/* * Calcurse - text-based organizer * * Copyright (c) 2004-2013 calcurse Development Team <misc@calcurse.org> * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Send your feedback or comments to : misc@calcurse.org * Calcurse home page : http://calcurse.org * */ #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "calcurse.h" struct attribute { int color[7]; int nocolor[7]; }; static struct attribute attr; /* * Define window attributes (for both color and non-color terminals): * ATTR_HIGHEST are for window titles * ATTR_HIGH are for month and days names * ATTR_MIDDLE are for the selected day inside calendar panel * ATTR_LOW are for days inside calendar panel which contains an event * ATTR_LOWEST are for current day inside calendar panel */ void custom_init_attr(void) { attr.color[ATTR_HIGHEST] = COLOR_PAIR(COLR_CUSTOM); attr.color[ATTR_HIGH] = COLOR_PAIR(COLR_HIGH); attr.color[ATTR_MIDDLE] = COLOR_PAIR(COLR_RED); attr.color[ATTR_LOW] = COLOR_PAIR(COLR_CYAN); attr.color[ATTR_LOWEST] = COLOR_PAIR(COLR_YELLOW); attr.color[ATTR_TRUE] = COLOR_PAIR(COLR_GREEN); attr.color[ATTR_FALSE] = COLOR_PAIR(COLR_RED); attr.nocolor[ATTR_HIGHEST] = A_BOLD; attr.nocolor[ATTR_HIGH] = A_REVERSE; attr.nocolor[ATTR_MIDDLE] = A_REVERSE; attr.nocolor[ATTR_LOW] = A_UNDERLINE; attr.nocolor[ATTR_LOWEST] = A_BOLD; attr.nocolor[ATTR_TRUE] = A_BOLD; attr.nocolor[ATTR_FALSE] = A_DIM; } /* Apply window attribute */ void custom_apply_attr(WINDOW * win, int attr_num) { if (colorize) wattron(win, attr.color[attr_num]); else wattron(win, attr.nocolor[attr_num]); } /* Remove window attribute */ void custom_remove_attr(WINDOW * win, int attr_num) { if (colorize) wattroff(win, attr.color[attr_num]); else wattroff(win, attr.nocolor[attr_num]); } /* Draws the configuration bar */ void custom_config_bar(void) { const int SMLSPC = 2; const int SPC = 15; custom_apply_attr(win[STA].p, ATTR_HIGHEST); mvwaddstr(win[STA].p, 0, 2, "Q"); mvwaddstr(win[STA].p, 1, 2, "G"); mvwaddstr(win[STA].p, 0, 2 + SPC, "L"); mvwaddstr(win[STA].p, 1, 2 + SPC, "S"); mvwaddstr(win[STA].p, 0, 2 + 2 * SPC, "C"); mvwaddstr(win[STA].p, 1, 2 + 2 * SPC, "N"); mvwaddstr(win[STA].p, 0, 2 + 3 * SPC, "K"); custom_remove_attr(win[STA].p, ATTR_HIGHEST); mvwaddstr(win[STA].p, 0, 2 + SMLSPC, _("Exit")); mvwaddstr(win[STA].p, 1, 2 + SMLSPC, _("General")); mvwaddstr(win[STA].p, 0, 2 + SPC + SMLSPC, _("Layout")); mvwaddstr(win[STA].p, 1, 2 + SPC + SMLSPC, _("Sidebar")); mvwaddstr(win[STA].p, 0, 2 + 2 * SPC + SMLSPC, _("Color")); mvwaddstr(win[STA].p, 1, 2 + 2 * SPC + SMLSPC, _("Notify")); mvwaddstr(win[STA].p, 0, 2 + 3 * SPC + SMLSPC, _("Keys")); wnoutrefresh(win[STA].p); wmove(win[STA].p, 0, 0); wins_doupdate(); } static void layout_selection_bar(void) { struct binding quit = { _("Exit"), KEY_GENERIC_QUIT }; struct binding select = { _("Select"), KEY_GENERIC_SELECT }; struct binding up = { _("Up"), KEY_MOVE_UP }; struct binding down = { _("Down"), KEY_MOVE_DOWN }; struct binding left = { _("Left"), KEY_MOVE_LEFT }; struct binding right = { _("Right"), KEY_MOVE_RIGHT }; struct binding help = { _("Help"), KEY_GENERIC_HELP }; struct binding *bindings[] = { &quit, &select, &up, &down, &left, &right, &help }; int