/* $calcurse: notify.c,v 1.18 2007/08/04 14:34:03 culot Exp $ */ /* * Calcurse - text-based organizer * Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Frederic Culot * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Send your feedback or comments to : calcurse@culot.org * Calcurse home page : http://culot.org/calcurse * */ #include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "i18n.h" #include "utils.h" #include "custom.h" #include "notify.h" static struct notify_vars_s *notify = NULL; static struct notify_app_s *notify_app = NULL; static pthread_t notify_t_main; /* Return 1 if we need to display the notify-bar, else 0. */ int notify_bar(void) { int display_bar = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&nbar->mutex); display_bar = (nbar->show) ? 1 : 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&nbar->mutex); return display_bar; } /* Initialize the nbar variable used to store notification options. */ void notify_init_vars(void) { char *time_format = "%T"; char *date_format = "%a %F"; char *cmd = "printf '\\a'"; nbar = (struct nbar_s *) malloc(sizeof(struct nbar_s)); pthread_mutex_init(&nbar->mutex, NULL); nbar->show = 1; nbar->cntdwn = 300; strncpy(nbar->datefmt, date_format, strlen(date_format) + 1); strncpy(nbar->timefmt, time_format, strlen(time_format) + 1); strncpy(nbar->cmd, cmd, strlen(cmd) + 1); if ((nbar->shell = getenv("SHELL")) == NULL) nbar->shell = "/bin/sh"; } /* Extract the appointment file name from the complete file path. */ static void extract_aptsfile(void) { notify->apts_file = strrchr(path_apts, '/'); notify->apts_file++; } /* * Create the notification bar, by initializing all the variables and * creating the notification window (l is the number of lines, c the * number of columns, y and x are its coordinates). */ void notify_init_bar(window_t *win) { notify = (struct notify_vars_s *) malloc(sizeof(struct notify_vars_s)); notify_app = (struct notify_app_s *) malloc(sizeof(struct notify_app_s)); pthread_mutex_init(¬ify->mutex, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(¬ify_app->mutex, NULL); notify_app->got_app = 0; notify->win = newwin(win->h, win->w, win->y, win->x); extract_aptsfile(); } /* Stop the notify-bar main thread. */ void notify_stop_main_thread(void) { pthread_cancel(notify_t_main); return; } /* * The calcurse window geometry has changed so we need to reset the * notification window. */ void notify_reinit_bar(int l, int c, int y, int x) { delwin(notify->win); notify->win = newwin(l, c, y, x); } /* Launch user defined command as a notification. */ static void launch_cmd(char *cmd, char *shell) { int pid; pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) ierror(_("FATAL ERROR in launch_cmd: could not fork")); else if (pid == 0) /* Child: launch user defined command */ if (execlp(shell, shell, "-c", cmd, (char *)NULL) < 0) ierror(_("FATAL ERROR in launch_cmd: could not " "launch user command")); } /* * Update the notification bar. This is useful when changing color theme * for example. */ void notify_update_bar(void) { const int space = 3; int file_pos, date_pos, app_pos, txt_max_len, too_long = 0; int time_left, hours_left, minutes_left; int blinking; char buf[BUFSIZ]; date_pos = space; pthread_mutex_lock(¬ify->mutex); file_pos = strlen(notify->date) + strlen(notify->time) + 7 + 2*space; app_pos = file_pos + strlen(notify->apts_file) + 2 + space; txt_max_len = col - (app_pos + 12 + space); custom_apply_attr(notify->win, ATTR_HIGHEST); wattron(notify->win, A_UNDERLINE | A_REVERSE); mvwhline(notify->win, 0, 0, ACS_HLINE, col); mvwprintw(notify->win, 0, date_pos, "[ %s | %s ]", notify->date, notify->time); mvwprintw(notify->win, 