--- name: Bug report about: Report a bug in calcurse or calcurse-caldav --- _Please replace template text and remove irrelevant lines (including this one)._ *Before filing a new bug report, make sure you use the search function to check whether the bug has already been reported.* **Version information.** Specify the calcurse version you are using. If you are not using the most recent release (or a newer development snapshot), please upgrade first. Make sure the bug still exists before reporting a bug. If you are running a development snapshot, please specify the commit you are using (i.e. the output of `git describe --dirty`). Make sure you are not using a version with custom changes. **Bug description.** Provide a clear and concise description of what the bug is. **Reproduce.** Please try to reproduce the bug before reporting. Describe steps to reproduce the behavior. **Expected Behavior.** A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. **Screenshots.** If applicable, you can add screenshots to help explain your problem.