bindings_size = ARRAY_SIZE(bindings); keys_display_bindings_bar(win[STA].p, bindings, bindings_size, 0, bindings_size, NULL); } #define NBLAYOUTS 8 #define LAYOUTSPERCOL 2 /* Used to display available layouts in layout configuration menu. */ static void display_layout_config(struct window *lwin, int mark, int cursor) { #define CURSOR (32 | A_REVERSE) #define MARK 88 #define LAYOUTH 5 #define LAYOUTW 9 const char *box = "[ ]"; const int BOXSIZ = strlen(box); const int NBCOLS = NBLAYOUTS / LAYOUTSPERCOL; const int COLSIZ = LAYOUTW + BOXSIZ + 1; const int XSPC = (lwin->w - NBCOLS * COLSIZ) / (NBCOLS + 1); const int XOFST = (lwin->w - NBCOLS * (XSPC + COLSIZ)) / 2; const int YSPC = (lwin->h - 8 - LAYOUTSPERCOL * LAYOUTH) / (LAYOUTSPERCOL + 1); const int YOFST = (lwin->h - LAYOUTSPERCOL * (YSPC + LAYOUTH)) / 2; enum { YPOS, XPOS, NBPOS }; int pos[NBLAYOUTS][NBPOS]; const char *layouts[LAYOUTH][NBLAYOUTS] = { {"+---+---+", "+---+---+", "+---+---+", "+---+---+", "+---+---+", "+---+---+", "+---+---+", "+---+---+"}, {"| | c |", "| | t |", "| c | |", "| t | |", "| | c |", "| | a |", "| c | |", "| a | |"}, {"| a +---+", "| a +---+", "+---+ a |", "|---+ a |", "| t +---+", "| t +---+", "+---+ t |", "+---+ t |"}, {"| | t |", "| | c |", "| t | |", "| c | |", "| | a |", "| | c |", "| a | |", "| c | |"}, {"+---+---+", "+---+---+", "+---+---+", "+---+---+", "+---+---+", "+---+---+", "+---+---+", "+---+---+"} }; int i; for (i = 0; i < NBLAYOUTS; i++) { pos[i][YPOS] = YOFST + (i % LAYOUTSPERCOL) * (YSPC + LAYOUTH); pos[i][XPOS] = XOFST + (i / LAYOUTSPERCOL) * (XSPC + COLSIZ); } for (i = 0; i < NBLAYOUTS; i++) { int j; mvwaddstr(lwin->p, pos[i][YPOS] + 2, pos[i][XPOS], box); if (i == mark) custom_apply_attr(lwin->p, ATTR_HIGHEST); for (j = 0; j < LAYOUTH; j++) { mvwaddstr(lwin->p, pos[i][YPOS] + j, pos[i][XPOS] + BOXSIZ + 1, layouts[j][i]); } if (i == mark) custom_remove_attr(lwin->p, ATTR_HIGHEST); } mvwaddch(lwin->p, pos[mark][YPOS] + 2, pos[mark][XPOS] + 1, MARK); mvwaddch(lwin->p, pos[cursor][YPOS] + 2, pos[cursor][XPOS] + 1, CURSOR); layout_selection_bar(); wnoutrefresh(win[STA].p); wnoutrefresh(lwin->p); wins_doupdate(); if (notify_bar()) notify_update_bar(); } /* Choose the layout */ void custom_layout_config(void) { struct window conf_win; int ch, mark, cursor, need_reset; const char *label = _("layout configuration"); conf_win.p = NULL; custom_confwin_init(&conf_win, label); cursor = mark = wins_layout() - 1; display_layout_config(&conf_win, mark, cursor); clear(); while ((ch = keys_getch(win[KEY].p, NULL, NULL)) != KEY_GENERIC_QUIT) { need_reset = 0; switch (ch) { case KEY_GENERIC_SELECT: mark = cursor; break; case KEY_MOVE_DOWN: if (cursor % LAYOUTSPERCOL < LAYOUTSPERCOL - 1) cursor++; break; case KEY_MOVE_UP: if (cursor % LAYOUTSPERCOL > 0) cursor--; break; case KEY_MOVE_LEFT: if (cursor >= LAYOUTSPERCOL) cursor -= LAYOUTSPERCOL; break; case KEY_MOVE_RIGHT: if (cursor < NBLAYOUTS - LAYOUTSPERCOL) cursor += LAYOUTSPERCOL; break; case KEY_GENERIC_CANCEL: need_reset = 1; break; } if (resize) { resize = 0; endwin(); wins_refresh(); curs_set(0); need_reset = 1; } if (need_reset) custom_confwin_init(&conf_win, label); display_layout_config(&conf_win, mark, cursor); } wins_set_layout(mark + 1); delwin(conf_win.p); } #undef NBLAYOUTS #undef LAYOUTSPERCOL /* Sidebar configuration screen. */ void custom_sidebar_config(void) { struct binding quit = { _("Exit"), KEY_GENERIC_QUIT }; struct binding inc = { _("Width +"), KEY_MOVE_UP }; struct binding dec = { _("Width -"), KEY_MOVE_DOWN }; struct binding help = { _("Help"), KEY_GENERIC_HELP }; struct binding *bindings[] = { &inc, &dec, &help, &quit }; int ch, bindings_size; bindings_size = ARRAY_SIZE(bindings); keys_display_bindings_bar(win[STA].p, bindings, bindings_size, 0, bindings_size, NULL); wins_doupdate(); while ((ch = keys_getch(win[KEY].p, NULL, NULL)) != KEY_GENERIC_QUIT) { switch (ch) { case KEY_MOVE_UP: wins_sbar_winc(); break; case KEY_MOVE_DOWN: wins_sbar_wdec(); break; case KEY_RESIZE: break; default: continue; } if (resize) { resize = 0; wins_reset(); } else { wins_resize_panels(); wins_update_border(FLAG_ALL); wins_update_panels(FLAG_ALL); keys_display_bindings_bar(win[STA].p, bindings, bindings_size, 0, bindings_size, NULL); wins_doupdate(); } } } static void set_confwin_attr(struct window *cwin) { cwin->h = (notify_bar())? row - 3 : row - 2; cwin->w = col; cwin->x = cwin->y = 0; } /* * Create a configuration window and initialize status and notification bar * (useful in case of window resize). */ void custom_confwin_init(struct window *confwin, const char *label) { if (confwin->p) { erase_window_part(confwin->p, confwin->x, confwin->y, confwin->x + confwin->w, confwin->y + confwin->h); delwin(confwin->p); } wins_get_config(); set_confwin_attr(confwin); confwin->p = newwin(confwin->h, col, 0, 0); box(confwin->p, 0, 0); wins_show(confwin->p, label); delwin(win[STA].p); win[STA].p = newwin(win[STA].h, win[STA].w, win[STA].y, win[STA].x); keypad(win[STA].p, TRUE); if (notify_bar()) { notify_reinit_bar(); notify_update_bar(); } } static void color_selection_bar(void) { struct binding quit = { _("Exit"), KEY_GENERIC_QUIT }; struct binding select = { _("Select"), KEY_GENERIC_SELECT }; struct binding nocolor = { _("No color"), KEY_GENERIC_CANCEL }; struct binding up = { _("Up"), KEY_MOVE_UP }; struct binding down = { _("Down"), KEY_MOVE_DOWN }; struct binding left = { _("Left"), KEY_MOVE_LEFT }; struct binding right = { _("Right"), KEY_MOVE_RIGHT }; struct binding *bindings[] = { &quit, &nocolor, &up, &down, &left, &right, &select }; int bindings_size = ARRAY_SIZE(bindings); keys_display_bindings_bar(win[STA].p, bindings, bindings_size, 0, bindings_size, NULL); } /* * Used to display available colors in color configuration menu. * This is useful for window resizing. */ static void display_color_config(struct window *cwin, int *mark_fore, int *mark_back, int cursor, int theme_changed) { #define SIZE (2 * (NBUSERCOLORS + 1)) #define DEFAULTCOLOR 255 #define DEFAULTCOLOR_EXT -1 #define CURSOR (32 | A_REVERSE) #define MARK 88 const char *fore_txt = _("Foreground"); const char *back_txt = _("Background"); const char *default_txt = _("(terminal's default)"); const char *bar = " "; const char *box = "[ ]"; const unsigned Y = 3; const unsigned XOFST = 5; const unsigned YSPC = (cwin->h - 8) / (NBUSERCOLORS + 1); const unsigned BARSIZ = strlen(bar); const unsigned BOXSIZ = strlen(box); const unsigned XSPC = (cwin->w - 2 * BARSIZ - 2 * BOXSIZ - 6) / 3; const unsigned XFORE = XSPC; const unsigned XBACK = 2 * XSPC + BOXSIZ + XOFST + BARSIZ; enum { YPOS, XPOS, NBPOS }; unsigned i; int pos[SIZE][NBPOS]; short colr_fore, colr_back; int colr[SIZE] = { COLR_RED, COLR_GREEN, COLR_YELLOW, COLR_BLUE, COLR_MAGENTA, COLR_CYAN, COLR_DEFAULT, COLR_RED, COLR_GREEN, COLR_YELLOW, COLR_BLUE, COLR_MAGENTA, COLR_CYAN, COLR_DEFAULT }; for (i = 0; i < NBUSERCOLORS + 1; i++) { pos[i][YPOS] = Y + YSPC * (i + 1); pos[NBUSERCOLORS + i + 1][YPOS] = Y + YSPC * (i + 1); pos[i][XPOS] = XFORE; pos[NBUSERCOLORS + i + 1][XPOS] = XBACK; } if (colorize) { if (theme_changed) { pair_content(colr[*mark_fore], &colr_fore, 0L); if (colr_fore == 255) colr_fore = -1; pair_content(colr[*mark_back], &colr_back, 0L); if (colr_back == 255) colr_back = -1; init_pair(COLR_CUSTOM, colr_fore, colr_back); } else { /* Retrieve the actual color theme. */ pair_content(COLR_CUSTOM, &colr_fore, &colr_back); if ((colr_fore == DEFAULTCOLOR) || (colr_fore == DEFAULTCOLOR_EXT)) { *mark_fore = NBUSERCOLORS; } else { for (i = 0; i < NBUSERCOLORS + 1; i++) if (colr_fore == colr[i]) *mark_fore = i; } if ((colr_back == DEFAULTCOLOR) || (colr_back == DEFAULTCOLOR_EXT)) { *mark_back = SIZE - 1; } else { for (i = 0; i < NBUSERCOLORS + 1; i++) if (colr_back == colr[NBUSERCOLORS + 1 + i]) *mark_back = NBUSERCOLORS + 1 + i; } } } /* color boxes */ for (i = 0; i < SIZE - 1; i++) { mvwaddstr(cwin->p, pos[i][YPOS], pos[i][XPOS], box); wattron(cwin->p, COLOR_PAIR(colr[i]) | A_REVERSE); mvwaddstr(cwin->p, pos[i][YPOS], pos[i][XPOS] + XOFST, bar); wattroff(cwin->p, COLOR_PAIR(colr[i]) | A_REVERSE); } /* Terminal's default color */ i = SIZE - 1; mvwaddstr(cwin->p, pos[i][YPOS], pos[i][XPOS], box); wattron(cwin->p, COLOR_PAIR(colr[i])); mvwaddstr(cwin->p, pos[i][YPOS], pos[i][XPOS] + XOFST, bar); wattroff(cwin->p, COLOR_PAIR(colr[i])); mvwaddstr(cwin->p, pos[NBUSERCOLORS][YPOS] + 1, pos[NBUSERCOLORS][XPOS] + XOFST, default_txt); mvwaddstr(cwin->p, pos[SIZE - 1][YPOS] + 1, pos[SIZE - 1][XPOS] + XOFST, default_txt); custom_apply_attr(cwin->p, ATTR_HIGHEST); mvwaddstr(cwin->p, Y, XFORE + XOFST, fore_txt); mvwaddstr(cwin->p, Y, XBACK + XOFST, back_txt); custom_remove_attr(cwin->p, ATTR_HIGHEST); if (colorize) { mvwaddch(cwin->p, pos[*mark_fore][YPOS], pos[*mark_fore][XPOS] + 1, MARK); mvwaddch(cwin->p, pos[*mark_back][YPOS], pos[*mark_back][XPOS] + 1, MARK); } mvwaddch(cwin->p, pos[cursor][YPOS], pos[cursor][XPOS] + 1, CURSOR); color_selection_bar(); wnoutrefresh(win[STA].p); wnoutrefresh(cwin->p); wins_doupdate(); if (notify_bar()) notify_update_bar(); } /* Color theme configuration. */ void custom_color_config(void) { struct window conf_win; int ch, cursor, need_reset, theme_changed; int mark_fore, mark_back; const char *label = _("color theme"); conf_win.p = 0; custom_confwin_init(&conf_win, label); mark_fore = NBUSERCOLORS; mark_back = SIZE - 1; cursor = 0; theme_changed = 0; display_color_config(&conf_win, &mark_fore, &mark_back, cursor, theme_changed); clear(); while ((ch = keys_getch(win[KEY].p, NULL, NULL)) != KEY_GENERIC_QUIT) { need_reset = 0; theme_changed = 0; switch (ch) { case KEY_GENERIC_SELECT: colorize = 1; need_reset = 1; theme_changed = 1; if (cursor > NBUSERCOLORS) mark_back = cursor; else mark_fore = cursor; break; case KEY_MOVE_DOWN: if (cursor < SIZE - 1) ++cursor; break; case KEY_MOVE_UP: if (cursor > 0) --cursor; break; case KEY_MOVE_LEFT: if (cursor > NBUSERCOLORS) cursor -= (NBUSERCOLORS + 1); break; case KEY_MOVE_RIGHT: if (cursor <= NBUSERCOLORS) cursor += (NBUSERCOLORS + 1); break; case KEY_GENERIC_CANCEL: colorize = 0; need_reset = 1; break; } if (resize) { resize = 0; endwin(); wins_refresh(); curs_set(0); need_reset = 1; } if (need_reset) custom_confwin_init(&conf_win, label); display_color_config(&conf_win, &mark_fore, &mark_back, cursor, theme_changed); } delwin(conf_win.p); } /* Prints the general options. */ static void print_general_option(int i, WINDOW *win, int y, int hilt, void *cb_data) { enum { AUTO_SAVE, AUTO_GC, PERIODIC_SAVE, CONFIRM_QUIT, CONFIRM_DELETE, SYSTEM_DIAGS, PROGRESS_BAR, FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK, OUTPUT_DATE_FMT, INPUT_DATE_FMT, NB_OPTIONS }; const int XPOS = 1; char *opt[NB_OPTIONS] = { "general.autosave = ", "general.autogc = ", "general.periodicsave = ", "general.confirmquit = ", "general.confirmdelete = ", "general.systemdialogs = ", "general.progressbar = ", "general.firstdayofweek = ", "format.outputdate = ", "format.inputdate = " }; if (hilt) custom_apply_attr(win, ATTR_HIGHEST); mvwprintw(win, y, XPOS, "%s", opt[i]); switch (i) { case 0: print_bool_option_incolor(win, conf.auto_save, y, XPOS + strlen(opt[AUTO_SAVE])); mvwaddstr(win, y + XPOS, 1, _("(if set to YES, automatic save is done when quitting)")); break; case 1: print_bool_option_incolor(win, conf.auto_gc, y, XPOS + strlen(opt[AUTO_GC])); mvwaddstr(win, y + 1, XPOS, _("(run the garbage collector when quitting)")); break; case 2: custom_apply_attr(win, ATTR_HIGHEST); mvwprintw(win, y, XPOS + strlen(opt[PERIODIC_SAVE]), "%d", conf.periodic_save); custom_remove_attr(win, ATTR_HIGHEST); mvwaddstr(win, y + 1, XPOS, _("(if not null, automatically save data every 'periodic_save' " "minutes)")); break; case 3: print_bool_option_incolor(win, conf.confirm_quit, y, XPOS + strlen(opt[CONFIRM_QUIT])); mvwaddstr(win, y + 1, XPOS, _("(if set to YES, confirmation is required before quitting)")); break; case 4: print_bool_option_incolor(win, conf.confirm_delete, y, XPOS + strlen(opt[CONFIRM_DELETE])); mvwaddstr(win, y + 1, XPOS, _("(if set to YES, confirmation is required " "before deleting an event)")); break; case 5: print_bool_option_incolor(win, conf.system_dialogs, y, XPOS + strlen(opt[SYSTEM_DIAGS])); mvwaddstr(win, y + 1, XPOS, _("(if set to YES, messages about loaded " "and saved data will be displayed)")); break; case 6: print_bool_option_incolor(win, conf.progress_bar, y, XPOS + strlen(opt[PROGRESS_BAR])); mvwaddstr(win, y + 1, XPOS, _("(if set to YES, progress bar will be displayed " "when saving data)")); break; case 7: custom_apply_attr(win, ATTR_HIGHEST); mvwaddstr(win, y, XPOS + strlen(opt[FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK]), ui_calendar_week_begins_on_monday()? _("Monday") : _("Sunday")); custom_remove_attr(win, ATTR_HIGHEST); mvwaddstr(win, y + 1, XPOS, _("(specifies the first day of week in the calendar view)")); break; case 8: custom_apply_attr(win, ATTR_HIGHEST); mvwaddstr(win, y, XPOS + strlen(opt[OUTPUT_DATE_FMT]), conf.output_datefmt); custom_remove_attr(win, ATTR_HIGHEST); mvwaddstr(win, y + 1, XPOS, _("(Format of the date to be displayed in non-interactive mode)")); break; case 9: custom_apply_attr(win, ATTR_HIGHEST); mvwprintw(win, y, XPOS + strlen(opt[INPUT_DATE_FMT]), "%d", conf.input_datefmt); custom_remove_attr(win, ATTR_HIGHEST); mvwaddstr(win, y + 1, XPOS, _("(Format to be used when entering a date: ")); mvwprintw(win, y + 2, XPOS, " (1) %s, (2) %s, (3) %s, (4) %s)", datefmt_str[0], datefmt_str[1], datefmt_str[2], datefmt_str[3]); break; } if (hilt) custom_remove_attr(win, ATTR_HIGHEST); } static enum listbox_row_type general_option_row_type(int i, void *cb_data) { return LISTBOX_ROW_TEXT; } static int general_option_height(int i, void *cb_data) { if (i == 9) return 4; else return 3; } static void general_option_edit(int i) { const char *number_str = _("Enter an option number to change its value"); const char *keys = _("(Press '^P' or '^N' to move up or down, 'Q' to quit)"); const char *output_datefmt_str = _("Enter the date format (see 'man 3 strftime' for possible formats) "); const char *input_datefmt_prefix = _("Enter the date format: "); const char *periodic_save_str = _("Enter the delay, in minutes, between automatic saves (0 to disable) "); int val; char *buf = malloc(BUFSIZ); switch (i) { case 0: conf.auto_save = !conf.auto_save; break; case 1: conf.auto_gc = !conf.auto_gc; break; case 2: status_mesg(periodic_save_str, ""); if (updatestring(win[STA].p, &buf, 0, 1) == 0) { val = atoi(buf); if (val >= 0) conf.periodic_save = val; if (conf.periodic_save > 0) io_start_psave_thread(); else if (conf.periodic_save == 0) io_stop_psave_thread(); } status_mesg(number_str, keys); break; case 3: conf.confirm_quit = !conf.confirm_quit; break; case 4: conf.confirm_delete = !conf.confirm_delete; break; case 5: conf.system_dialogs = !conf.system_dialogs; break; case 6: conf.progress_bar = !conf.progress_bar; break; case 7: ui_calendar_change_first_day_of_week(); break; case 8: status_mesg(output_datefmt_str, ""); strncpy(buf, conf.output_datefmt, strlen(conf.output_datefmt) + 1); if (updatestring(win[STA].p, &buf, 0, 1) == 0) { strncpy(conf.output_datefmt, buf, strlen(buf) + 1); } status_mesg(number_str, keys); break; case 9: val = status_ask_simplechoice(input_datefmt_prefix, datefmt_str, DATE_FORMATS); if (val != -1) conf.input_datefmt = val; break; } free(buf); } /* General configuration. */ void custom_general_config(void) { struct listbox lb; int ch; clear(); listbox_init(&lb, 0, 0, notify_bar() ? row - 3 : row - 2, col, _("general options"), general_option_row_type, general_option_height, print_general_option); listbox_load_items(&lb, 10); listbox_draw_deco(&lb, 0); status_mesg("", ""); listbox_display(&lb); while ((ch = keys_getch(win[KEY].p, NULL, NULL)) != KEY_GENERIC_QUIT) { switch (ch) { case KEY_MOVE_DOWN: listbox_sel_move(&lb, 1); break; case KEY_MOVE_UP: listbox_sel_move(&lb, -1); break; case KEY_EDIT_ITEM: