/* * Calcurse - text-based organizer * * Copyright (c) 2004-2015 calcurse Development Team * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Send your feedback or comments to : misc@calcurse.org * Calcurse home page : http://calcurse.org * */ #include #include #include #include #include "calcurse.h" llist_ts_t alist_p; void apoint_free(struct apoint *apt) { mem_free(apt->mesg); erase_note(&apt->note); mem_free(apt); } struct apoint *apoint_dup(struct apoint *in) { EXIT_IF(!in, _("null pointer")); struct apoint *apt = mem_malloc(sizeof(struct apoint)); apt->start = in->start; apt->dur = in->dur; apt->state = in->state; apt->mesg = mem_strdup(in->mesg); if (in->note) apt->note = mem_strdup(in->note); else apt->note = NULL; return apt; } void apoint_llist_init(void) { LLIST_TS_INIT(&alist_p); } /* * Called before exit to free memory associated with the appointments linked * list. No need to be thread safe, as only the main process remains when * calling this function. */ void apoint_llist_free(void) { LLIST_TS_FREE_INNER(&alist_p, apoint_free); LLIST_TS_FREE(&alist_p); } static int apoint_cmp_start(struct apoint *a, struct apoint *b) { return a->start < b->start ? -1 : (a->start == b->start ? 0 : 1); } struct apoint *apoint_new(char *mesg, char *note, long start, long dur, char state) { struct apoint *apt; apt = mem_malloc(sizeof(struct apoint)); apt->mesg = mem_strdup(mesg); apt->note = (note != NULL) ? mem_strdup(note) : NULL; apt->state = state; apt->start = start; apt->dur = dur; LLIST_TS_LOCK(&alist_p); LLIST_TS_ADD_SORTED(&alist_p, apt, apoint_cmp_start); LLIST_TS_UNLOCK(&alist_p); return apt; } unsigned apoint_inday(struct apoint *i, long *start) { return (i->start <= *start + DAYINSEC && i->start + i->dur > *start); } void apoint_sec2str(struct apoint *o, long day, char *start, char *end) { struct tm lt; time_t t; if (o->start < day) { strncpy(start, "..:..", 6); } else { t = o->start; localtime_r(&t, <); snprintf(start, HRMIN_SIZE, "%02u:%02u", lt.tm_hour, lt.tm_min); } if (o->start + o->dur > day + DAYINSEC) { strncpy(end, "..:..", 6); } else { t = o->start + o->dur; localtime_r(&t, <); snprintf(end, HRMIN_SIZE, "%02u:%02u", lt.tm_hour, lt.tm_min); } } char *apoint_tostr(struct apoint *o) { struct string s; struct tm lt; time_t t; string_init(&s); t = o->start; localtime_r(&t, <); string_catf(&s, "%02u/%02u/%04u @ %02u:%02u", lt.tm_mon + 1, lt.tm_mday, 1900 + lt.tm_year, lt.tm_hour, lt.tm_min); t = o->start + o->dur; localtime_r(&t, <); string_catf(&s, " -> %02u/%02u/%04u @ %02u:%02u", lt.tm_mon + 1, lt.tm_mday, 1900 + lt.tm_year, lt.tm_hour, lt.tm_min); if (o->note) string_catf(&s, ">%s ", o->note); if (o->state & APOINT_NOTIFY) string_catf(&s, "%c", '!'); else string_catf(&s, "%c", '|'); string_catf(&s, "%s", o->mesg); return string_buf(&s); } void apoint_write(struct apoint *o, FILE * f) { char *str = apoint_tostr(o); fprintf(f, "%s\n", str); mem_free(str); } struct apoint *apoint_scan(FILE * f, struct tm start, struct tm end, char state, char *note, struct item_filter *filter) { char buf[BUFSIZ], *newline; time_t tstart, tend; EXIT_IF(!check_date(start.tm_year, start.tm_mon, start.tm_mday) || !check_date(end.tm_year, end.tm_mon, end.tm_mday) || !check_time(start.tm_hour, start.tm_min) || !check_time(end.tm_hour, end.tm_min), _("date error in appointment")); /* Read the appointment description */ if (!fgets(buf, sizeof buf, f)) return NULL; newline = strchr(buf, '\n'); if (newline) *newline = '\0'; start.tm_sec = end.tm_sec = 0; start.tm_isdst = end.tm_isdst = -1; start.tm_year -= 1900; start.tm_mon--; end.tm_year -= 1900; end.tm_mon--; tstart = mktime(&start); tend = mktime(&end); EXIT_IF(tstart == -1 || tend == -1 || tstart > tend, _("date error in appointment")); /* Filter item. */ if (filter) { if (!(filter->type_mask & TYPE_MASK_APPT)) return NULL; if (filter->regex && regexec(filter->regex, buf, 0, 0, 0)) return NULL; if (filter->start_from >= 0 && tstart < filter->start_from) return NULL; if (filter->start_to >= 0 && tstart > filter->start_to) return NULL; if (filter->end_from >= 0 && tend < filter->end_from) return NULL; if (filter->end_to >= 0 && tend > filter->end_to) return NULL; } return apoint_new(buf, note, tstart, tend - tstart, state); } void apoint_delete(struct apoint *apt) { LLIST_TS_LOCK(&alist_p); llist_item_t *i = LLIST_TS_FIND_FIRST(&alist_p, apt, NULL); int need_check_notify = 0; if (!i) EXIT(_("no such appointment")); if (notify_bar()) need_check_notify = notify_same_item(apt->start); LLIST_TS_REMOVE(&alist_p, i); if (need_check_notify) notify_check_next_app(0); LLIST_TS_UNLOCK(&alist_p); } static int apoint_starts_after(struct apoint *apt, long *time) { return apt->start > *time; } /* * Look in the appointment list if we have an item which starts before the item * stored in the notify_app structure (which is the next item to be notified). */ struct notify_app *apoint_check_next(struct notify_app *app, long start) { llist_item_t *i; LLIST_TS_LOCK(&alist_p); i = LLIST_TS_FIND_FIRST(&alist_p, &start, apoint_starts_after); if (i) { struct apoint *apt = LLIST_TS_GET_DATA(i); if (apt->start <= app->time) { app->time = apt->start; app->txt = mem_strdup(apt->mesg); app->state = apt->state; app->got_app = 1; } } LLIST_TS_UNLOCK(&alist_p); return app; } /* * Switch notification state. */ void apoint_switch_notify(struct apoint *apt) { LLIST_TS_LOCK(&alist_p); apt->state ^= APOINT_NOTIFY; if (notify_bar()) notify_check_added(apt->mesg, apt->start, apt->state); LLIST_TS_UNLOCK(&alist_p); } void apoint_paste_item(struct apoint *apt, long date) { apt->start = date + get_item_time(apt->start); LLIST_TS_LOCK(&alist_p); LLIST_TS_ADD_SORTED(&alist_p, apt, apoint_cmp_start); LLIST_TS_UNLOCK(&alist_p); if (notify_bar()) notify_check_added(apt->mesg, apt->start, apt->state); }