12 May 2007: English and French html manuals updated 06 May 2007: make use of memmove in del_char() layout variable added to conf_t type code cleanup in custom_load_con() bugfixes: layout is now correctly restored (thanks Jose for reporting that bug) getstring() now properly handles erasing of characters apad width is now correctly updated when changing layout notify bar init sequence modified to avoid a possible segfault right part of progress bar now properly displayed item ending time is now assigned to correct day in day_edit_item() 24 Apr 2007: custom_color_config() made more robust regarding values returned by pair_content() Many thanks to Herbert for reporting bugs related to color configuration 22 Apr 2007: custom_color_theme_name() updated to handle ncurses different returned values (depending on if ncurses was compiled with --enable-ext-funcs) 21 Apr 2007: custom_color_config() modified to take terminal's vertical length into account custom_color_theme_name() updated to handle colorless theme 15 Apr 2007: 1.8_beta help_arg() updated to display help for the -export argument usage() updated manpage updated english manual updated configure.ac updated to check for new header files 14 Apr 2007: bugfixes: wrong define used in notify_update_bar() recurrent appointment description is now loaded correctly while the item contains exceptions item state is now saved for endless recurrent appointments correct item is now highligthed when changing day inside appointment panel with CTRL keys notify_catch_children() and notify_thread_children() suppressed, because zombie processes are now catched using signals sigchld_handler() and init_sighandler() created 04 Apr 2007: MAX_LENGTH replaced by stdio.h's BUFSIZ use of MININSEC and DAYINSEC defines bugfix: typestr size corrected in day_edit_item() bugfix: 01/01/1970 is not returned anymore if 0 is given to date_sec2date_str() 24 Mar 2007: TODO updated online help updated to add the export and flag command '-x' flag added in parse_args() to export data in non-interactive mode init_notify_bar() moved from calcurse.c to notify_init_vars() load_conf() moved from calcurse.c to custom_load_conf() fill_config_var() moved from calcurse.c to custom.c extract_data() renamed to io_extract_data() and save_cal() to io_save_cal() conf_t type created 19 Mar 2007: status_bar() updated to add 'X' and '!' keybindings 17 Mar 2007: HOURINSEC and MININSEC defined io_export_events(), io_export_recur_events() and io_export_recur_apoints() created io_recur_type() and io_export_valarm() created progress_bar() updated to display a bar when exporting data 12 Mar 2007: date_sec2ical_datetime() and date_sec2ical_date() created io_export_apoints() updated to call date_sec2ical_datetime() 11 Mar 2007: 'X' command added, to export data in iCal format io_export_data(), io_get_export_stream(), io_export_header(), io_export_footer(), io_export_todo(), io_export_apoints() created 10 Mar 2007: global variable 'colr' suppressed save_cal() modified to save new version of user-defined color theme custom_color_theme_name() created to return color theme name custom_load_color() updated to load new version of user-defined color theme recur_item_inday() improved, thanks to Tony's patch 04 Mar 2007: color_config() rewritten and changed to custom_color_config(), to allow more color choices and the use of terminal's default background color custom_load_color() created border_color() and border_nocolor() updated to take into account new color definitions update_windows() updated to avoid the use of the 'colr' variable 28 Feb 2007: bugfix: CTRL-D problems while editing items fixed Thanks Toucouch for reporting this bug 25 Feb 2007: init_notify_bar() updated to get user shell notify_launch_cmd() created to launch user-defined command by forking a new process notify_catch_children() and notify_thread_children() created to avoid zombie processes when launching user-defined command 24 Feb 2007: '!' command added, to switch appointment notification state init_notify_bar(), config_notify_bar() and print_notify_options() modified to add the notification command option apoint_switch_notify() and recur_apoint_switch_notify() created day_item_nb() created save_cal(), recur_apoint_write(), and apoint_write() updated to save item state to disk load_app(), load_conf(), apoint_scan(), recur_apoint_scan(), apoint_new() and recur_apoint_new() updated to read item state 20 Jan 2007: 1.7 TODO list updated NEWS file updated 17 Jan 2007: Spanish manual and translation updated, many thanks to Jose 16 Jan 2007: better handling of the values returned by getstring(): user