0, file_pos, "(%s)", notify->apts_file); pthread_mutex_lock(¬ify_app->mutex); if (notify_app->got_app) { if (strlen(notify_app->txt) > txt_max_len) { too_long = 1; strncpy(buf, notify_app->txt, txt_max_len - 3); buf[txt_max_len - 3] = '\0'; } time_left = notify_app->time - notify->time_in_sec; if (time_left > 0) { hours_left = (time_left / HOURINSEC); minutes_left = (time_left - hours_left * HOURINSEC) / MININSEC; pthread_mutex_lock(&nbar->mutex); if (time_left < nbar->cntdwn && (notify_app->state & APOINT_NOTIFY)) blinking = 1; else blinking = 0; if (blinking) wattron(notify->win, A_BLINK); if (too_long) mvwprintw(notify->win, 0, app_pos, "> %02d:%02d :: %s.. <", hours_left, minutes_left, buf); else mvwprintw(notify->win, 0, app_pos, "> %02d:%02d :: %s <", hours_left, minutes_left, notify_app->txt); if (blinking) wattroff(notify->win, A_BLINK); if (blinking && !(notify_app->state & APOINT_NOTIFIED)) { notify_app->state |= APOINT_NOTIFIED; launch_cmd(nbar->cmd, nbar->shell); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&nbar->mutex); } else { notify_app->got_app = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(¬ify_app->mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(¬ify->mutex); notify_check_next_app(); return; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(¬ify_app->mutex); wattroff(notify->win, A_UNDERLINE | A_REVERSE); custom_remove_attr(notify->win, ATTR_HIGHEST); wrefresh(notify->win); pthread_mutex_unlock(¬ify->mutex); } /* Update the notication bar content */ static void * notify_main_thread(void *arg) { const unsigned thread_sleep = 1; const unsigned check_app = MININSEC; int elapse= 0, got_app = 0; struct tm *ntime; time_t ntimer; elapse = 0; got_app = 0; for (;;) { ntimer = time(NULL); ntime = localtime(&ntimer); pthread_mutex_lock(¬ify->mutex); notify->time_in_sec = ntimer; pthread_mutex_lock(&nbar->mutex); strftime(notify->time, NOTIFY_FIELD_LENGTH, nbar->timefmt, ntime); strftime(notify->date, NOTIFY_FIELD_LENGTH, nbar->datefmt, ntime); pthread_mutex_unlock(&nbar->mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(¬ify->mutex); notify_update_bar(); sleep(thread_sleep); elapse += thread_sleep; if (elapse >= check_app) { elapse = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(¬ify_app->mutex); got_app = notify_app->got_app; pthread_mutex_unlock(¬ify_app->mutex); if (!got_app) notify_check_next_app(); } } pthread_exit((void*) 0); } /* Look for the next appointment within the next 24 hours. */ static void * notify_thread_app(void *arg) { struct notify_app_s *tmp_app; time_t current_time; current_time = time(NULL); /* Use a temporary structure not to lock the mutex for a too * long time while looking for next appointment. */ tmp_app = (struct notify_app_s *) malloc(sizeof(struct notify_app_s)); tmp_app->time = current_time + DAYINSEC; tmp_app->got_app = 0; tmp_app = recur_apoint_check_next(tmp_app, current_time, get_today()); tmp_app = apoint_check_next(tmp_app, current_time); pthread_mutex_lock(¬ify_app->mutex); if (tmp_app->got_app) { notify_app->got_app = 1; notify_app->time = tmp_app->time; notify_app->txt = mycpy(tmp_app->txt); notify_app->state = tmp_app->state; } else { notify_app->got_app = 0; } pthread_mutex_unlock(¬ify_app->mutex); free(tmp_app); notify_update_bar(); pthread_exit((void*) 0); } /* Launch the thread notify_thread_app to look for next appointment. */ void notify_check_next_app(void) { pthread_t notify_t_app; pthread_create(¬ify_t_app, NULL, notify_thread_app, NULL); return; } /* Check if the newly created appointment is to be notified. */ void notify_check_added(char *mesg, long start, char