#include "calcurse.h" /* * A queue for calcurse system messages. */ llist_t sysqueue; void que_init(void) { LLIST_INIT(&sysqueue); } /* * Test for queued system events. */ int que_ued(void) { return sysqueue.head ? 1 : 0; } /* * Insert a system event at the tail of the queue. */ struct event *que_ins(char *mesg, time_t time, int id) { struct event *ev; ev = mem_malloc(sizeof(struct event)); ev->mesg = mem_strdup(mesg); ev->day = time; ev->id = id; ev->note = NULL; LLIST_ADD(&sysqueue, ev); return ev; } /* * Get the system event at the head of the queue. */ struct event *que_get(void) { return sysqueue.head ? sysqueue.head->data : NULL; } /* * Remove the system event at the head of the queue. */ void que_rem(void) { struct event *ev; if (!sysqueue.head) return; else ev = sysqueue.head->data; mem_free(ev->mesg); mem_free(ev); LLIST_REMOVE(&sysqueue, sysqueue.head); } /* * Display the system event at the head of the queue in a popup window. */ void que_show(void) { struct event *ev; char *date; if (!que_ued()) return; ev = que_get(); date = date_sec2date_str(ev->day, "%F %T"); item_in_popup(date, "", ev->mesg, _("System event")); mem_free(date); } /* * Save the system event at the head of the queue as an appointment. */ void que_save(void) { struct event *ev; if (!que_ued()) return; ev = que_get(); apoint_new(ev->mesg, NULL, ev->day, 0, APOINT_NULL); io_set_modified(); }