem_free (todo); } void todo_init_list (void) { LLIST_INIT (&todolist); } void todo_free_list (void) { LLIST_FREE_INNER (&todolist, todo_free); LLIST_FREE (&todolist); }