canceling now properly taken into account German translation updated TODO file updated calcurse version updated to 1.7 and copyright extended to 2007 bugfix: html manuals updated because 'calcurse -ta' cannot be used any longer 10 Jan 2007: German manual and translation updated, many thanks to Chris M. bugfix: Edit command no longer crashes when trying to edit an unexisting item bugfix: pressing 'CTRL-T' while inside appointment panel no longers create an appointment but a todo, as expected better checking of the entered date in goto_day() 05 Jan 2006: newline suppressed in next_arg() 21 Dec 2006: display adjustments in day_write_pad() and update_todo_panel() 19 Dec 2006: bugfix in init_wins(): max label length is now MAX_LENGTH bugfix in day_edit_item(): end time does not change if start time is edited fr.po: french translation updated README updated 18 Dec 2006: 1.7_beta bugfix in getstring(): CTRL-K now works properly 15 Dec 2006: TODO file updated: one more thing to improve... small bugfixes 14 Dec 2006: improvements in the memory deallocation in day_edit_item(), updatestring(), next_arg() updatestring() now returns a value indicating if there was a canceling when modifying text TODO file updated 13 Dec 2006: bugfix: call to getstring() corrected in todo_new_item() documentation about the built-in input line editor added in html manuals item_in_popup() improved to replace the scroller() function by an ncurses pad scroller() function suppressed 12 Dec 2006: english and french html manuals updated help screen updated for repeat command 11 Dec 2006: help_arg() updated to take long options into account manpage updated 10 Dec 2006: help screen added for the 'Edit Item' command date format modified for the 'Go To' command 08 Dec 2006: day_edit_item() finished, day_edit_time() created and day_erase_item() updated to add the 'force_erase' flag recur_get_event() and recur_get_apoint() created datesec2str() changed to date_sec2hour_str(), and date_sec2date_str() created update_time_in_date() created 01 Dec 2006: datesec2str() created 30 Nov 2006: 'Edit Itm' command added in the status bar day_edit_item() created 28 Nov 2006: add_char() modified to use memmove() instead of memcpy() 02 Nov 2006: getstring() modified to take the max string length as an argument updatestring() and todo_edit_item() created add_char() simplified, using memcpy() 'E' key added to edit already existing items 28 Oct 2006: getstring() improved to allow the modification of an existing string showstring(), showcursor(), add_char() and delete_char() created getstring() calls in todo_new_item(), recur_repeat_item(), goto_day(), config_notify_bar() and add_item() updated display_item(), display_item_date() and day_write_pad() updated to add an asterisk in front of recurrent items 17 Oct 2006: parse_args() modified to use getopt_long() instead of getopt, to make the '-t' priority number optional, and to allow the use of long options configure.ac: check for getopt.h header file added 16 Oct 2006: bugfix: when creating a recurrent item, the entered end-date is now included again '-t' flag now takes a priority number for argument 01 Oct 2006: 1.6 german manual and translation updated by Chris M. bugfix: CTRL-J now works properly bugfix: a number of minutes can no longer be entered while creating a new appointment TODO list updated NEWS file updated 25 Sep 2006: spanish translation and manual updated by Jose Lopez 22 Sep 2006: spanish manual updated by Jose Lopez bugfix: LOCALEDIR is now defined in src/Makefile.am instead of configure.ac, to prevent from conflicting definitions. Thanks to Jose for reporting that bug. 19 Sep 2006: french, german and spanish manuals updated 18 Sep 2006: added test on warning time interval in config_notify_bar() print_general_options() modified to print text one line upper bugfix: pressing enter no longer switches to next week in calendar panel english manual updated 17 Sep 2006: config_notify_bar() improved getstring() improved to check for escape sequence help_screen() updated french translation updated 16 Sep 2006: '-n' flag implemented parse_args(), help_arg() and usage() updated next_arg(), now() created manpage updated notify_app_s structure updated apoint_check_next(), recur_apoint_check_next() and recur_repeat_item() updated config_notify_bar() and print_notify_options() improved mycpy() created 15 Sep 2006: nbar_s structure created to store notify-bar settings save_cal() and load_conf() updated to write and read the user configuration concerning the notify-bar init_var(), help_screen() and config_bar() updated config_notify_bar(), print_notify_options(), init_notify_bar(), notify_bar(), notify_start_main_thread() and notify_stop_main_thread() created 14 Sep 2006: fixed a bug which caused the recurrent appointments not to show up in the notify-bar added the time left before next appointment inside notify-bar fixed a bug in recur_item_inday() which caused the appointments to have a wrong start time when repeated bugfix: no more deletion of the wrong recurrent appointment today() created notify_check_added(), notify_check_repeated() and notify_same_item(), notify_same_recur_item() created 12 Sep 2006: implementation of a mutex lock to protect the appointment linked lists from race conditions apoint_llist_init() and recur_apoint_llist_init() created several routines in apoint.c and recur.c updated to take those new lists structure into account 11 Sep 2006: small bugfixes in es.po DAYINSEC moved from recur.c to vars.h apoint_check_next() created recur_apoint_check_next() created notify_check_next_app() and notify_thread_app() created 09 Sep 2006: src/Makefile.am updated to take notify.h and .c into account, and link to lpthread added configure.ac: added test for pthread library and switched to 1.6 help window size updated to take notification bar into account notify.h and notify.c created, with the following routines: notify_init_bar(), notify_reinit_bar(), notify_update_bar(), notify_extract_aptsfile(), notify_thread_sub() Makefile.am updated to add the spanish manual spanish manual and translations added, many thanks to Jose for providing them manuals updated (thanks section) 08 Sep 2006: fixed a bug appearing when trying to delete a newly repeated item 07 Sep 2006: fixed a bug which prevented status bar keybindings from being translated bugfix in recur_repeat_item(): the repeated end date can no longer be before the item start time. Thanks Chris for reporting that bug french translation updated TODO list updated 06 Sep 2006: status_bar() rewritten from scratch to allow more than one page of keybindings reset_status_page() and other_status_page() created 'O' keybinding added to switch between status bar pages added general keybindings which apply whatever panel is selected (^A, ^T, ^H, ^J, ^K, ^L) changed the redraw keybinding from ^L to ^R added help pages concerning the general bindings and the 'O' command 03 Sep 2006: todo_args() updated to display priorities fr.po: new entries translated and fixed 'fuzzy' translations layout_config() improved, and new layout configurations added get_screen_config() updated to take new layouts into account TODO list updated 02 Sep 2006: help text added for the 'Priority' function and updated for the 'Add' function todo_get_position(): fixed a possible infinite loop calcurse.c: improved the ToDo panel scrolling while changing item priority fixed a bug in day_write_pad() which could cause a misplacement of the line between events and appointments 31 Aug 2006: todo_chg_priority(), todo_get_item() and todo_get_position() created todo_insert() suppressed todo_new_item() updated to ask for priority todo_add() updated to sort items by priority order update_todo_panel() updated to display todo priority '+/-' menu added to handle todo priorities 30 Aug 2006: 'id' added to todo_s structure load_todo() and save_cal() updated to take this id into account moved add_todo() from calcurse.c to todo_new_item() in todo.c bugfix: pressing 'R' while no item was selected caused a segfault. Thanks to Chris for reporting that bug 26 Aug 2006: 1.5 25 Aug 2006: io.c: fixed a data format bug in load_app() day.c: events and appointments are now sorted properly 24 Aug 2006: bugfix in recur.c: forgot to wait for user's key pressed... repeat command disabled for todo panel switched to version number 1.5 in configure.ac and manpage html manuals thanks section updated 23 Aug 2006: independant status bar created for the todo panel bugfix: memory allocation problem in day.c online help text updated for the repeat and delete commands 22 Aug 2006: recur.c: compilation warnings corrected calcurse.c: screen refreshing process ameliorated in add_item() 21 Aug 2006: English and German translation added 19 Aug 2006: bugfix: in io.c, a bug could cause a fatal error when loading from file an endless recurrent item with non-repeated days bugfix: in recur.c, fixed a bug which could result in an infinite loop when saving multiple days bugfix: in calcurse.c, a newly created appointment or event is now correctly highlighted recur_repeat_item() updated to check if the frequence is valid 16 Aug 2006: recur_exc_scan() created recur_event_new() and recur_apoint_new() updated to take