state) { time_t current_time; int update_notify = 0; long gap; current_time = time(NULL); pthread_mutex_lock(¬ify_app->mutex); if (!notify_app->got_app) { gap = start - current_time; if (gap >= 0 && gap <= DAYINSEC) update_notify = 1; } else if (start < notify_app->time && start >= current_time) { update_notify = 1; } else if (start == notify_app->time && state != notify_app->state) update_notify = 1; if (update_notify) { notify_app->got_app = 1; notify_app->time = start; notify_app->txt = mycpy(mesg); notify_app->state = state; } pthread_mutex_unlock(¬ify_app->mutex); notify_update_bar(); } /* Check if the newly repeated appointment is to be notified. */ void notify_check_repeated(recur_apoint_llist_node_t *i) { long real_app_time; int update_notify = 0; time_t current_time; current_time = time(NULL); pthread_mutex_lock(¬ify_app->mutex); if ((real_app_time = recur_item_inday(i->start, i->exc, i->rpt->type, i->rpt->freq, i->rpt->until, get_today()) > current_time)) { if (!notify_app->got_app) { if (real_app_time - current_time <= DAYINSEC) update_notify = 1; } else if (real_app_time < notify_app->time && real_app_time >= current_time) { update_notify = 1; } else if (real_app_time == notify_app->time && i->state != notify_app->state) update_notify = 1; } if (update_notify) { notify_app->got_app = 1; notify_app->time = real_app_time; notify_app->txt = mycpy(i->mesg); notify_app->state = i->state; } pthread_mutex_unlock(¬ify_app->mutex); notify_update_bar(); } int notify_same_item(long time) { int same = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&(notify_app->mutex)); if (notify_app->got_app && notify_app->time == time) same = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&(notify_app->mutex)); return same; } int notify_same_recur_item(recur_apoint_llist_node_t *i) { int same = 0; long item_start = 0; item_start = recur_item_inday(i->start, i->exc, i->rpt->type, i->rpt->freq, i->rpt->until, get_today()); pthread_mutex_lock(¬ify_app->mutex); if (notify_app->got_app && item_start == notify_app->time) same = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&(notify_app->mutex)); return same; } /* Launch the notify-bar main thread. */ void notify_start_main_thread(void) { pthread_create(¬ify_t_main, NULL, notify_main_thread, NULL); notify_check_next_app(); return; } /* Print options related to the notify-bar. */ static void notify_print_options(WINDOW *win, int col) { enum {SHOW, DATE, CLOCK, WARN, CMD, NB_OPT}; struct opt_s { char name[BUFSIZ]; char desc[BUFSIZ]; char value[BUFSIZ]; } opt[NB_OPT]; int i, y, x, l, x_pos, y_pos, x_offset, y_offset, maxcol, maxlen; char buf[BUFSIZ]; x_pos = 3; x_offset = 4; y_pos = 4; y_offset = 3; maxcol = col - 2; strncpy(opt[SHOW].name, _("notify-bar_show = "), BUFSIZ); strncpy(opt[DATE].name, _("notify-bar_date = "), BUFSIZ); strncpy(opt[CLOCK].name, _("notify-bar_clock = "), BUFSIZ); strncpy(opt[WARN].name, _("notify-bar_warning = "), BUFSIZ); strncpy(opt[CMD].name, _("notify-bar_command = "), BUFSIZ); strncpy(opt[SHOW].desc, _("(if set to YES, notify-bar will be displayed)"), BUFSIZ); strncpy(opt[DATE].desc, _("(Format of the date to be displayed inside notify-bar)"), BUFSIZ); strncpy(opt[CLOCK].desc, _("(Format of the time to be displayed inside notify-bar)"), BUFSIZ); strncpy(opt[WARN].desc, _("(Warn user if an appointment is within next 'notify-bar_warning'" " seconds)"), BUFSIZ); strncpy(opt[CMD].desc, _("(Command used to notify user of an upcoming appointment)"), BUFSIZ); pthread_mutex_lock(&nbar->mutex); strncpy(opt[DATE].value, nbar->datefmt, BUFSIZ); strncpy(opt[CLOCK].value, nbar->timefmt, BUFSIZ); snprintf(opt[WARN].value, BUFSIZ, "%d", nbar->cntdwn); strncpy(opt[CMD].value, nbar->cmd, BUFSIZ); l = strlen(opt[SHOW].name); x = x_pos + x_offset + l; mvwprintw(win, y_pos, x_pos, "[1] %s", opt[SHOW].name); erase_window_part(win, x, y_pos, maxcol, y_pos); print_option_incolor(win, nbar->show, y_pos, x); mvwprintw(win, y_pos + 1, x_pos, opt[SHOW].desc); for (i = 1; i < NB_OPT; i++) { l = strlen(opt[i].name); y = y_pos + i * y_offset; x = x_pos + x_offset + l; maxlen = maxcol - x - 2; mvwprintw(win, y, x_pos, "[%d] %s", i + 1, opt[i].name); erase_window_part(win, x, y, maxcol, y); custom_apply_attr(win, ATTR_HIGHEST); if (strlen(opt[i].value) < maxlen) mvwprintw(win, y, x, "%s", opt[i].value); else { strncpy(buf, opt[i].value, maxlen - 1); buf[maxlen - 1] = '\0'; mvwprintw(win, y, x, "%s...", buf); } custom_remove_attr(win, ATTR_HIGHEST); mvwprintw(win, y + 1, x_pos, opt[i].desc); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&nbar->mutex); wmove(swin, 1, 0); wnoutrefresh(win); doupdate(); } /* Notify-bar configuration. */ void notify_config_bar(void) { WINDOW *conf_win = 0L; char label[BUFSIZ]; char *buf; char *number_str = _("Enter an option number to change its value [Q to quit] "); char *date_str = _("Enter the date format (see 'man 3 strftime' for possible formats) "); char *time_str = _("Enter the time format (see 'man 3 strftime' for possible formats) "); char *count_str = _("Enter the number of seconds (0 not to be warned before an appointment)"); char *cmd_str = _("Enter the notification command "); int ch = 0 , win_row, change_win = 1; buf = (char *)malloc(BUFSIZ); win_row = (notify_bar()) ? row - 3 : row - 2; snprintf(label, BUFSIZ, _("CalCurse %s | notify-bar options"), VERSION); while (ch != 'q') { if (change_win) { conf_win = newwin(win_row, col, 0, 0); box(conf_win, 0, 0); wins_show(conf_win, label); } status_mesg(number_str, ""); notify_print_options(conf_win, col); *buf = '\0'; ch = wgetch(swin); switch (ch) { case '1': pthread_mutex_lock(&nbar->mutex); nbar->show = !nbar->show; pthread_mutex_unlock(&nbar->mutex); notify_stop_main_thread(); if (notify_bar()) { notify_start_main_thread(); win_row = row - 3; } else { win_row = row - 2; } delwin(conf_win); change_win = 1; break; case '2': status_mesg(date_str, ""); pthread_mutex_lock(&nbar->mutex); strncpy(buf, nbar->datefmt, strlen(nbar->datefmt) + 1); pthread_mutex_unlock(&nbar->mutex); if (updatestring(swin, &buf, 0, 1) == 0) { pthread_mutex_lock(&nbar->mutex); strncpy(nbar->datefmt, buf, strlen(buf) + 1); pthread_mutex_unlock(&nbar->mutex); } change_win = 0; break; case '3': status_mesg(time_str, ""); pthread_mutex_lock(&nbar->mutex); strncpy(buf, nbar->timefmt, strlen(nbar->timefmt) + 1); pthread_mutex_unlock(&nbar->mutex); if (updatestring(swin, &buf, 0, 1) == 0) { pthread_mutex_lock(&nbar->mutex); strncpy(nbar->timefmt, buf, strlen(buf) + 1); pthread_mutex_unlock(&nbar->mutex); } change_win = 0; break; case '4': status_mesg(count_str, ""); pthread_mutex_lock(&nbar->mutex); printf(buf, "%d", nbar->cntdwn); pthread_mutex_unlock(&nbar->mutex); if (updatestring(swin, &buf, 0, 1) == 0 && is_all_digit(buf) && atoi(buf) >= 0 && atoi(buf) <= DAYINSEC) { pthread_mutex_lock(&nbar->mutex); nbar->cntdwn = atoi(buf); pthread_mutex_unlock(&nbar->mutex); } change_win = 0; break; case '5': status_mesg(cmd_str, ""); pthread_mutex_lock(&nbar->mutex); strncpy(buf, nbar->cmd, strlen(nbar->cmd) + 1); pthread_mutex_unlock(&nbar->mutex); if (updatestring(swin, &buf, 0, 1) == 0) { pthread_mutex_lock(&nbar->mutex); strncpy(nbar->cmd, buf, strlen(buf) + 1); pthread_mutex_unlock(&nbar->mutex); } change_win = 0; break; } } free(buf); delwin(conf_win); }