/* * Calcurse - text-based organizer * * Copyright (c) 2004-2011 calcurse Development Team * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Send your feedback or comments to : misc@calcurse.org * Calcurse home page : http://calcurse.org * */ #include #include #include "calcurse.h" typedef int (*config_fn_walk_cb_t) (const char *, const char *, void *); typedef int (*config_fn_walk_junk_cb_t) (const char *, void *); static int config_parse_bool (unsigned *dest, const char *val) { if (strncmp (val, "yes", 4) == 0) *dest = 1; else if (strncmp (val, "no", 3) == 0) *dest = 0; else return 0; return 1; } static int config_parse_unsigned (unsigned *dest, const char *val) { if (is_all_digit (val)) *dest = atoi (val); else return 0; return 1; } static int config_parse_int (int *dest, const char *val) { if ((*val == '+' || *val == '-' || isdigit (*val)) && is_all_digit (val + 1)) *dest = atoi (val); else return 0; return 1; } static int config_parse_str (char *dest, const char *val) { strncpy (dest, val, BUFSIZ); return 1; } static int config_parse_color (int *dest, const char *val) { if (!strcmp (val, "black")) *dest = COLOR_BLACK; else if (!strcmp (val, "red")) *dest = COLOR_RED; else if (!strcmp (val, "green")) *dest = COLOR_GREEN; else if (!strcmp (val, "yellow")) *dest = COLOR_YELLOW; else if (!strcmp (val, "blue")) *dest = COLOR_BLUE; else if (!strcmp (val, "magenta")) *dest = COLOR_MAGENTA; else if (!strcmp (val, "cyan")) *dest = COLOR_CYAN; else if (!strcmp (val, "white")) *dest = COLOR_WHITE; else if (!strcmp (val, "default")) *dest = background; else return 0; return 1; } static int config_parse_color_pair (int *dest1, int *dest2, const char *val) { char s1[BUFSIZ], s2[BUFSIZ]; if (sscanf (val, "%s on %s", s1, s2) != 2) return 0; return (config_parse_color (dest1, s1) && config_parse_color (dest2, s2)); } /* Set a configuration variable. */ static int config_set_conf (const char *key, const char *value) { if (!key) return -1; if (!strcmp(key, "auto_save")) return config_parse_bool (&conf.auto_save, value); if (!strcmp(key, "auto_gc")) return config_parse_bool (&conf.auto_gc, value); if (!strcmp(key, "periodic_save")) return config_parse_unsigned (&conf.periodic_save, value); if (!strcmp(key, "confirm_quit")) return config_parse_bool (&conf.confirm_quit, value); if (!strcmp(key, "confirm_delete")) return config_parse_bool (&conf.confirm_delete, value); if (!strcmp(key, "skip_system_dialogs")) return config_parse_bool (&conf.skip_system_dialogs, value); if (!strcmp(key, "skip_progress_bar")) return config_parse_bool (&conf.skip_progress_bar, value); if (!strcmp(key, "calendar_default_view")) { calendar_set_view (atoi (value)); return 1; } if (!strcmp(key, "week_begins_on_monday")) { unsigned tmp; if (config_parse_bool (&tmp, value)) { if (tmp) calendar_set_first_day_of_week (MONDAY); else calendar_set_first_day_of_week (SUNDAY); return 1; } else return 0; } if (!strcmp(key, "color-theme")) { int color1, color2; if (!config_parse_color_pair (&color1, &color2, value)) return 0; init_pair (COLR_CUSTOM, color1, color2); return 1; } if (!strcmp(key, "layout")) { wins_set_layout (atoi (value)); return 1; } if (!strcmp(key, "side-bar_width")) { wins_set_sbar_width (atoi (value)); return 1; } if (!strcmp(key, "notify-bar_show")) return config_parse_bool (&nbar.show, value); if (!strcmp(key, "notify-bar_date")) return config_parse_str (nbar.datefmt, value); if (!strcmp(key, "notify-bar_clock")) return config_parse_str (nbar.timefmt, value); if (!strcmp(key, "notify-bar_warning")) return config_parse_int (&nbar.cntdwn, value); if (!strcmp(key, "notify-bar_command")) return config_parse_str (nbar.cmd, value); if (!strcmp(key, "notify-all")) return config_parse_bool(&nbar.notify_all, value); if (!strcmp(key, "output_datefmt")) { if (value[0] != '\0') return config_parse_str (conf.output_datefmt, value); return 1; } if (!strcmp(key, "input_datefmt")) { if (config_parse_int (&conf.input_datefmt, value)) { if (conf.input_datefmt <= 0 || conf.input_datefmt >= DATE_FORMATS) conf.input_datefmt = 1; return 1; } else return 0; } if (!strcmp(key, "notify-daemon_enable")) return config_parse_bool (&dmon.enable, value); if (!strcmp(key, "notify-daemon_log")) return config_parse_bool (&dmon.log, value); return -1; } static int config_serialize_bool (char *dest, unsigned *val) { if (*val) { dest[0] = 'y'; dest[1] = 'e'; dest[2] = 's'; dest[3] = '\0'; } else { dest[0] = 'n'; dest[1] = 'o'; dest[2] = '\0'; } return 1; } static int config_serialize_unsigned (char *dest, unsigned *val) { snprintf (dest, BUFSIZ, "%u", *val); return 1; } static int config_serialize_int (char *dest, int *val) { snprintf (dest, BUFSIZ, "%d", *val); return 1; } static int config_serialize_str (char *dest, const char *val) { strncpy (dest, val, BUFSIZ); return 1; } /* * Return a string defining the color theme in the form: * foreground color 'on' background color * in order to dump this data in the configuration file. * Color numbers follow the ncurses library definitions. * If ncurses library was compiled with --enable-ext-funcs, * then default color is -1. */ void config_color_theme_name (char *theme_name) { #define MAXCOLORS 8 #define NBCOLORS 2 #define DEFAULTCOLOR 255 #define DEFAULTCOLOR_EXT -1 int i; short color[NBCOLORS]; char *color_name[NBCOLORS]; char *default_color = "default"; char *name[MAXCOLORS] = { "black", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "white" }; if (!colorize) strncpy (theme_name, "0", BUFSIZ); else { pair_content (COLR_CUSTOM, &color[0], &color[1]); for (i = 0; i < NBCOLORS; i++) { if ((color[i] == DEFAULTCOLOR) || (color[i] == DEFAULTCOLOR_EXT)) color_name[i] = default_color; else if (color[i] >= 0 && color[i] <= MAXCOLORS) color_name[i] = name[color[i]]; else { EXIT (_("unknown color")); /* NOTREACHED */ } } snprintf (theme_name, BUFSIZ, "%s on %s", color_name[0], color_name[1]); } } /* Serialize the value of a configuration variable. */ static int config_serialize_conf (char *buf, const char *key) { if (!key) return -1; if (!strcmp(key, "auto_save")) return config_serialize_bool (buf, &conf.auto_save); if (!strcmp(key, "auto_gc")) return config_serialize_bool (buf, &conf.auto_gc); if (!strcmp(key, "periodic_save")) return config_serialize_unsigned (buf, &conf.periodic_save); if (!strcmp(key, "confirm_quit")) return config_serialize_bool (buf, &conf.confirm_quit); if (!strcmp(key, "confirm_delete")) return config_serialize_bool (buf, &conf.confirm_delete); if (!strcmp(key, "skip_system_dialogs")) return config_serialize_bool (buf, &conf.skip_system_dialogs); if (!strcmp(key, "skip_progress_bar")) return config_serialize_bool (buf, &conf.skip_progress_bar); if (!strcmp(key, "calendar_default_view")) { int tmp = calendar_get_view (); return config_serialize_int (buf, &tmp); } if (!strcmp(key, "week_begins_on_monday")) { unsigned tmp = calendar_week_begins_on_monday (); return config_serialize_bool (buf, &tmp); } if (!strcmp(key, "color-theme")) { config_color_theme_name (buf); return 1; } if (!strcmp(key, "layout")) { int tmp = wins_layout (); return config_serialize_int (buf, &tmp); } if (!strcmp(key, "side-bar_width")) { int tmp = wins_sbar_wperc (); return config_serialize_int (buf, &tmp); } if (!strcmp(key, "notify-bar_show")) return config_serialize_bool (buf, &nbar.show); if (!strcmp(key, "notify-bar_date")) return config_serialize_str (buf, nbar.datefmt); if (!strcmp(key, "notify-bar_clock")) return config_serialize_str (buf, nbar.timefmt); if (!strcmp(key, "notify-bar_warning")) return config_serialize_int (buf, &nbar.cntdwn); if (!strcmp(key, "notify-bar_command")) return config_serialize_str (buf, nbar.cmd); if (!strcmp(key, "notify-all")) return config_serialize_bool (buf, &nbar.notify_all); if (!strcmp(key, "output_datefmt")) return config_serialize_str (buf, conf.output_datefmt); if (!strcmp(key, "input_datefmt")) return config_serialize_int (buf, &conf.input_datefmt); if (!strcmp(key, "notify-daemon_enable")) return config_serialize_bool (buf, &dmon.enable); if (!strcmp(key, "notify-daemon_log")) return config_serialize_bool (buf, &dmon.log); return -1; } static void config_file_walk (config_fn_walk_cb_t fn_cb, config_fn_walk_junk_cb_t fn_junk_cb, void *data) { FILE *data_file; char *mesg_line1 = _("Failed to open config file"); char *mesg_line2 = _("Press [ENTER] to continue"); char buf[BUFSIZ], e_conf[BUFSIZ]; char *key, *value; data_file = fopen (path_conf, "r"); if (data_file == NULL) { status_mesg (mesg_line1, mesg_line2); wnoutrefresh (win[STA].p); wins_doupdate (); keys_getch (win[STA].p, NULL); } pthread_mutex_lock (&nbar.mutex); for (;;) { if (fgets (buf, sizeof buf, data_file) == NULL) break; io_extract_data (e_conf, buf, sizeof buf); if (*e_conf == '\0') { if (fn_junk_cb) fn_junk_cb (buf, data); continue; } key = e_conf; value = strchr (e_conf, '='); if (value) { *value = '\0'; value++; } if (value && (*value == '\0' || *value == '\n')) { /* Backward compatibility mode. */ if (fgets (buf, sizeof buf, data_file) == NULL) break; io_extract_data (e_conf, buf, sizeof buf); value = e_conf; } fn_cb (key, value, data); } file_close (data_file, __FILE_POS__); pthread_mutex_unlock (&nbar.mutex); } static int config_load_cb (const char *key, const char *value, void *dummy) { int result = config_set_conf (key, value); if (result < 0) EXIT (_("configuration variable unknown: \"%s\""), key); /* NOTREACHED */ else if (result == 0) EXIT (_("wrong configuration variable format for \"%s\""), key); /* NOTREACHED */ return 1; } /* Load the user configuration. */ void config_load (void) { config_file_walk (config_load_cb, NULL, NULL); } static int config_save_cb (const char *key, const char *value, void *fp) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; int result = config_serialize_conf (buf, key); if (result < 0) EXIT (_("configuration variable unknown: \"%s\""), key); /* NOTREACHED */ else if (result == 0) EXIT (_("wrong configuration variable format for \"%s\""), key); /* NOTREACHED */ fputs (key, (FILE *) fp); fputc ('=', (FILE *) fp); fputs (buf, (FILE *) fp); fputc ('\n', (FILE *) fp); return 1; } static int config_save_junk_cb (const char *data, void *fp) { fputs (data, (FILE *) fp); return 1; } /* Save the user configuration. */ unsigned config_save (void) { char tmppath[BUFSIZ]; char *tmpext; FILE *fp_tmp; strncpy (tmppath, get_tempdir (), BUFSIZ); strncat (tmppath, "/" CONF_PATH_NAME ".", BUFSIZ); if ((tmpext = new_tempfile (tmppath, TMPEXTSIZ)) == NULL) return 0; strncat (tmppath, tmpext, BUFSIZ); mem_free (tmpext); fp_tmp = fopen (tmppath, "w"); if (!fp_tmp) return 0; config_file_walk (config_save_cb, config_save_junk_cb, (void *) fp_tmp); file_close (fp_tmp, __FILE_POS__); if (io_file_cp (tmppath, path_conf)) unlink (tmppath); return 1; }