non-repeated days into account 06 Aug 2006: recur_item_inday() updated to take non-repeated days into account recur_repeat_item() and day_get_item() created 'R' menu key added to repeat an event or an appointment 02 Aug 2006: bugfix: Debian bug #377543 fixed, thanks to Neil for reporting it recur_event_erase(), recur_apoint_erase() and recur_write_exc() created recur_event_write() and recur_apoint_write() updated to call recur_writ_exc() if there are exceptions to be written day_erase_item() and del_item() updated ESCAPE key definition added 01 Aug 2006: day.h: MAX_TYPES added day_erase_item() created del_apoint() renamed to del_item and updated to take recurrent items into account 27 Jul 2006: back to work after my ibook's logic board crash :( autogen.sh created 25 Jun 2006: app_arg() updated to take recurrent items into account recur_apoint_s2apoint_s() created added help text concerning possible formats to be entered when using '-h' flag in non-interactive mode fixed a bug related to localtime() which returns a statically allocated structure that can be overwritten by subsequent calls to the function (which was the case with recurrent items) load_app(), recur_event_scan(), recur_apoint_scan(), recur_item_inday(), recur_event_write() and recur_apoint_write() updated to take endless recurrent items into account 24 Jun 2006: cvs keywords added inside source files apoint_sec2str() and display_item_date() modified to take recurrent items into account day_check_if_item() created 18 Jun 2006: day_store_recur_events() and day_store_recur_apoints() created recur_item_inday() created 17 Jun 2006: day_popup_item() created pointers to number_events_inday and number_apoints_inday passed to day_store_items() day_write_pad() updated to reallocate memory for day_saved_item structure 16 Jun 2006: free_aday() and free_eday() suppressed and replaced by day_free_list() day_store_items() created store_day() updated to call day_store_items() eday_store() and aday_store suppressed and replaced by day_store_events() and day_store_apoints() edayadd() and edayadd() suppressed and replaced by day_add_event() and day_add_apoint() write_app_pad() suppressed and replaced by day_write_pad() day_item_s2apoint_s() created 14 Jun 2006: day.c and day.h created to store processes related to the currently selected day inside calendar (this is to ease the implementation of recursive items) src/Makefile.am updated 08 Jun 2006: recur_save_data() created recur_char2def() created 07 Jun 2006: recur_apoint_scan() and recur_event_scan() created load_app() updated to read recursive events from file 06 Jun 2006: bugfix: Debian Bug Report #369550 regarding the segfault which appeared when calcurse was launched in non-interactive mode without data files recur.h and recur.c added to implement recursive events src/Makefile.am updated recur_event_new()and recur_apoint_new() created recur_def2char(), recur_apoint_write() and recur_event_write() created 15 May 2006: 1.4 TODO, README, manpage and manual updated 13 May 2006: NEWS file updated 11 May 2006: manual_de.html finished : many thanks to Michael Schulz manual_fr.html updated 08 May 2006: manual_en.html updated bugfix: added test at the end of color_config() to check the need of using colorization or not 07 May 2006: french translation finished manpage updated 05 May 2006: added LOCALEDIR definition in configure.ac usage_try() created 27 Apr 2006: removed VERSION definition from vars.h to only use the one from configure.ac include config.h added in calcurse.c 26 Apr 2006: updated exit() calls by using EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE end of source preparation for i18n replaced required confirmation string from 'yes' and 'no' to 'y' and 'n' 'gettextization' of source package: * Makefile.am (SUBDIRS): Add po. (ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS): New variable. (EXTRA_DIST): Add config.rpath, mkinstalldirs, m4/ChangeLog. * configure.ac (AC_OUTPUT): Add po/Makefile.in. 25 Apr 2006: updated parts related to general config variables to handle i18n: general config variables type changed to boolean fill_config_var() created switch_option() suppressed 23 Apr 2006: progress_bar() modified to better fit the data file structure user_conf_t created to allow translation of configuration variables 22 Apr 2006: translatable strings marked for i18n manual_de.html added (german translation of calcurse manual, thanks to Michael Schultz) 20 Apr 2006: i18n.h added to prepare for internationalization src/Makefile.am updated 18 Apr 2006: code cleanup: color_config() simplified 17 Apr 2006: variable 'colorize' added