#!/bin/sh export TEXTDOMAIN='calcurse' set -e CONFFILE=$HOME/.calcurse/conf if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then if [ "$1" = "--config" ]; then CONFFILE=$2 elif [ "$1" = "-h" -o "$1" = "--help" ]; then echo "calcurse-upgrade @PACKAGE_VERSION@" echo "$(gettext "Usage: calcurse-upgrade [-h|-v|--config <file>]")" elif [ "$1" = "-v" -o "$1" = "--version" ]; then echo "calcurse-upgrade @PACKAGE_VERSION@" echo "$(gettext " Copyright (c) 2004-2013 calcurse Development Team. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. ")" else echo "$(gettext "unrecognized option:") \"$1\"" >&2 exit 1 fi fi if [ ! -e "$CONFFILE" ]; then echo "$(gettext "Configuration file not found:") $CONFFILE" >&2 exit 1 fi if grep -q -e '^auto_save=' -e '^auto_gc=' -e '^periodic_save=' \ -e '^confirm_quit=' -e '^confirm_delete=' -e '^skip_system_dialogs=' \ -e '^skip_progress_bar=' -e '^calendar_default_view=' \ -e '^week_begins_on_monday=' -e '^color-theme=' -e '^layout=' \ -e '^side-bar_width=' -e '^notify-bar_show=' -e '^notify-bar_date=' \ -e '^notify-bar_clock=' -e '^notify-bar_warning=' -e '^notify-bar_command=' \ -e '^notify-all=' -e '^output_datefmt=' -e '^input_datefmt=' \ -e '^notify-daemon_enable=' -e '^notify-daemon_log=' "$CONFFILE"; then echo "$(gettext "Pre-3.0.0 configuration file format detected...")" echo -n "$(gettext "Create temporary backup of the configuration file...")" backupfile="$CONFFILE.calcurse-upgrade.old" if [ -e "$backupfile" ]; then echo echo "$(gettext "Old backup file found:") \"$backupfile\"" >&2 echo "$(gettext " If a previous conversion did not complete, please try to restore your configuration from this backup and then remove the backup file.")" >&2 exit 1 fi cp "$CONFFILE" "$backupfile" echo -n ' ' echo "$(gettext 'done')" tmpfile="$CONFFILE.calcurse-upgrade.tmp" if [ -e "$tmpfile" ]; then echo "$(gettext "Old temporary file found:") \"$tmpfile\"" >&2 echo "$(gettext " If a previous conversion did not complete, please try to remove this file and start over with a backup of your old configuration file.")" >&2 exit 1 fi echo -n "$(gettext "Upgrade configuration directives...")" sed -e 's/^auto_save=/general.autosave=/' \ -e 's/^auto_gc=/general.autogc=/' \ -e 's/^periodic_save=/general.periodicsave=/' \ -e 's/^confirm_quit=/general.confirmquit=/' \ -e 's/^confirm_delete=/general.confirmdelete=/' \ -e 's/^skip_system_dialogs=/general.systemdialogs=/' \ -e 's/^skip_progress_bar=/general.progressbar=/' \ -e 's/^calendar_default_view=/appearance.calendarview=/' \ -e 's/^week_begins_on_monday=/general.firstdayofweek=/' \ -e 's/^color-theme=/appearance.theme=/' \ -e 's/^layout=/appearance.layout=/' \ -e 's/^side-bar_width=/appearance.sidebarwidth=/' \ -e 's/^notify-bar_show=/appearance.notifybar=/' \ -e 's/^notify-bar_date=/format.notifydate=/' \ -e 's/^notify-bar_clock=/format.notifytime=/' \ -e 's/^notify-bar_warning=/notification.warning=/' \ -e 's/^notify-bar_command=/notification.command=/' \ -e 's/^notify-all=/notification.notifyall=/' \ -e 's/^output_datefmt=/format.outputdate=/' \ -e 's/^input_datefmt=/format.inputdate=/' \ -e 's/^notify-daemon_enable=/daemon.enable=/' \ -e 's/^notify-daemon_log=/daemon.log=/' "$CONFFILE" > "$tmpfile" mv "$tmpfile" "$CONFFILE" if grep -q -e '^[^#=][^#=]*$' -e '^[^#=][^#=]*#.*$' "$CONFFILE"; then sed ' /^general.autosave=/{ N s/\n// } /^general.autogc=/{ N s/\n// } /^general.periodicsave=/{ N s/\n// } /^general.confirmquit=/{ N s/\n// } /^general.confirmdelete=/{ N s/\n// } /^general.systemdialogs=/{ N s/\n// } /^general.progressbar=/{ N s/\n// } /^appearance.calendarview=/{ N s/\n// } /^general.firstdayofweek=/{ N s/\n// } /^appearance.theme=/{ N s/\n// } /^appearance.layout=/{ N s/\n// } /^appearance.sidebarwidth=/{ N s/\n// } /^appearance.notifybar=/{ N s/\n// } /^format.notifydate=/{ N s/\n// } /^format.notifytime=/{ N s/\n// } /^notification.warning=/{ N s/\n// } /^notification.command=/{ N s/\n// } /^notification.notifyall=/{ N s/\n// } /^format.outputdate=/{ N s/\n// } /^format.inputdate=/{ N s/\n// } /^daemon.enable=/{ N s/\n// } /^daemon.log=/{ N s/\n// }' "$CONFFILE" > "$tmpfile" mv "$tmpfile" "$CONFFILE" fi awk ' BEGIN { FS=OFS="=" } $1 == "general.systemdialogs" || $1 == "general.progressbar" \ { $2 = ($2 == "yes") ? "no" : "yes" } $1 == "general.firstdayofweek" { $2 = ($2 == "yes") ? "monday" : "sunday" } $1 == "appearance.calendarview" { $2 = ($2 == 0) ? "monthly" : \ ($2 == 1) ? "weekly" : $2 } { print } ' < "$CONFFILE" > "$tmpfile" mv "$tmpfile" "$CONFFILE" echo -n ' ' echo "$(gettext 'done')" echo -n "$(gettext "Remove temporary backup...")" rm "$backupfile" echo -n ' ' echo "$(gettext 'done')" fi