general_option_edit(listbox_get_sel(&lb)); break; } if (resize) { resize = 0; wins_reset_noupdate(); listbox_resize(&lb, 0, 0, notify_bar() ? row - 3 : row - 2, col); listbox_draw_deco(&lb, 0); delwin(win[STA].p); win[STA].p = newwin(win[STA].h, win[STA].w, win[STA].y, win[STA].x); keypad(win[STA].p, TRUE); if (notify_bar()) { notify_reinit_bar(); notify_update_bar(); } } status_mesg("", ""); listbox_display(&lb); } listbox_delete(&lb); } static void print_key_incolor(WINDOW * win, const char *option, int pos_y, int pos_x) { const int color = ATTR_HIGHEST; RETURN_IF(!option, _("Undefined option!")); custom_apply_attr(win, color); mvwprintw(win, pos_y, pos_x, "%s ", option); custom_remove_attr(win, color); } static int print_keys_bindings(WINDOW * win, int selected_row, int selected_elm, int yoff) { const int XPOS = 1; const int EQUALPOS = 23; const int KEYPOS = 25; int noelm, action, y; noelm = y = 0; for (action = 0; action < NBKEYS; action++) { char actionstr[BUFSIZ]; int nbkeys; nbkeys = keys_action_count_keys(action); snprintf(actionstr, BUFSIZ, "%s", keys_get_label(action)); if (action == selected_row) custom_apply_attr(win, ATTR_HIGHEST); mvwprintw(win, y, XPOS, "%s ", actionstr); mvwaddstr(win, y, EQUALPOS, "="); if (nbkeys == 0) mvwaddstr(win, y, KEYPOS, _("undefined")); if (action == selected_row) custom_remove_attr(win, ATTR_HIGHEST); if (nbkeys > 0) { if (action == selected_row) { const char *key; int pos; pos = KEYPOS; while ((key = keys_action_nkey(action, noelm)) != NULL) { if (noelm == selected_elm) print_key_incolor(win, key, y, pos); else mvwprintw(win, y, pos, "%s ", key); noelm++; pos += strlen(key) + 1; } } else { mvwaddstr(win, y, KEYPOS, keys_action_allkeys(action)); } } y += yoff; } return noelm; } static void custom_keys_config_bar(void) { struct binding quit = { _("Exit"), KEY_GENERIC_QUIT }; struct binding info = { _("Key info"), KEY_GENERIC_HELP }; struct binding add = { _("Add key"), KEY_ADD_ITEM }; struct binding del = { _("Del key"), KEY_DEL_ITEM }; struct binding up = { _("Up"), KEY_MOVE_UP }; struct binding down = { _("Down"), KEY_MOVE_DOWN }; struct binding left = { _("Prev Key"), KEY_MOVE_LEFT }; struct binding right = { _("Next Key"), KEY_MOVE_RIGHT }; struct binding *bindings[] = { &quit, &info, &add, &del, &up, &down, &left, &right }; int bindings_size = ARRAY_SIZE(bindings); keys_display_bindings_bar(win[STA].p, bindings, bindings_size, 0, bindings_size, NULL); } void custom_keys_config(void) { struct scrollwin kwin; int selrow, selelm, firstrow, lastrow, nbrowelm, nbdisplayed; int keyval, used, not_recognized; const char *keystr; WINDOW *grabwin; const int LINESPERKEY = 2; const int LABELLINES = 3; clear(); nbdisplayed = ((notify_bar() ? row - 3 : row - 2) - LABELLINES) / LINESPERKEY; wins_scrollwin_init(&kwin, 0, 0, notify_bar() ? row - 3 : row - 2, col, _("keys configuration")); wins_scrollwin_set_linecount(&kwin, NBKEYS * LINESPERKEY); wins_scrollwin_draw_deco(&kwin, 0); custom_keys_config_bar(); selrow = selelm = 0; nbrowelm = print_keys_bindings(kwin.inner, selrow, selelm, LINESPERKEY); wins_scrollwin_display(&kwin); firstrow = 0; lastrow = firstrow + nbdisplayed - 1; for (;;) { int ch; ch = keys_getch(win[KEY].p, NULL, NULL); switch (ch) { case KEY_MOVE_UP: if (selrow > 0) { selrow--; selelm = 0; if (selrow == firstrow) { firstrow--; lastrow--; wins_scrollwin_up(&kwin, LINESPERKEY); } } break; case KEY_MOVE_DOWN: if (selrow < NBKEYS - 1) { selrow++; selelm = 0; if (selrow == lastrow) { firstrow++; lastrow++; wins_scrollwin_down(&kwin, LINESPERKEY); } } break; case KEY_MOVE_LEFT: if (selelm > 0) selelm--; break; case KEY_MOVE_RIGHT: if (selelm < nbrowelm - 1) selelm++; break; case KEY_GENERIC_HELP: keys_popup_info(selrow); break; case KEY_ADD_ITEM: #define WINROW 10 #define WINCOL 50 do { used = 0; grabwin = popup(WINROW, WINCOL, (row - WINROW) / 2, (col - WINCOL) / 2, _("Press the key you want to assign to:"), keys_get_label(selrow), 0); keyval = wgetch(grabwin); /* First check if this key would be recognized by calcurse. */ if (keys_str2int(keys_int2str(keyval)) == -1) { not_recognized = 1; WARN_MSG(_("This key is not yet recognized by calcurse, " "please choose another one.")); werase(kwin.inner); nbrowelm = print_keys_bindings(kwin.inner, selrow, selelm, LINESPERKEY); wins_scrollwin_display(&kwin); continue; } else { not_recognized = 0; } /* Is the binding used by this action already? If so, just end the reassignment */ if (selrow == keys_get_action(keyval)) { delwin(grabwin); break; } used = keys_assign_binding(keyval, selrow); if (used) { enum key action; action = keys_get_action(keyval); WARN_MSG(_("This key is already in use for %s, " "please choose another one."), keys_get_label(action)); werase(kwin.inner); nbrowelm = print_keys_bindings(kwin.inner, selrow, selelm, LINESPERKEY); wins_scrollwin_display(&kwin); } delwin(grabwin); } while (used || not_recognized); nbrowelm++; if (selelm < nbrowelm - 1) selelm++; #undef WINROW #undef WINCOL break; case KEY_DEL_ITEM: keystr = keys_action_nkey(selrow, selelm); keyval = keys_str2int(keystr); keys_remove_binding(keyval, selrow); nbrowelm--; if (selelm > 0 && selelm <= nbrowelm) selelm--; break; case KEY_GENERIC_QUIT: if (keys_check_missing_bindings() != 0) { WARN_MSG(_("Some actions do not have any associated " "key bindings!")); } wins_scrollwin_delete(&kwin); return; } custom_keys_config_bar(); werase(kwin.inner); nbrowelm = print_keys_bindings(kwin.inner, selrow, selelm, LINESPERKEY); wins_scrollwin_display(&kwin); } } void custom_config_main(void) { const char *no_color_support = _("Sorry, colors are not supported by your terminal\n" "(Press [ENTER] to continue)"); int ch; int old_layout; custom_config_bar(); while ((ch = wgetch(win[KEY].p)) != 'q') { switch (ch) { case 'C': case 'c': if (has_colors()) { custom_color_config(); } else { colorize = 0; wins_erase_status_bar(); mvwaddstr(win[STA].p, 0, 0, no_color_support); wgetch(win[KEY].p); } break; case 'L': case 'l': old_layout = wins_layout(); custom_layout_config(); if (wins_layout() != old_layout) wins_reset(); break; case 'G': case 'g': custom_general_config(); break; case 'N': case 'n': notify_config_bar(); break; case 'K': case 'k': custom_keys_config(); break; case 's': case 'S': custom_sidebar_config(); break; default: continue; } wins_update(FLAG_ALL); wins_erase_status_bar(); custom_config_bar(); } }