color number '0' added to be able to run calcurse in black&white even on color terminals 16 Apr 2006: border_nocolor() created to correctly handle panel borders in non-color terminals 'week_begins_on_monday' option added, giving the ability to change the first day of the week (thanks to Joe's remarks) 09 Apr 2006: bugfix: stderr replaced by stdout in version_arg(), help_arg(), todo_arg(), app_arg(), date_arg(), arg_print_date(), usage() (thanks go to Soren for reporting that bug) 08 Apr 2006: html manual translated in french (manual_fr.html created) 05 Apr 2006: README file rewritten to take into account the new documentation structure 02 Apr 2006: support for non-color terminals added : window attribute levels defined in vars.h attribute_s structure created in custom.h custom_init_attr(), custom_apply_attr(), and custom_remove_attr() created in custom.c init_vars() updated in calcurse.c 30 Mar 2006: doc/ repertory created to contain calcurse documentation and its translations. Makefile.am updated to take the new repertory into account 23 Mar 2006: manual_en.html created, in order to replace the actual documentation contained in the README file 17 Mar 2006: 1.3 bugfix: newpad added in init_vars to correct a bug causing core dump on Solaris bugfix: no more wrong event duration when entering end time in [hh:mm] format bugfix: first_todo_onscreen corrected to avoid the disappearing of todo items updated the copyright text which appears with the -v flag manpage updated README updated online help updated TODO list updated 14 Mar 2006: replaced true and false #define by stdbool.h 13 Mar 2006: online help screens updated 09 Mar 2006: typedef help_page_t added to add a title to each help page help_screen() and write_help_pad() updated to use new help_page_t type 07 Mar 2006: #define true and false added in vars.h online help screens updated 06 Mar 2006: source file headers updated 26 Feb 2006: get_help_lines() created scrollbar added inside help screens 25 Feb 2006: help_screen() updated, now using a pad to display help screens write_help_pad() created 19 Feb 2006: display structure updated to take into account the scrollbars previous_item_mark() and next_item_mark() suppressed, scrollbar used instead bugfix: hilt_tod and hilt_app were not updated when deleting an item day_changed variable added and store_day() updated bugfix: pad scrolling was not updated when deleting an item in the appointment panel bugfix: scrollbar length and top position were not correct in some cases 18 Feb 2006: enum window_number created bugfix: start and end time now properly displayed when viewing an appointment in popup window bugfix: wrong highlited item when changing day fixed draw_scrollbar() created to display a real bar inside panels instead of 'v' and '^' marks update_todo_panel() and update_app_panel updated to display the scrollbar 16 Feb 2006: del_apoint() updated to take events into account 11 Feb 2006: AC_HEADR_STDBOOL added in configure.ac init_vars() created do_storage variable added to check if we really need to update the appointment panel items inside pad free_aday() and free_eday() created 09 Feb 2006: pad_s structure created get_item_line(), scroll_pad_down() and scroll_pad_up() created 05 Feb 2006: get_item_line() created 04 Feb 2006: work on the way appointment panel scrolls updated the way appointments are displayed in popup windows 28 Jan 2006: write_app_pad() improved 26 Jan 2006: improved the windows refresh order in update_windows() 25 Jan 2006: changed MAX_LENGTH to 512 the pad used to display appointments has a fixed length now 14 Jan 2006: store_day() created to speed up the appointment panel update create_app_pad(), write_app_pad(), show_app_pad() created to improve the way appointment panel scrolls 10 Jan 2006: added ifndef..define tests at the beginning of .h 08 Jan 2006: added definition of CTRL keys in vars.h added the ability to erase characters with CTRL-H when entering text (to fix a problem reported by Brendan who was not able to delete with its English keyboard) 07 Jan 2006: progress_bar() created in order to see progression while saving data to file 'skip_progress_bar' option added changed color 5 to be yellow on black and color 7 to be black on yellow (this is to draw the newly created progress bar) 31 Dec 2005: removed the -lpanel that was left in src/Makefile.am README updated add_item() and check_time() modified so that : o an appointment start time can now be entered in both hh:mm and h:mm formats o for the appointment end time, either a duration in minutes or the appointment end time can be entered help_arg() and app_arg() updated to take events into account when running calcurse in non-interactive mode arg_print_date() created to simplify app_arg() structure 27 Dec 2005: work on a better way to handle appointment and todo panels with the use of ncurses scrolling functions 26 Dec 2005: bugfix: fixed compiler warnings, thanks to Uwe 11 Dec 2005: bugfix: fixed the January 0 bug bugfix: current date is no longer highlighted in every year of the future and the past (thanks to Michael for reporting that bug) improved the way items are shown inside popup windows (variable 'show_apoint' removed, call to item_in_popup added when 'V' pressed) 10 Dec 2005: update_app_panel() and update_todo_panel() improved 04 Dec 2005: update_app_panel() updated to show events: now events are displayed first in the appointment panel, followed by an horizontal line update_cal_panel() updated to highlight days containing events in calendar view 03 Dec 2005: Loading of events implemented: load_app() updated 30 Nov 2005: Saving of events implemented 29 Nov 2005: Continuation of events item implementation add_apts() updated (it is now called add_item) to check if an appointment or an event is entered 28 Nov 2005: Replaced everything related to 'event' by 'apoint' (appointments) to prepare the incoming event items (meaning all-day long items) event.c and event.h created to deal with events Makefile.am updated 26 Nov 2005: 1.2 Fixed problems with scroller() within the help screen 20 Nov 2005: Improved the way help screens are refreshed Removed call to doupdate() inside scroller(), to prevent redondancy config_bar() and check_data_files() updated 'skip_system_dialogs' option added 19 Nov 2005: reinit_wins() created to redraw windows after resizing or layout change redraw_screen() improved and renamed it into get_screen_config() fixed cursor position (did not manage to hide it :-( 08 Nov 2005: changed all mvprintvw() calls to mvwprintw(), to improve the way calcurse interface is refreshed. 06 Nov 2005: Work on window handling : o erase_panel() suppressed because no longer used 05 Nov 2005: Handling of status bar improved : o creation of an ncurses window instead of using stdscr o erase_status_bar() replaced by erase_window_part() cal_error() replaced by status_mesg() 03 Nov 2005: ncurses library use improved: screen no longer flickers when refreshed 02 Nov 2005: erase_window_part() written to erase parts of windows 01 Nov 2005: changed abbreviation for 'Wednesday' from 'Wen' to 'Wed' panel library removed, calcurse does not use it anymore work on the windows refreshing process : update_all() created 29 Oct 2005: 1.1 source code cleaning version 1.1 released 25 Oct 2005: bugfix : Debian Bug Report #335430 regarding the GoTo today function which goes to the day calcurse was started instead of the current day is now fixed 23 Oct 2005: '-c' flag added to allow the use of multiple calendars 20 Oct 2005: manpage and README file updated configure.ac improved with the help of Michael 19 Oct 2005: '-d' flag added to list appointments for the N upcoming days or for a given day 15 Oct 2005: Cleaning up of the source code so that it follows the K&R style '-t' flag added to list todos in non interactive mode '-a' flag added to list current day's appointments in non interactive mode 13 Oct 2005: functions created to handle command-line arguments (written in args.c and args.h) '-h' and -'v' flag added to display help and version in non interactive mode 08 Oct 2005: 1.0 -> first stable release help screen updated manpage and TODO updated 06 Oct 2005: bugfix : Debian Bug Report #330869 regarding the October 0 which does not exist, is now fixed 05 Oct 2005: default options "auto-save", "confirm-quit", and "confirm-delete" set to "yes" 03 Oct 2005: manpage written README updated 13 Sep 2005: 1.0rc4 bugfix release : o some people reported a segfault while changing general options in the config screen, this no longer happens o the Makefile was not linking to proper library (-lcurse instead of -lncurse), this is fixed o Calcurse no longer ends while trying to delete an event which was just created (thanks to Alex's patch) o changed date format to be like September 13, 2005 instead of September, 13 2005 11 Sep 2005: 1.0rc3 -> first public release adding of licence header in source files 04 Sep 2005: source code splitted : creation of custom.c, custom.h update of the Makefile layout_config() : previous layout is now saved to restore it if no choice is made color_config() : previous colour is also saved as in layout_config() 31 Aug 2005: source code splitted : creation of vars.c, vars.h, io.c, io.h, help.c, help.h update of the Makefile modification of the cal_error function 30 Aug 2005: source code splitted : creation of calendar.c & calendar.h, update of the Makefile 29 Aug 2005: source code splitted : creation of utils.c & utils.h, update of the Makefile 03 Jul 2005: redraw_screen() created for initialization of screen draw_screen() optimization for slow machine 02 Jul 2005 : help screen updated is_all_digit() created to check if a string is made of digits check_event_time() created to check a new appointment time format bugfixes -> when 'G' pressed, no crash when invalid day is entered when 'V' pressed, no crash when no event is highlited Calcurse is now started in calendar view scrolling problems fixed in app or todo view first event is highlited if it is the first time a panel is visited check if an new appointment format is valid we can now move from year to year in calendar view config screen is ok in OpenBSD too now 26 Jun 2005 : 1.0rc2 translation of the Changelog writing of the README file comments in the code use of gnu autotools for building CalCurse package -> CalCurse v1.0rc2 19 Jun 2005 : scroller() improvement : the line is cut at the end of the last word, not in the middle of it, and the 'next page' and 'previous page' function was added bug concerning the event printing in popup windows solved 18 Jun 2005 : help improved 17 Jun 2005 : writing of a function to erase appointments 14 Jun 2005 : writing of a function to erase todo events adding of the confirm_delete variable 12 Jun 2005 : improvement of the status bar, it is now dependant of the terminal size adding of the terminal minimum size test adding of a scrolling function in the ToDo panel if there is more events than the panel lines creation of the ~/.calcurse repertory if it does not exist when CalCurse is launched 04 Jun 2005 : colorization of the selected event view function created to print out an event in a popup window (ok for ToDo events) active panel is now colorized 26 May 2005 : update_todo_panel() now improved :) (3 dots are added at the end of the event if it is longer than the panel size) erase_tod() created to erase the todo panel erase_tod(), erase_app() and erase_cal() linked in one single function : erase_panel() popup() created to print a popup window 25 May 2005 : tries for improving update_todo_panel() :( 18 May 2005 : changing of the status bar (different bars for calendar and other panels) 14 May 2005 : possibility to change the selected panel with TAB key 12 May 2005 : scroller() improved 20 Apr 2005 : scroller() function created help screen improved, with scroller description 10 Apr 2005 : the bug concerning the erasing of calendar lines is solved : a refresh() was missing :( -> CalCurse testing version is now almost over :) 08 Apr 2005: help menu improved, with a description for each possible action in Calcurse 07 Apr 2005 : adding of the auto-save and auto-confirm variables with tests when quitting Calcurse adding of general options in the config menu (auto-save and confirm-quit added) writing of general_config(), print_general_options(), switch_options and print_option_incolor() improvement of functions to read and save user config, to take those two new options into account 02 Apr 2005 : 1.0rc1 test function (e key) suppressed add_apts() finished goto_day() finished (we can now enter any day to go to) -> CalCurse v. 1.0rc1 ;) 01 Apr 2005 : work with Alex : ToDo events are put in right order writing of todo.h and todo.c writing of date2sec() improvement of the function to create and print the Appointments, which are now put in right order writing of event_delete_bynum() writing of a function to colorize a day which contains an event improvement of the Makefile 27 Mar 2005 : do_modifs_todo() finished : the ToDo events are now properly erased 06 Mar 2005 : improvements of do_modifs_todo() 05 Mar 2005 : extract_data() created to read the user conf from file extract_todo() becomes extract_data() -> the user config is now properly read 03 Mar 2005 : load_conf() created to load the user config 02 Mar 2005 : improvement of save_cal() to save the user configuration (creation of the file .calcurse/conf, update of check_data_files) 01 Mar 2005 : improvement of do_modifs_todo() writing of the test function (when 'e' is pressed) 27 Feb 2005: layout_config() finished adding of the GPL licence 26 Feb 2005: adding of the layout variable writing of layout_config() started 25 Feb 2005 : adding of a DEFINE for version number creation of the help page creation of the configuration menu, with color changing for now on 15 Mar 2004: beginning of the project